House Vote 338 - On Agreeing to the Amendment

Description: STEARNS
Result: Agreed to by a margin of 34 votes (simple majority required to pass)
Date: ()
R D Total
Yes 163 
*Includes members who did not vote or voted "present"

Complete Roll Call

Explanation available
Mistaken vote

Yes Votes (244)

Member Party Dist.
Wayne A. Allard
R CO-4
Michael Andrews
D TX-25
Douglas Applegate
D OH-18
Bill Archer
R TX-7
Richard K. Armey
R TX-26
Jim Bacchus
D FL-15
Spencer Bachus
R AL-6
Bill Baker
R CA-10
Richard Hugh Baker
R LA-6
Cass Ballenger
R NC-10
James A. Barcia
D MI-5
Tom Barlow
D KY-1
Bill Barrett
R NE-3
Roscoe G. Bartlett
R MD-6
Joe L. Barton
R TX-6
Herbert H. Bateman
R VA-1
Helen Delich Bentley
R MD-2
Douglas K. Bereuter
R NE-1
Michael Bilirakis
R FL-9
Tom Bliley
R VA-7
Peter I. Blute
R MA-3
Sherwood L. Boehlert
R NY-23
John A. Boehner
R OH-8
Henry Bonilla
R TX-23
Bill K. Brewster
D OK-3
Glen Browder
D AL-3
Sherrod Brown
D OH-13
Jim Bunning
R KY-4
Dan Burton
R IN-6
Steve Buyer
R IN-5
Sonny Callahan
R AL-1
Ken Calvert
R CA-43
Dave Camp
R MI-4
Charles T. Canady
R FL-12
Maria Cantwell
D WA-1
Jim Chapman
D TX-1
Howard Coble
R NC-6
Michael Allen Collins
R GA-3
Larry Combest
R TX-19
Gary Condit
D CA-18
Jim Cooper
D TN-4
Jerry F. Costello
D IL-12
Christopher Cox
R CA-47
Robert E. Cramer
D AL-5
Philip M. Crane
R IL-8
Michael D. Crapo
R ID-2
Randy 'Duke' Cunningham
R CA-51
Eligio 'Kiki' de la Garza
D TX-15
Nathan Deal
D GA-9
Peter A. DeFazio
D OR-4
Thomas Dale DeLay
R TX-22
Butler C. Derrick
D SC-3
Lincoln Diaz-Balart
R FL-21
Jay Dickey
R AR-4
Calvin M. Dooley
D CA-20
John T. Doolittle
R CA-4
Robert K. Dornan
R CA-46
David Dreier
R CA-28
John J. Duncan Jr.
R TN-2
Jennifer B. Dunn
R WA-8
Chet Edwards
D TX-11
Bill Emerson
R MO-8
Glenn Lee English
D OK-6
Terry Everett
R AL-2
Thomas W. Ewing
R IL-15
Harris W. Fawell
R IL-13
Jack Milton Fields
R TX-8
Eric D. Fingerhut
D OH-19
Hamilton Fish Jr.
R NY-19
Tillie K. Fowler
R FL-4
Gary A. Franks
R CT-5
Bob Franks
R NJ-7
Martin Frost
D TX-24
Elton Gallegly
R CA-23
Dean A. Gallo
R NJ-11
George W. Gekas
R PA-17
Pete Geren
D TX-12
Sam Gibbons
D FL-11
Wayne T. Gilchrest
R MD-1
Paul E. Gillmor
R OH-5
Newt Gingrich
R GA-6
Robert W. Goodlatte
R VA-6
William F. Goodling
R PA-19
Bart Gordon
D TN-6
Porter J. Goss
R FL-14
Rod Grams
R MN-6
Fred Grandy
R IA-5
James C. Greenwood
R PA-8
Steve Gunderson
R WI-3
Ralph M. Hall
D TX-4
Lee H. Hamilton
D IN-9
Melton D. Hancock
R MO-7
James V. Hansen
R UT-1
J. Dennis Hastert
R IL-14
James A. Hayes
D LA-7
Joel Hefley
R CO-5
Wally Herger
R CA-2
Peter D. Hoagland
D NE-2
David Lee Hobson
R OH-7
Peter Hoekstra
R MI-2
Martin R. Hoke
R OH-10
Tim Holden
D PA-6
Michael Huffington
R CA-22
Tim Hutchinson
R AR-3
Earl Dewitt Hutto
D FL-1
Henry John Hyde
R IL-6
Bob Inglis
R SC-4
James M. Inhofe
R OK-1
Jay Inslee
D WA-4
Ernest J. Istook
R OK-5
Andrew Jacobs Jr.
D IN-10
Nancy Lee Johnson
R CT-6
Don Johnson
D GA-10
Sam Johnson
R TX-3
Paul E. Kanjorski
D PA-11
Marcy Kaptur
D OH-9
John R. Kasich
R OH-12
Jay Kim
R CA-41
Peter T. King
R NY-3
Jack Kingston
