Votes Against Party Majority by Charles W. Stenholm (D-Texas)

Date Bill Question Vote result Position Party position
Nov. 22, 2003 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 21, 2003 H.R.1904 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 20, 2003 H.R.253 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Passed No Yes
Nov. 20, 2003 H.R.2417 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 18, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Nov. 18, 2003 H.RES.443 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Nov. 7, 2003 H.R.6 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
Nov. 6, 2003 H.R.1829 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Nov. 6, 2003 H.R.1829 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Nov. 5, 2003 H.R.2443 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 31, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 30, 2003 H.R.6 On motion to instruct conferees Failed No Yes
Oct. 30, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 30, 2003 H.R.2691 On Motion to Recommit the Conference Report Failed No Yes
Oct. 29, 2003 H.RES.418 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 29, 2003 H.RES.417 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Oct. 28, 2003 H.R.2359 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended Failed Yes No
Oct. 17, 2003 H.R.3289 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 17, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 16, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 16, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 16, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 16, 2003 H.R.3289 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 15, 2003 H.R.6 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Passed No Yes
Oct. 7, 2003 H.R.1 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed Yes No
Oct. 2, 2003 H.R.2660 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Passed No Yes
Oct. 2, 2003 S.3 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Sept. 23, 2003 H.R.1409 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Passed Yes No
Sept. 17, 2003 H.R.7 On Passage Passed No Yes
Sept. 10, 2003 H.R.2622 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Sept. 10, 2003 H.R.2622 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 10, 2003 H.R.2622 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 9, 2003 H.R.2989 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 9, 2003 H.R.2989 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Sept. 9, 2003 H.R.2989 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Sept. 5, 2003 H.R.6 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
Sept. 4, 2003 H.RES.351 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed No Yes
July 25, 2003 H.R.2859 On Passage Passed No Yes
July 25, 2003 H.R.2859 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 25, 2003 H.R.2861 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 25, 2003 H.R.2210 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 2003 H.R.2738 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 24, 2003 H.R.2738 Table Reconsider Engrossment and Third Reading Passed Yes No
July 24, 2003 H.R.2738 On Engrossment and Third Reading Passed Yes No
July 24, 2003 H.R.2739 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 24, 2003 H.R.2739 On Engrossment and Third Reading Passed Yes No
July 24, 2003 H.R.2800 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 2003 H.R.2800 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 24, 2003 H.R.2800 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2003 H.R.2799 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 23, 2003 H.R.2799 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 23, 2003 H.RES.329 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
July 23, 2003 H.RES.329 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
July 23, 2003 H.R.2799 Sustain the Ruling of the Chair Passed Yes No
July 22, 2003 H.R.2799 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 18, 2003 H.R.2754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 18, 2003 H.R.2754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 17, 2003 H.R.2691 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 15, 2003 H.R.1950 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 15, 2003 H.R.1950 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 15, 2003 H.R.1950 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 15, 2003 H.R.1950 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 14, 2003 H.R.2673 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 14, 2003 H.R.2673 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
July 14, 2003 H.R.2673 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 10, 2003 H.R.2660 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 10, 2003 H.R.2660 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2003 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
June 27, 2003 H.R.1 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 26, 2003 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
June 19, 2003 H.R.660 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 19, 2003 H.R.1528 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 18, 2003 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
June 12, 2003 H.R.1115 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 12, 2003 H.R.1115 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
June 12, 2003 H.R.1115 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 12, 2003 H.R.1115 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 12, 2003 H.R.1115 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 12, 2003 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
June 10, 2003 H.RES.263 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 4, 2003 H.R.760 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 4, 2003 H.R.760 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
June 4, 2003 H.R.760 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 4, 2003 H.RES.257 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
June 3, 2003 H.J.RES.4 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 3, 2003 H.J.RES.4 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 22, 2003 H.R.1588 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 22, 2003 H.R.1588 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 22, 2003 H.R.1588 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 22, 2003 H.R.1588 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 21, 2003 H.R.1588 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 20, 2003 H.R.1904 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 20, 2003 H.R.1904 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 20, 2003 H.R.1904 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 14, 2003 H.R.1000 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 14, 2003 H.R.1000 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 14, 2003 H.R.1000 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 8, 2003 H.R.1261 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 1, 2003 H.R.1298 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 1, 2003 H.R.1298 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
May 1, 2003 H.R.1298 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
April 30, 2003 H.R.1350 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 11, 2003 H.R.6 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 11, 2003 H.R.6 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 11, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 11, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 10, 2003 H.R.6 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 9, 2003 H.R.1036 On Passage Passed Yes No
April 9, 2003 H.R.1036 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 9, 2003 H.R.1036 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 9, 2003 H.R.1036 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 9, 2003 H.R.1036 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 3, 2003 H.R.1559 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 3, 2003 H.R.1559 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
