Votes Missed by Elizabeth Furse (-)

Date Bill Question Intended Vote Vote result Yes - No Party position
Dec. 19, 1998 H.RES.614 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 228 - 190 N/A
Oct. 15, 1998 S.1132 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Failed 194 - 190 N/A
Oct. 15, 1998 S.2133 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Failed 201 - 190 N/A
Oct. 15, 1998 S.1733 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 386 - 1 N/A
Oct. 15, 1998 H.RES.598 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree None offered Passed 345 - 44 N/A
Oct. 7, 1998 H.RES.573 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 225 - 198 N/A
Sept. 26, 1998 H.R.4579 On Passage None offered Passed 229 - 195 N/A
Sept. 26, 1998 H.R.4579 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 197 - 227 N/A
Sept. 26, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 334 - 50 N/A
Sept. 25, 1998 H.R.2621 On Passage None offered Failed 180 - 243 N/A
Sept. 25, 1998 H.RES.553 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 230 - 193 N/A
Sept. 14, 1998 S.2206 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 346 - 20 N/A
Sept. 11, 1998 H.RES.525 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 363 - 63 N/A
Sept. 10, 1998 H.R.3892 On Passage None offered Passed 221 - 189 N/A
Sept. 10, 1998 H.R.3892 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 230 - 184 N/A
Sept. 10, 1998 H.R.3892 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 205 - 208 N/A
Sept. 10, 1998 H.R.2538 On Passage None offered Passed 223 - 187 N/A
Sept. 10, 1998 H.R.2863 On Passage None offered Passed 322 - 90 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.RES.459 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended None offered Passed 400 - 0 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.R.1560 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 398 - 2 N/A
Sept. 9, 1998 H.R.678 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 397 - 1 N/A
Aug. 4, 1998 H.R.4276 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 172 - 251 N/A
July 28, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Passed 392 - 0 N/A
June 5, 1998 H.CON.RES.284 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 216 - 204 N/A
June 5, 1998 H.CON.RES.284 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 164 - 257 N/A
June 5, 1998 H.CON.RES.284 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 158 - 262 N/A
June 5, 1998 H.R.3989 On Passage None offered Failed 0 - 421 N/A
June 5, 1998 H.R.3989 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 0 - 416 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.RES.455 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 216 - 197 N/A
June 4, 1998 S.1150 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 364 - 50 N/A
June 4, 1998 S.1150 On Consideration of the Conference Report None offered Passed 324 - 91 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.CON.RES.285 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 305 - 116 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.J.RES.78 On Passage None offered Failed 224 - 203 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.J.RES.78 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 203 - 223 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.J.RES.78 On agreeing to Part 2 of the amendment None offered Failed 23 - 399 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.J.RES.78 On Agreeing to Part 1 of the amendment None offered Failed 6 - 419 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.R.3433 On Passage None offered Passed 410 - 1 N/A
June 4, 1998 H.RES.453 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 248 - 169 N/A
June 3, 1998 H.R.3630 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 391 - 0 N/A
June 3, 1998 H.R.3808 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 389 - 0 N/A
June 3, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 354 - 35 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2400 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 297 - 86 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2400 Recommit Conference Report With Instructions None offered Failed 190 - 195 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.RES.449 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 359 - 29 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.R.2676 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Passed 388 - 1 N/A
May 22, 1998 H.RES.446 On Agreeing to the Resolution As Amended None offered Failed 120 - 289 N/A
May 22, 1998 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 59 - 304 N/A
May 5, 1998 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 220 - 187 N/A
May 5, 1998 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 172 - 234 N/A
May 5, 1998 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 112 - 286 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.R.2870 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 335 - 79 N/A
March 19, 1998 H.R.2870 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 416 - 1 N/A
March 12, 1998 H.R.992 On Passage None offered Passed 230 - 180 N/A
March 12, 1998 H.R.992 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 206 - 206 N/A
March 12, 1998 H.R.2883 On Passage None offered Passed 242 - 168 N/A
March 12, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 368 - 43 N/A
March 12, 1998 H.RES.384 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 412 - 0 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Passage None offered Passed 233 - 186 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 193 - 224 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 156 - 258 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.R.1432 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 81 - 334 N/A
March 11, 1998 H.RES.383 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 227 - 190 N/A
