Votes Against Party Majority by Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.)

Rep. Smith voted against a majority of House Republicans 210 times (13.1%) in the 111th Congress (2009-10). The average House Republican voted against his or her party 6.8% of the time. See other congresses: 118th | 117th | 116th | 115th | 114th | 113th | 112th | 110th | 109th | 108th | 107th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 103rd | 102nd

See all votes
Party avg 6.8%
Date Bill Question Vote result Position Party position
Dec. 21, 2010 H.R.5116 On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment Passed Yes No
Dec. 8, 2010 H.R.5987 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
Nov. 18, 2010 H.R.6419 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
Sept. 29, 2010 H.R.512 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Sept. 29, 2010 H.R.6160 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Sept. 29, 2010 H.R.847 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 23, 2010 H.R.4823 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
July 30, 2010 H.R.3534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 30, 2010 H.R.5851 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 29, 2010 H.R.5850 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 29, 2010 H.R.5850 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 29, 2010 H.R.5850 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 29, 2010 H.R.847 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
July 29, 2010 H.R.5850 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 22, 2010 H.R.4213 On Motion to Concur in the Senate amdt to the House amdt to the Senate amdt Passed Yes No
July 21, 2010 H.R.725 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate Amendment Passed Yes No
July 14, 2010 H.R.1722 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 13, 2010 H.R.4438 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
July 1, 2010 H.R.5618 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 29, 2010 H.R.5618 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Failed Yes No
June 24, 2010 H.R.5175 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 10, 2010 H.R.5072 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 2010 H.R.5072 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 10, 2010 H.R.5072 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 27, 2010 H.R.5136 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 18, 2010 H.R.2288 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
May 5, 2010 H.RES.1301 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended Passed Yes No
April 29, 2010 H.R.2499 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 15, 2010 H.R.4851 On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment Passed Yes No
April 15, 2010 H.R.4715 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 15, 2010 H.R.4715 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 25, 2010 H.R.1586 On Concurring in Senate Amendments, With Amendment to Senate Amendment To Text Passed Yes No
March 20, 2010 H.R.1612 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 19, 2010 H.R.4003 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
March 19, 2010 H.R.3671 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
March 17, 2010 H.RES.1184 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree Passed Yes No
March 12, 2010 H.R.3650 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 9, 2010 H.R.3650 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
March 3, 2010 H.R.4247 On Passage Passed Yes No
Dec. 11, 2009 H.R.4173 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Dec. 2, 2009 H.R.515 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Dec. 1, 2009 H.R.3029 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Nov. 19, 2009 H.R.2781 On Passage Passed Yes No
Nov. 6, 2009 H.R.2868 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Nov. 4, 2009 H.R.3639 On Passage Passed Yes No
Nov. 4, 2009 H.R.3639 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Oct. 29, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 22, 2009 H.R.3585 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 22, 2009 H.R.3585 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 15, 2009 H.R.2442 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 15, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 7, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 7, 2009 H.RES.701 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree Passed Yes No
Oct. 1, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Sept. 29, 2009 H.R.905 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
Sept. 17, 2009 H.R.3221 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 17, 2009 H.R.3221 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 16, 2009 H.R.3246 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 10, 2009 H.R.965 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 8, 2009 H.R.324 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Failed Yes No
July 31, 2009 H.R.3435 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
July 30, 2009 H.R.1752 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
July 30, 2009 H.R.2749 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 30, 2009 H.CON.RES.172 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 30, 2009 H.R.3326 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 30, 2009 H.R.3326 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 29, 2009 H.R.2749 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
July 28, 2009 H.R.556 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
July 24, 2009 H.R.3293 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 24, 2009 H.R.3293 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2009 H.R.3288 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 21, 2009 H.R.2729 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
July 20, 2009 On Approving the Journal Passed Yes No
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2009 H.R.1018 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 16, 2009 H.R.3170 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 15, 2009 H.R.3183 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 9, 2009 H.R.3081 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.3081 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2009 H.R.2997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 26, 2009 H.R.2454 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 26, 2009 H.R.2454 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2009 H.R.2996 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 25, 2009 H.R.2647 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 H.R.2892 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2009 On Motion to Adjourn Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Motion to Reconsider Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Motion to Reconsider Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Motion to Reconsider Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2009 H.R.2847 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 12, 2009 H.R.1256 On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment Passed Yes No
June 9, 2009 H.R.2751 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
June 4, 2009 H.R.626 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 4, 2009 H.R.626 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
June 4, 2009 H.R.626 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 3, 2009 H.RES.500 Motion to Refer Passed Yes No
May 21, 2009 H.R.915 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 21, 2009 H.R.915 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 14, 2009 H.R.2187 Amendment to Title Failed No Yes
May 14, 2009 H.R.2187 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 14, 2009 H.R.2187 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 13, 2009 H.R.2187 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 7, 2009 H.R.1728 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 7, 2009 H.R.1728 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 30, 2009 H.R.627 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 30, 2009 H.R.627 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
April 29, 2009 H.R.1913 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 23, 2009 H.R.1145 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 21, 2009 H.R.411 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed Yes No
April 21, 2009 H.R.388 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
April 2, 2009 H.CON.RES.85 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 2, 2009 H.CON.RES.85 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 2, 2009 H.R.1256 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 2, 2009 H.R.1256 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 2, 2009 H.R.1256 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 31, 2009 H.RES.279 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
March 31, 2009 H.R.1388 On Motion To Concur in the Senate Amendments Passed Yes No
March 26, 2009 H.R.1404 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 25, 2009 H.R.146 On Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments Passed Yes No
March 18, 2009 H.R.1388 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 18, 2009 H.R.1388 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 18, 2009 H.R.1388 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
March 12, 2009 H.R.1262 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 12, 2009 H.R.1262 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 11, 2009 S.22 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
Feb. 25, 2009 H.RES.184 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed No Yes
Feb. 25, 2009 H.RES.184 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed No Yes
Feb. 24, 2009 H.R.80 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
Feb. 23, 2009 H.R.44 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
Feb. 23, 2009 H.R.911 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
Feb. 4, 2009 S.352 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 4, 2009 H.R.2 On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment Passed Yes No
Jan. 28, 2009 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 28, 2009 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 28, 2009 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 28, 2009 S.328 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
Jan. 27, 2009 S.181 On Passage Passed Yes No
Jan. 15, 2009 H.R.384 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 15, 2009 H.R.384 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Jan. 14, 2009 H.R.2 On Passage Passed Yes No
Jan. 14, 2009 H.R.2 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Jan. 9, 2009 H.R.11 On Passage Passed Yes No
Jan. 9, 2009 H.R.12 On Passage Passed Yes No
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