Votes Against Party Majority by Robert E. Cramer (D-Ala.)

Date Bill Question Vote result Position Party position
Dec. 21, 1995 H.R.4 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Dec. 20, 1995 H.R.1058 Passage, objections of the President Notwithstanding Passed Yes No
Dec. 15, 1995 H.R.1530 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Dec. 14, 1995 H.RES.306 On Agreeing to the Resolution Failed No Yes
Dec. 13, 1995 H.RES.302 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Dec. 12, 1995 H.R.2677 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Failed Yes No
Dec. 7, 1995 H.R.2099 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Dec. 6, 1995 H.R.2076 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 30, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Nov. 18, 1995 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
Nov. 17, 1995 H.R.2606 On Passage Passed Yes No
Nov. 16, 1995 H.R.2126 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 16, 1995 Recommit the Conference Report with Instructions Failed No Yes
Nov. 16, 1995 H.J.RES.122 On Passage Passed Yes No
Nov. 15, 1995 H.RES.267 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Nov. 14, 1995 H.R.2621 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Failed Yes No
Nov. 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Passed Yes No
Nov. 8, 1995 S.395 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 8, 1995 On motion to recommit the Conference Report Failed No Yes
Nov. 2, 1995 H.R.2546 On Passage Passed Yes No
Nov. 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Nov. 2, 1995 motion to instruct conferees Passed No Yes
Nov. 2, 1995 previous question on motion to instruct conferees Passed No Yes
Nov. 1, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Nov. 1, 1995 H.RES.252 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Nov. 1, 1995 H.R.1833 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 31, 1995 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
Oct. 31, 1995 H.R.2492 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 30, 1995 H.RES.247 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree Passed Yes No
Oct. 26, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Oct. 26, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed Yes No
Oct. 19, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 18, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Oct. 18, 1995 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
Oct. 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 12, 1995 Motion to recommit Conference Report with instructions Failed No Yes
Sept. 29, 1995 H.R.2126 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Failed Yes No
Sept. 29, 1995 Recommit the Conference Report with instructions Failed No Yes
Sept. 29, 1995 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
Sept. 28, 1995 H.RES.231 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 28, 1995 H.RES.232 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 28, 1995 H.R.1170 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 21, 1995 H.R.927 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 21, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 20, 1995 H.RES.225 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 7, 1995 H.R.2126 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 7, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 7, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 7, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 4, 1995 On agreeing to the Amendment, as modified Failed No Yes
Aug. 4, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 4, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 2, 1995 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
July 31, 1995 H.R.2099 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 31, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
July 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 28, 1995 On Motion that the Committee Rise Passed Yes No
July 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 26, 1995 H.R.2076 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 21, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 21, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 19, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 19, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 19, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed No Yes
July 19, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 18, 1995 H.R.1977 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 18, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 18, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 18, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 17, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 17, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 13, 1995 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
July 13, 1995 On motion the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
July 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 11, 1995 Table motion to reconsider Passed Yes No
July 11, 1995 H.RES.177 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 10, 1995 H.RES.183 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 30, 1995 H.RES.179 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 29, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 28, 1995 H.J.RES.79 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 28, 1995 H.RES.173 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 28, 1995 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
June 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment, As Amended Agreed to Yes No
June 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 22, 1995 H.R.1854 On Passage Passed No Yes
June 22, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 22, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 21, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed Yes No
June 21, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1995 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 16, 1995 H.RES.167 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 15, 1995 H.R.1530 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 13, 1995 H.RES.164 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 7, 1995 H.RES.156 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
May 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 23, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 18, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
May 17, 1995 H.RES.149 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
May 17, 1995 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
May 16, 1995 H.R.961 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 16, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 12, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 11, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 10, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 10, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 10, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment, as amended Failed No Yes
May 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 6, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed No Yes
April 5, 1995 H.R.1215 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 5, 1995 H.RES.128 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
April 4, 1995 On agreeing to the Amendments En Bloc Failed Yes No
March 30, 1995 H.RES.121 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 29, 1995 H.J.RES.73 On Passage Failed Yes No
March 29, 1995 On agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Failed Yes No
March 29, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 29, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 28, 1995 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
March 24, 1995 H.R.4 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 23, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 1995 H.R.956 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 9, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 9, 1995 H.RES.109 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 7, 1995 H.RES.105 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 6, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 3, 1995 H.R.9 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 3, 1995 H.R.925 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 3, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 2, 1995 H.RES.101 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 1, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 28, 1995 H.R.1022 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 28, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Feb. 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 28, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 27, 1995 H.RES.96 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Feb. 24, 1995 H.R.450 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 24, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 24, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 23, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 23, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 23, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Feb. 22, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 22, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 22, 1995 H.R.889 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 22, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 22, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 22, 1995 H.RES.92 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Feb. 16, 1995 H.R.7 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 16, 1995 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 16, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment, as amended Failed No Yes