R GA-1
Scott L. Klug
R WI-2
Joseph K. Knollenberg
R MI-11
Jon Kyl
R AZ-4
Blanche Lincoln
D AR-1
Gregory H. Laughlin
D TX-14
Rick Lazio
R NY-2
David A. Levy
R NY-4
Thomas F. Lewis
R FL-16
James Ross Lightfoot
R IA-3
John Linder
R GA-4
William O. Lipinski
D IL-3
Bob Livingston
R LA-1
Marilyn Laird Lloyd
D TN-3
Jill Lynette Long Thompson
D IN-4
Ronald K. Machtley
R RI-1
Donald Manzullo
R IL-16
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky
D PA-13
Matthew G. Martinez
D CA-31
Alfred A. McCandless
R CA-44
Frank McCloskey
D IN-8
Bill McCollum
R FL-8
Jim O. McCrery
R LA-5
David Keith McCurdy
D OK-4
Joseph M. McDade
R PA-10
Paul McHale
D PA-15
John M. McHugh
R NY-24
Scott McInnis
R CO-3
Howard P. McKeon
R CA-25
John Alexander, III McMillan
R NC-9
Michael R. McNulty
D NY-21
Jan Meyers
R KS-3
John L. Mica
R FL-7
Robert H. Michel
R IL-18
Dan Miller
R FL-13
David Minge
D MN-2
Susan Molinari
R NY-13
Sonny Montgomery
D MS-3
Carlos John Moorhead
R CA-27
Austin John Murphy
D PA-20
John T. Myers
R IN-7
Stephen Lybrook Neal
D NC-5
James Allen Nussle
R IA-2
Solomon P. Ortiz
D TX-27
William Orton
D UT-3
Michael G. Oxley
R OH-4
Mike Parker
D MS-4
Bill Paxon
R NY-27
Lewis F. Payne Jr.
D VA-5
Timothy J. Penny
D MN-1
Collin C. Peterson
D MN-7
Tom Petri
R WI-6
Owen B. Pickett
D VA-2
Richard W. Pombo
R CA-11
John Edward Porter
R IL-10
Rob Portman
R OH-2
Glenn Poshard
D IL-19
Deborah D. Pryce
R OH-15
James Henry Quillen
R TN-1
Jack Quinn
R NY-30
Nick J. Rahall II
D WV-3
James M. Ramstad
R MN-3
Arthur Ravenel
R SC-1
Ralph Regula
R OH-16
Thomas J. Ridge
R PA-21
Pat Roberts
R KS-1
Tim Roemer
D IN-3
Harold Rogers
R KY-5
Dana Rohrabacher
R CA-45
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
R FL-18
Toby A. Roth
R WI-8
Marge Roukema
R NJ-5
James Roy Rowland
D GA-8
Ed Royce
R CA-39
Richard J. Santorum
R PA-18
H. James Saxton
R NJ-3
Dan Schaefer
R CO-6
Steven Schiff
R NM-1
Patricia Scott Schroeder
D CO-1
F. James Sensenbrenner
R WI-9
E. Clay Shaw
R FL-22
Christopher H. Shays
R CT-4
Bud Shuster
R PA-9
Norman Sisisky
D VA-4
Ike Skelton
D MO-4
James Charles Slattery
D KS-2
Nick Smith
R MI-7
Christopher H. Smith
R NJ-4
Robert F. Smith
R OR-2
Lamar Smith
R TX-21
Olympia J. Snowe
R ME-2
Gerald B.H. Solomon
R NY-22
Floyd Spence
R SC-2
John M. Spratt Jr.
D SC-5
Cliff Stearns
R FL-6
Charles W. Stenholm
D TX-17
Bob Stump
R AZ-3
Donald Kenneth Sundquist
R TN-7
Richard Swett
D NH-2
James M. Talent
R MO-2
John Tanner
D TN-8
William J. Tauzin
D LA-3
Gene Taylor
D MS-5
Charles H. Taylor
R NC-11
William M. Thomas
R CA-21
Craig Thomas
R WY-1
Raymond Hoyt Thornton
D AR-2
Karen L. Thurman
D FL-5
Peter Gerard Torkildsen
R MA-6
James A. Traficant Jr.
D OH-17
Fred Upton
R MI-6
Tim Valentine
D NC-2
Peter J. Visclosky
D IN-1
Harold Lee Volkmer
D MO-9
Barbara Farrell Vucanovich
R NV-2
Robert Smith Walker
R PA-16
James T. Walsh
R NY-25
W. Curtis Weldon
R PA-7
Robert E. Wise Jr.
D WV-2
Frank R. Wolf
R VA-10
Albert Russell Wynn
D MD-4
Don Young
R AK-1
C. W. Bill Young
R FL-10
William H. Zeliff
R NH-1
Richard Zimmer
R NJ-12

