Bills Cosponsored by Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.)

Sen. Landrieu cosponsored 269 bills in the 113th Congress (2013-14). See other congresses: 112th | 111th | 110th | 109th | 108th | 107th | 106th | 105th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Dec. 16, 2014 S.2971: Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Referred to committee
Nov. 17, 2014 S.1086: Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.)
Became law
Nov. 17, 2014 S.RES.580: A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.)
On the floor of the Senate
Nov. 13, 2014 S.2689: Medicare CGM Access Act of 2014 Susan Collins (R-Maine)
Referred to committee
Nov. 13, 2014 S.2924: A bill to amend title 46, United States Code, to exempt old vessels that only operate within inland waterways from the fire-retardant materials requirement if the owners of such vessels make annual structural alterations to at least 10 percent of the area Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Referred to committee
Nov. 12, 2014 S.2591: Girls Count Act of 2014 Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.2714: World War I American Veterans Centennial Commemorative Coin Act Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.RES.562: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that performance-based contracts for energy savings are a budget-neutral means to support the Federal Government in reducing its energy consumption without increasing spending while simultaneously supporting Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 18, 2014 S.RES.574: A resolution designating the week of September 20 through September 27, 2014, as "National Estuaries Week". Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 18, 2014 S.2900: Livable Communities Act of 2014 Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 17, 2014 S.RES.552: A resolution supporting Lights on Afterschool, a national celebration of afterschool programs held on October 23, 2014. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 17, 2014 S.RES.556: A resolution designating the week beginning on October 12, 2014, as National Wildlife Refuge Week. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 17, 2014 S.RES.557: A resolution designating the week beginning October 19, 2014, as "National Character Counts Week". Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 16, 2014 S.RES.541: A resolution recognizing the severe threat that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses to populations, governments, and economies across Africa and, if not properly contained, to regions across the globe, and expressing support for those affected by this Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 16, 2014 S.RES.548: A resolution designating November 29, 2014, as "Small Business Saturday" and supporting efforts to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 11, 2014 S.2258: Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2014 Mark Begich (D-Alaska)
Became law
Sept. 9, 2014 S.RES.539: A resolution relative to the death of James M. Jeffords, former United States Senator for the State of Vermont. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)
On the floor of the Senate
Sept. 8, 2014 S.1688: Office of Strategic Services Congressional Gold Medal Act Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.)
Referred to committee
Sept. 8, 2014 S.RES.536: A resolution designating September 2014 as "National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month". Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.)
On the floor of the Senate
July 31, 2014 S.2309: Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act of 2014 Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)
Referred to committee
July 31, 2014 S.2709: Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2014 Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
July 30, 2014 S.RES.530: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to protect religious minorities from persecution from the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
On the floor of the Senate
July 30, 2014 S.2694: Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2014 S.234: Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2013 Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2014 S.759: Military Spouse Job Continuity Act of 2013 Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2014 S.1397: Federal Permitting Improvement Act of 2013 Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
In committee
July 29, 2014 S.2182: Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act John Walsh (D-Mont.)
Referred to committee
July 29, 2014 S.RES.511: A resolution establishing best business practices to fully utilize the potential of the United States. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)
Referred to committee
July 28, 2014 S.1040: A bill to provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence, good sportsmanship, and philanthropy. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
Referred to committee
July 28, 2014 S.1562: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014 Bernard Sanders (ID-Vt.)
Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar
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