Feb. 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Feb. 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Feb. 15, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Feb. 15, 1995 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
Feb. 14, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 13, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 10, 1995 H.R.667 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 10, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 8, 1995 H.R.729 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Feb. 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 8, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 8, 1995 H.R.666 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 7, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 7, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 6, 1995 H.R.2 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Feb. 2, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 1, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 1, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Jan. 31, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 30, 1995 on agreeing to the amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 27, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 27, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 26, 1995 On Passage Passed Yes No
Jan. 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Jan. 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 26, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Jan. 25, 1995 H.RES.44 On Agreeing to the Resolution, as Amended Passed Yes No
Jan. 24, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 24, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 23, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 23, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 23, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 23, 1995 On agreeing to the amendments en bloc Failed No Yes
Jan. 20, 1995 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 4, 1995 ON AGREEING TO SEC. 108 Passed Yes No
Jan. 4, 1995 ON AGREEING TO SEC. 106 Passed Yes No
Jan. 4, 1995 H.RES.5 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 27, 1996 S.1505 Suspend the rules and pass Passed Yes No
Sept. 27, 1996 H.R.3539 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Sept. 26, 1996 H.R.3752 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Failed Yes No
Sept. 25, 1996 H.R.4134 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 25, 1996 H.R.2202 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Sept. 25, 1996 Recommit conference report with instructions Failed No Yes
Sept. 25, 1996 H.RES.528 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 19, 1996 H.R.1833 Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding Passed Yes No
Sept. 19, 1996 On Motion to Discharge the Judiciary Committee Passed Yes No
Sept. 11, 1996 H.R.3759 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Failed No Yes
Sept. 11, 1996 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
Sept. 5, 1996 H.R.3308 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 5, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Aug. 1, 1996 H.R.3845 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed No Yes
Aug. 1, 1996 H.R.123 On Passage Passed Yes No
Aug. 1, 1996 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Aug. 1, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 1, 1996 H.RES.499 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 31, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 31, 1996 H.RES.495 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 31, 1996 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
July 25, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 24, 1996 H.R.3814 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 24, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 23, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 22, 1996 H.R.3845 On Passage Passed No Yes
July 22, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 18, 1996 H.R.3734 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 18, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 17, 1996 H.R.3756 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 17, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 16, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 12, 1996 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
July 11, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 11, 1996 H.RES.474 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 10, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 28, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 1996 H.R.3666 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 26, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 26, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 25, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 19, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 13, 1996 H.R.2754 On Passage Passed No Yes
June 13, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 12, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 11, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 6, 1996 H.R.3562 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 5, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 5, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 23, 1996 On agreeing to Subsecs. A, B, & C of the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 22, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 22, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 16, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 15, 1996 H.R.3230 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 15, 1996 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 10, 1996 H.RES.430 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
May 9, 1996 H.R.956 Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding Failed Yes No
May 9, 1996 H.R.2406 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 9, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 8, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 1, 1996 H.R.2149 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 25, 1996 H.RES.412 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
April 24, 1996 H.R.1675 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 18, 1996 H.RES.405 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
April 18, 1996 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
April 15, 1996 H.J.RES.159 On Passage Failed Yes No
April 15, 1996 table motion to reconsider Passed Yes No
April 15, 1996 Consideration of H.J. Res. 159, as Amended Passed Yes No
April 15, 1996 Table the Motion to Reconsider Passed Yes No
April 15, 1996 H.RES.395 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 29, 1996 H.R.956 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
March 29, 1996 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
March 28, 1996 H.R.3103 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 27, 1996 H.R.1833 Agree to Senate Amendments Passed Yes No
March 27, 1996 H.RES.389 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 22, 1996 H.R.125 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 22, 1996 H.RES.388 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 21, 1996 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
March 21, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 20, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 19, 1996 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
March 14, 1996 H.R.2703 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 14, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 14, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 13, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Feb. 29, 1996 H.R.2854 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 29, 1996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1996 Recommit Conference Report With Instructions Failed No Yes
Jan. 31, 1996 H.RES.349 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree Failed Yes No
Jan. 24, 1996 S.1124 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Jan. 3, 1996 H.R.2076 Passage, Objection of the President Notwithstanding Failed Yes No
Jan. 3, 1996 H.R.1530 Passage, the Objections of the President Notwithstanding Failed Yes No
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