Votes Missed by Robert F. Smith (-)

Date Bill Question Intended Vote Vote result Yes - No Party position
Nov. 29, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 223 - 152 N/A
Oct. 7, 1994 H.RES.579 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 348 - 3 N/A
Oct. 6, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 27 - 398 N/A
Oct. 6, 1994 On Passage None offered Passed 236 - 182 N/A
Oct. 6, 1994 H.RES.568 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 242 - 140 N/A
Oct. 6, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 258 - 167 N/A
Oct. 6, 1994 Call in Committee None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Sept. 30, 1994 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 262 - 132 N/A
Sept. 30, 1994 MOTION TO RECOMMIT THECONFERENCE REPORT None offered Failed 184 - 215 N/A
Sept. 30, 1994 H.RES.556 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 230 - 168 N/A
Sept. 30, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 212 - 136 N/A
Sept. 13, 1994 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 368 - 5 N/A
Sept. 13, 1994 MOTION TO CLOSE THE CONFERENCE None offered Passed 376 - 0 N/A
Sept. 13, 1994 ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 318 - 64 N/A
Sept. 13, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 214 - 141 N/A
Sept. 12, 1994 RECEDE AND CONCUR IN SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 87 None offered Passed 222 - 148 N/A
Sept. 12, 1994 RECEDE AND CONCUR IN SENATE ADT NO. 28 WITHAMENDMENT None offered Passed 189 - 180 N/A
Sept. 12, 1994 H.R.4624 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 313 - 61 N/A
Aug. 17, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 228 - 154 N/A
July 19, 1994 H.R.8 SUSPEND RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 372 - 40 N/A
July 14, 1994 H.RES.474 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 188 - 157 N/A
July 13, 1994 ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 289 - 121 N/A
June 29, 1994 ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 348 - 62 N/A
June 29, 1994 H.R.4650 On Passage None offered Passed 330 - 91 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 366 - 37 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 185 - 214 N/A
June 27, 1994 H.R.4603 On Passage None offered Passed 286 - 112 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 178 - 228 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 148 - 256 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 318 - 89 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 268 - 139 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 284 - 122 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 89 - 317 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 128 - 272 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 110 - 282 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 161 - 227 N/A
June 27, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 156 - 230 N/A
June 24, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 184 - 184 N/A
June 24, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 190 - 192 N/A
June 24, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 160 - 241 N/A
June 24, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 171 - 212 N/A
June 17, 1994 H.R.4554 On Passage None offered Passed 278 - 127 N/A
June 17, 1994 ON MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT None offered Passed 232 - 146 N/A
June 17, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 139 - 264 N/A
June 8, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 414 - 3 N/A
June 8, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 68 - 349 N/A
June 8, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 227 - 192 N/A
June 8, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 263 - 156 N/A
June 8, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 415 - 1 N/A
May 17, 1994 H.R.4277 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 413 - 0 N/A
May 17, 1994 H.RES.422 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 248 - 165 N/A
May 17, 1994 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 245 - 172 N/A
May 17, 1994 H.R.2473 On Passage None offered Passed 308 - 111 N/A
May 17, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 142 - 283 N/A
May 17, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 182 - 244 N/A
May 17, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 238 - 158 N/A
May 3, 1994 H.R.3191 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 335 - 60 N/A
April 13, 1994 H.RES.401 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 244 - 176 N/A
April 13, 1994 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS None offered Passed 283 - 136 N/A
April 13, 1994 H.R.2843 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Failed 264 - 154 N/A
April 13, 1994 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 288 - 130 N/A
April 13, 1994 H.R.3770 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS None offered Passed 417 - 1 N/A
April 13, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 261 - 153 N/A
April 12, 1994 H.R.3693 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS None offered Passed 408 - 0 N/A
April 12, 1994 H.R.4066 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 406 - 1 N/A
March 17, 1994 MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 398 - 2 N/A
Feb. 23, 1994 MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 367 - 55 N/A
Feb. 23, 1994 H.RES.343 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 361 - 34 N/A
Feb. 23, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 250 - 160 N/A
Feb. 11, 1994 H.R.3759 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 245 - 65 N/A
Feb. 10, 1994 ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 390 - 1 N/A
Feb. 10, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 187 - 227 N/A
Feb. 8, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 235 - 147 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 H.R.3759 On Passage None offered Passed 337 - 74 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions None offered Failed 184 - 228 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 415 - 2 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 178 - 240 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 207 - 211 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 158 - 260 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 H.RES.336 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 342 - 65 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Ordering the Previous Question None offered Passed 244 - 168 N/A
Feb. 3, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 245 - 144 N/A
Feb. 2, 1994 H.RES.312 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Failed 191 - 227 N/A
Feb. 2, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 237 - 154 N/A
Jan. 26, 1994 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 247 - 140 N/A
Jan. 25, 1994 Call of the House None offered Passed 0 - 0 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 235 - 191 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 H.R.1025 AGREEING TO CONFERENCEREPORT None offered Passed 238 - 187 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 H.R.3167 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 320 - 105 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 H.R.3400 On Passage None offered Passed 429 - 1 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Agreed to 277 - 153 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 184 - 248 N/A
Nov. 22, 1993 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 219 - 141 N/A
Nov. 21, 1993 TABLE THE MOTION TO RECONSIDER None offered Passed 250 - 161 N/A
Nov. 8, 1993 H.R.2440 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 353 - 49 N/A
Nov. 8, 1993 H.RES.293 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 390 - 8 N/A
Oct. 28, 1993 H.R.334 On Passage None offered Passed 228 - 184 N/A
Oct. 28, 1993 On Agreeing to the Amendment None offered Failed 178 - 238 N/A
Oct. 28, 1993 On Passage None offered Passed 256 - 157 N/A
Oct. 28, 1993 H.RES.287 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 252 - 170 N/A
Sept. 29, 1993 H.R.2403 On Agreeing to the Conference Report None offered Passed 207 - 206 N/A
July 14, 1993 ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 415 - 0 N/A
July 14, 1993 SUBSTITUTE FOR THE MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 235 - 183 N/A
July 13, 1993 H.RES.215 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 239 - 159 N/A
June 14, 1993 H.R.2202 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 365 - 2 N/A
June 14, 1993 H.R.2201 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS None offered Passed 305 - 61 N/A
May 24, 1993 H.R.588 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 306 - 3 N/A
May 24, 1993 H.RES.172 On Agreeing to the Resolution None offered Passed 308 - 0 N/A
March 30, 1993 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 248 - 150 N/A
March 29, 1993 ON MOTION TO ADJOURN None offered Failed 155 - 221 N/A
March 29, 1993 H.R.829 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS, AS AMENDED None offered Passed 374 - 4 N/A
March 29, 1993 H.R.175 SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS None offered Passed 367 - 6 N/A
March 29, 1993 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 231 - 137 N/A
March 25, 1993 MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES None offered Passed 413 - 0 N/A
Feb. 16, 1993 H.R.750 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass None offered Passed 330 - 54 N/A
Feb. 16, 1993 H.CON.RES.34 SUSPEND THE RULES AND AGREE AS AMENDED None offered Passed 382 - 0 N/A
Jan. 27, 1993 On Approving the Journal None offered Passed 246 - 146 N/A
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