Votes Against Party Majority by Calvin M. Dooley (D-Calif.)

Date Bill Question Vote result Position Party position
Nov. 13, 1997 H.RES.330 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Nov. 12, 1997 H.RES.319 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed No Yes
Nov. 10, 1997 H.R.2920 On motion to suspend the rules and pass Passed No Yes
Nov. 8, 1997 H.R.2534 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Nov. 8, 1997 H.R.2631 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed No Yes
Nov. 6, 1997 H.R.2605 On Passage Passed No Yes
Nov. 5, 1997 H.R.2358 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Nov. 4, 1997 H.R.2644 Suspend the rules and pass Failed Yes No
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.1270 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.1270 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2493 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2493 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2493 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 1997 H.R.2493 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 1997 H.RES.284 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 29, 1997 H.RES.283 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 24, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
Oct. 24, 1997 H.R.2247 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Oct. 24, 1997 H.RES.277 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 22, 1997 H.RES.270 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 22, 1997 H.R.1534 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 22, 1997 H.R.1534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 8, 1997 H.R.901 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.1127 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 7, 1997 H.R.1127 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Oct. 1, 1997 H.R.2007 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Failed Yes No
Oct. 1, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
Sept. 30, 1997 H.R.1370 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Sept. 30, 1997 H.R.1370 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
Sept. 30, 1997 H.R.1370 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
Sept. 30, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
Sept. 25, 1997 H.R.2267 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
Sept. 25, 1997 H.R.2267 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Sept. 25, 1997 H.R.2267 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
Sept. 24, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
July 30, 1997 H.RES.201 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 29, 1997 H.R.2266 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 25, 1997 H.R.2203 On Agreeing to the Substitute Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 25, 1997 H.R.2203 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider Passed Yes No
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider Passed Yes No
July 24, 1997 strike the enacting clause Failed No Yes
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Motion that the Committee Rise Failed No Yes
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 1997 H.R.2160 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
July 23, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
July 23, 1997 H.R.2003 On Passage Failed Yes No
July 23, 1997 H.R.2003 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed Yes No
July 9, 1997 H.R.1775 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 1997 H.R.2014 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 25, 1997 H.R.2015 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 25, 1997 H.R.1119 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 24, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 23, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 20, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 19, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 19, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
June 11, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 11, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 11, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 10, 1997 H.R.1757 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 21, 1997 H.R.408 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 21, 1997 H.CON.RES.84 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 21, 1997 H.CON.RES.84 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 14, 1997 H.R.2 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 14, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 13, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 13, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 13, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 8, 1997 H.R.3 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 8, 1997 H.R.3 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 7, 1997 H.R.478 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 7, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 6, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 6, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 1, 1997 H.R.2 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 1, 1997 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
April 29, 1997 H.R.1342 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Passed No Yes
March 19, 1997 H.R.1 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 19, 1997 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 19, 1997 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 19, 1997 H.RES.99 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 18, 1997 H.R.412 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Dec. 19, 1998 On Approving the Journal Passed Yes No
Oct. 10, 1998 S.852 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Oct. 9, 1998 H.R.3150 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 9, 1998 H.R.3150 Recommit Conference Report with Instructions Failed No Yes
Oct. 7, 1998 H.R.4104 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 2, 1998 H.R.4101 Recommit the Conference Report with Instructions Failed No Yes
Sept. 28, 1998 H.R.3150 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Passed No Yes
Sept. 28, 1998 H.R.3891 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Failed Yes No
Sept. 25, 1998 H.R.2621 On Passage Failed Yes No
Sept. 24, 1998 H.R.3736 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 17, 1998 H.R.4569 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 16, 1998 H.R.4300 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Sept. 15, 1998 S.2073 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Aug. 6, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Present No
Aug. 5, 1998 H.R.4276 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 5, 1998 H.R.4276 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Aug. 3, 1998 H.R.3743 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended Passed No Yes
July 29, 1998 H.R.4194 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 29, 1998 H.R.4194 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
July 29, 1998 H.RES.511 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 23, 1998 H.R.4194 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 21, 1998 H.R.4193 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 21, 1998 H.R.4193 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 20, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 16, 1998 H.R.4104 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 15, 1998 H.R.3267 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 14, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 25, 1998 H.RES.485 On Agreeing to the Resolution Failed Yes No
June 24, 1998 H.R.4101 On Passage Passed No Yes
June 24, 1998 H.R.4101 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 23, 1998 H.R.4101 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 23, 1998 H.R.4101 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 17, 1998 H.R.2183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Present No
June 11, 1998 H.R.3494 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 11, 1998 H.R.2888 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 11, 1998 H.R.2888 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.R.3150 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 1998 H.RES.462 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 10, 1998 H.RES.462 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
June 10, 1998 H.RES.462 On Consideration of the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 9, 1998 H.R.2709 On Agreeing to the Senate Amendments Passed No Yes
May 22, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn Failed Yes No
May 21, 1998 H.R.2400 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed Yes No
May 21, 1998 H.R.3616 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 20, 1998 H.R.3616 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 20, 1998 H.RES.441 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
May 19, 1998 H.R.3534 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 19, 1998 H.R.3534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 19, 1998 H.R.3534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 19, 1998 H.R.3534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 14, 1998 H.R.2431 On Passage Passed No Yes
May 13, 1998 H.R.10 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 13, 1998 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 6, 1998 H.R.1872 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 30, 1998 H.R.3579 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
April 23, 1998 H.R.1252 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 1, 1998 H.R.2400 On Passage Passed No Yes
April 1, 1998 H.R.2400 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 1, 1998 H.R.2400 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 1, 1998 H.RES.405 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed No Yes
March 27, 1998 H.R.2515 On Passage Failed Yes No
March 27, 1998 H.R.2515 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
March 26, 1998 H.R.3310 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 12, 1998 H.R.992 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
March 11, 1998 H.RES.383 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.1544 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.1544 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.2181 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 25, 1998 H.R.1544 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 5, 1998 H.R.2631 Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding Passed No Yes
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