April 3, 2003 H.R.1559 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 2, 2003 H.R.743 On Passage Passed No Yes
March 19, 2003 H.R.975 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 19, 2003 H.R.975 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
March 19, 2003 H.R.975 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 19, 2003 H.R.975 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 13, 2003 H.R.5 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 13, 2003 H.R.5 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
March 12, 2003 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
Feb. 27, 2003 H.R.534 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 27, 2003 H.R.534 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 27, 2003 H.R.534 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 13, 2003 H.J.RES.2 Recommit Conference Report with Instructions Failed No Yes
Feb. 13, 2003 H.R.4 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Nov. 20, 2004 H.R.4818 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed No Yes
Oct. 8, 2004 S.2845 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
Oct. 8, 2004 H.RES.843 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Passage Passed Yes No
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Oct. 8, 2004 H.R.10 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Oct. 7, 2004 H.R.4520 On Agreeing to the Conference Report Passed Yes No
Oct. 5, 2004 S.878 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
Sept. 30, 2004 H.J.RES.106 On Passage Failed Yes No
Sept. 30, 2004 H.R.5183 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
Sept. 29, 2004 H.R.3193 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 28, 2004 H.R.4200 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Passed No Yes
Sept. 23, 2004 H.R.2028 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 23, 2004 H.R.2028 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 21, 2004 H.R.5025 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 21, 2004 H.R.5025 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Sept. 14, 2004 H.R.5025 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
Sept. 14, 2004 H.RES.770 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed No Yes
Sept. 14, 2004 H.R.4571 On Passage Passed Yes No
Sept. 14, 2004 H.R.4571 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 14, 2004 H.R.3369 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Failed Yes No
Sept. 14, 2004 H.RES.766 On Agreeing to the Resolution Passed Yes No
Sept. 9, 2004 H.R.5006 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
Sept. 8, 2004 H.R.5006 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Sept. 8, 2004 H.R.5006 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 22, 2004 H.R.3313 On Passage Passed Yes No
July 20, 2004 H.R.4850 On Passage Passed No Yes
July 20, 2004 H.R.4850 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 20, 2004 H.R.3574 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 20, 2004 H.R.3574 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 15, 2004 H.R.4818 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 12, 2004 H.R.4755 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 12, 2004 H.R.4755 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2004 H.R.3598 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 9, 2004 H.R.2828 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
July 8, 2004 On Motion to Adjourn Failed Yes No
July 8, 2004 H.R.4754 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
July 8, 2004 H.R.4754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
July 8, 2004 H.R.4754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
July 8, 2004 H.R.4754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 7, 2004 H.R.4754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
July 7, 2004 H.R.4754 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 25, 2004 H.R.4614 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 25, 2004 H.R.4614 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 25, 2004 H.R.4614 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
June 24, 2004 H.R.4663 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 24, 2004 H.RES.685 On Agreeing to the Resolution Failed No Yes
June 23, 2004 H.R.4548 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
June 23, 2004 H.R.4548 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2004 H.R.4567 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2004 H.R.4567 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2004 H.R.4567 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 18, 2004 H.R.4567 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 17, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 17, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 17, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 17, 2004 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
June 17, 2004 H.R.4520 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4568 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
June 16, 2004 H.R.4545 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Failed Yes No
June 16, 2004 H.R.4517 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 15, 2004 H.R.4513 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 15, 2004 H.R.4503 On Passage Passed Yes No
June 15, 2004 H.R.4503 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
May 20, 2004 H.R.4200 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
May 20, 2004 H.R.4200 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 20, 2004 H.R.4200 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to No Yes
May 20, 2004 H.R.4200 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
May 19, 2004 H.R.4200 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
May 18, 2004 H.R.2731 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 18, 2004 H.R.2730 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 18, 2004 H.R.2729 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 18, 2004 H.R.2728 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 13, 2004 H.R.4281 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 13, 2004 H.R.4275 On Passage Passed No Yes
May 12, 2004 H.R.4280 On Passage Passed Yes No
May 5, 2004 H.R.4227 On Passage Passed No Yes
April 2, 2004 H.R.3108 On Motion to Recommit Conference Report with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 2, 2004 H.R.3550 On Motion to Recommit with Instructions Failed No Yes
April 2, 2004 H.R.3550 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 2, 2004 H.R.3550 On Agreeing to the Amendment Agreed to Yes No
April 2, 2004 H.R.3550 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 1, 2004 H.R.3550 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 1, 2004 H.R.3550 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed Yes No
April 1, 2004 H.RES.593 On Ordering the Previous Question Passed Yes No
March 30, 2004 On Approving the Journal Passed No Yes
March 25, 2004 H.CON.RES.393 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 18, 2004 H.R.1375 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 18, 2004 H.R.1375 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Passage Passed Yes No
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
March 10, 2004 H.R.339 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 26, 2004 H.R.1997 On Passage Passed Yes No
Feb. 26, 2004 H.R.1997 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 11, 2004 H.R.743 On Agreeing to the Senate Amendment Passed No Yes
Feb. 4, 2004 H.R.3030 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Feb. 4, 2004 H.R.3030 On Agreeing to the Amendment Failed No Yes
Jan. 28, 2004 S.1920 On Motion to Instruct Conferees Failed No Yes
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