March 10, 1998 S.419 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 405 - 2 N/A
March 10, 1998 H.CON.RES.206 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree None offered Passed 406 - 0 N/A
March 10, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 365 - 39 N/A
March 4, 1998 H.R.856 On Agreeing to the Amendment, as amended None offered Agreed to 265 - 153 N/A
Feb. 24, 1998 H.R.424 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Passed 350 - 59 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.R.1428 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended None offered Failed 210 - 200 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.RES.355 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 378 - 33 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 H.RES.355 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 194 - 215 N/A
Feb. 12, 1998 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 353 - 43 N/A
Feb. 5, 1998 H.R.2631 Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding None offered Passed 347 - 69 N/A
Jan. 27, 1998 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Nov. 13, 1997 S.CON.RES.68 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 205 - 193 N/A
Nov. 13, 1997 H.CON.RES.137 On motion to suspend the rules and agree None offered Passed 396 - 2 N/A
Nov. 13, 1997 H.RES.330 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 285 - 113 N/A
Nov. 13, 1997 H.R.2159 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 333 - 76 N/A
Nov. 6, 1997 H.R.2570 On Passage None offered Passed 415 - 1 N/A
Nov. 5, 1997 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Oct. 29, 1997 H.RES.139 Suspend the rules and agree, as amended None offered Passed 310 - 99 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.233 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 289 - 65 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.233 On Motion to Table None offered Failed 86 - 291 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 258 - 154 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 176 - 236 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 221 - 194 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 181 - 236 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 228 - 193 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.168 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 420 - 0 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 H.RES.230 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 227 - 191 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 337 - 78 N/A
Sept. 18, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 41 - 370 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 57 - 359 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 H.R.2378 On Passage None offered Passed 231 - 192 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 H.R.2264 On Passage None offered Passed 346 - 80 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 39 - 364 N/A
Sept. 17, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 43 - 355 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 H.R.2264 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 225 - 195 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 H.R.2264 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 295 - 125 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 S.562 Suspend the rules and Pass, as amended None offered Passed 422 - 1 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 H.CON.RES.134 Suspend the rules and agree, as amended None offered Passed 421 - 0 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 S.910 Suspend the rules and pass None offered Passed 421 - 0 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 H.R.2016 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 413 - 12 N/A
Sept. 16, 1997 H.RES.228 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 238 - 189 N/A
Sept. 4, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 363 - 46 N/A
Sept. 3, 1997 H.R.2209 On Motion to Instruct Conferees None offered Failed 202 - 208 N/A
July 17, 1997 On Motion that the Committee Rise None offered Passed 344 - 73 N/A
July 17, 1997 On Motion that the Committee Rise None offered Failed 189 - 232 N/A
July 17, 1997 H.R.2160 On Motion that the Committee Rise None offered Failed 191 - 233 N/A
July 17, 1997 H.R.2160 Table reconsider resolving into Committee None offered Passed 238 - 188 N/A
June 20, 1997 H.R.1119 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 145 - 253 N/A
June 3, 1997 H.R.1420 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 407 - 1 N/A
April 24, 1997 H.R.1275 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 186 - 226 N/A
April 24, 1997 H.R.1275 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 112 - 305 N/A
April 23, 1997 H.R.400 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 133 - 280 N/A
April 23, 1997 H.R.400 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 220 - 193 N/A
April 23, 1997 H.R.400 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 167 - 242 N/A
April 23, 1997 H.R.400 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 185 - 224 N/A
March 11, 1997 H.R.750 Suspend the rules and pass, as amended None offered Passed 416 - 1 N/A
March 11, 1997 H.RES.68 Suspend the rules and agree, as amended None offered Passed 403 - 16 N/A
March 11, 1997 H.CON.RES.16 Suspend the rules and agree, as amended None offered Passed 415 - 1 N/A
March 6, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 84 - 312 N/A
March 6, 1997 H.R.513 Suspend the rules and pass None offered Passed 390 - 7 N/A
March 6, 1997 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 355 - 43 N/A
March 6, 1997 On Motion to Adjourn None offered Failed 75 - 293 N/A
Feb. 5, 1997 H.R.499 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 400 - 0 N/A
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