Bills Cosponsored by Melvin Watt (D-N.C.)

Rep. Watt cosponsored 196 bills in the 109th Congress (2005-06). See other congresses: 113th | 112th | 111th | 110th | 108th | 107th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 103rd

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
Dec. 8, 2006 H.R.6309: Routine HIV/AIDS Screening Coverage Act of 2006 Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)
Dec. 7, 2006 H.CON.RES.488: Congratulating the Detroit Shock for winning the 2006 Women's National Basketball Association Championship, and for other purposes. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.)
Dec. 7, 2006 H.RES.1031: Requesting the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a plan for a comprehensive and permanent program to medically monitor individuals who were exposed to the toxins of 9/11 Ground Zero in New York City and to provide medical treatment for al Vito J. Fossella (R-N.Y.)
Dec. 6, 2006 H.RES.1086: Supporting the goals and ideals of "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week". Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-Calif.)
Nov. 13, 2006 H.RES.1078: Congratulating the St. Louis Cardinals on winning the 2006 World Series. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.)
Nov. 13, 2006 H.R.5200: National Defense Enhancement and National Guard Empowerment Act of 2006 Thomas M. Davis (R-Va.)
Sept. 29, 2006 H.CON.RES.397: Honoring 2006 Olympic team member Joey Cheek and recognizing the need to work with international partners to help bring an end to the ongoing genocide in Darfur region of Sudan and the suffering of children in Chad. Gregory W. Meeks (D-N.Y.)
Sept. 29, 2006 H.R.4033: ALS Registry Act Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)
Sept. 29, 2006 H.R.4770: Civil Rights Act of 1964 Commemorative Coin Act Deborah D. Pryce (R-Ohio)
Sept. 29, 2006 H.R.5771: Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act Leonard L. Boswell (D-Iowa)
Sept. 28, 2006 H.RES.1055: Honoring the Fisk Jubilee Singers. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.)
Sept. 28, 2006 H.R.550: Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2005 Rush Holt (D-N.J.)
Sept. 27, 2006 H.R.5674: Protection Against Transmission of HIV for Women and Youth Act of 2006 Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
Sept. 25, 2006 H.R.1298: Kidney Care Quality and Improvement Act of 2005 Dave Camp (R-Mich.)
Sept. 21, 2006 H.CON.RES.478: Supporting the goals and ideals of "Lights On Afterschool!", a national celebration of after-school programs. Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)
Sept. 21, 2006 H.R.602: Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
Sept. 21, 2006 H.R.5784: Shirley A. Chisholm United States-Caribbean Educational Exchange Act of 2006 Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
Sept. 21, 2006 H.R.6140: Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act of 2006 Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
Sept. 20, 2006 H.R.4708: Relief for Working Family Victims of Hurricane Katrina Act of 2006 Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)
Sept. 14, 2006 H.RES.1010: Recognizing the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, and saluting the outstanding service of its members and staff on behalf of agriculture and the people of North Carolina. Robin C. Hayes (R-N.C.)
Sept. 14, 2006 H.RES.1012: Celebrating the first Milwaukee Mujeres Against Domestic Violence Brides Walk and recognizing all brides walks in protest of domestic violence. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.)
Sept. 12, 2006 H.RES.992: Supporting the appointment of a Presidential Special Envoy for Sudan. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.)
Sept. 6, 2006 H.R.3641: Minority Diabetes Initiative Act Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)
Aug. 2, 2006 H.R.4452: Leave All Blades Behind Act Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)
July 28, 2006 H.CON.RES.466: Observing the one year anniversary of the date on which the Gulf Coast region was struck by Hurricane Katrina, acknowledging the significant deficiencies that still exist in the ability of cities in the Gulf Coast region to provide necessary social servic Melvin Watt (D-N.C.)
July 28, 2006 H.R.5969: Prescription Coverage Now Act of 2006 Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
July 25, 2006 H.RES.894: Congratulating Avery Johnson for being named the 2006 NBA Coach of the Year and for leading the Dallas Mavericks to their first Western Conference Championship. William J. Jefferson (D-La.)
July 13, 2006 H.RES.901: Honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.)
June 29, 2006 H.RES.900: Supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate congressional consultation. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
June 29, 2006 H.R.2808: Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act Ray H. LaHood (R-Ill.)
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