No Votes (174)

Member Party Dist.
Neil Abercrombie
D HI-1
Gary L. Ackerman
D NY-5
Thomas H. Andrews
D ME-1
Robert E. Andrews
D NJ-1
Scotty Baesler
D KY-6
Peter Barca
D WI-1
Thomas M. Barrett
D WI-5
Xavier Becerra
D CA-30
Anthony C. Beilenson
D CA-24
Howard L. Berman
D CA-26
James H. Bilbray
D NV-1
Sanford D. Bishop Jr.
D GA-2
Lucien E. Blackwell
D PA-2
David E. Bonior
D MI-10
Robert A. Borski
D PA-3
Rick Boucher
D VA-9
Jack B. Brooks
D TX-9
George E. Brown
D CA-42
Corrine Brown
D FL-3
John W. Bryant
D TX-5
Leslie L. Byrne
D VA-11
Benjamin L. Cardin
D MD-3
Bob Carr
D MI-8
Michael N. Castle
R DE-1
William Clay
D MO-1
Eva Clayton
D NC-1
Bob Clement
D TN-5
William F. Clinger Jr.
R PA-5
James E. Clyburn
D SC-6
Cardiss Collins
D IL-7
Barbara-Rose Collins
D MI-15
Sam Coppersmith
D AZ-1
William J. Coyne
D PA-14
Pat Danner
D MO-6
George Darden
D GA-7
Rosa DeLauro
D CT-3
Ronald V. Dellums
D CA-9
Peter Deutsch
D FL-20
Norman D. Dicks
D WA-6
John D. Dingell
D MI-16
Julian C. Dixon
D CA-32
Richard J. Durbin
D IL-20
Don Edwards
D CA-16
Eliot L. Engel
D NY-17
Karan English
D AZ-6
Anna G. Eshoo
D CA-14
Lane A. Evans
D IL-17
Sam Farr
D CA-17
Vic Fazio
D CA-3
Cleo Fields
D LA-4
Bob Filner
D CA-50
Floyd H. Flake
D NY-6
Tom Foglietta
D PA-1
William D. Ford
D MI-13
Harold E. Ford
D TN-9
Barney Frank
D MA-4
Elizabeth Furse
D OR-1
Sam Gejdenson
D CT-2
Benjamin A. Gilman
R NY-20
Dan Glickman
D KS-4
Henry B. Gonzalez
D TX-20
Gene Green
D TX-29
Luis V. GutiƩrrez
D IL-4
Tony P. Hall
D OH-3
Daniel Hamburg
D CA-1
Jane Harman
D CA-36
Bill Hefner
D NC-8
Earl F. Hilliard
D AL-7
Maurice D. Hinchey
D NY-26
George J. Hochbrueckner
D NY-1
Stephen Horn
R CA-38
Amory Houghton
R NY-31
Steny H. Hoyer
D MD-5
William J. Hughes
D NJ-2
William J. Jefferson
D LA-2
Tim Johnson
D SD-1
Eddie Bernice Johnson
D TX-30
Harry A. Johnston
D FL-19
Joseph P. Kennedy II
D MA-8
Barbara B. Kennelly
D CT-1
Dale E. Kildee
D MI-9
Gerald D. Kleczka
D WI-4
Herbert C. Klein
D NJ-8
Ron Klink
D PA-4
Michael J. Kopetski
D OR-5
Mike Kreidler
D WA-9
John J. LaFalce
D NY-29
H. Martin Lancaster
D NC-3
Tom Lantos
D CA-12
Larry LaRocco
D ID-1
James A. Leach
R IA-1
Sander M. Levin
D MI-12
Jerry Lewis
R CA-40
John Lewis
D GA-5
Nita M. Lowey
D NY-18
Carolyn B. Maloney
D NY-14
David Scott Mann
D OH-1
Thomas J. Manton
D NY-7
Edward J. Markey
D MA-7
Robert T. Matsui
D CA-5
Romano L. Mazzoli
D KY-3
Jim McDermott
D WA-7
Martin T. Meehan
D MA-5
Carrie P. Meek
D FL-17
Robert Menendez
D NJ-13
Kweisi Mfume
D MD-7
George Miller
D CA-7
Norman Y. Mineta
D CA-15
Patsy T. Mink
D HI-2
Joe Moakley
D MA-9
Alan B. Mollohan
D WV-1
James P. Moran
D VA-8
Constance A. Morella
R MD-8
John P. Murtha
D PA-12
William H. Natcher
D KY-2
Richard E. Neal
D MA-2
James L. Oberstar
D MN-8
David R. Obey
D WI-7
John W. Olver
D MA-1
Major R. Owens
D NY-11
Frank Pallone
D NJ-6
Ed Pastor
D AZ-2
Donald M. Payne
D NJ-10
Nancy Pelosi
D CA-8
Douglas Brian Peterson
D FL-2
J.J. Pickle
D TX-10
Earl Pomeroy
D ND-1
David E. Price
D NC-4
Charles B. Rangel
D NY-15
Jack Reed
D RI-2
Mel Reynolds
D IL-2
Bill Richardson
D NM-3
Charles Grandison Rose
D NC-7
Daniel David Rostenkowski
D IL-5
Lucille Roybal-Allard
D CA-33
Bobby L. Rush
D IL-1
Martin Olav Sabo
D MN-5
Bernard Sanders
George Edward Sangmeister
D IL-11
Tom Sawyer
D OH-14
Lynn Schenk
D CA-49
Charles E. Schumer
D NY-9
Robert C. Scott
D VA-3
JosƩ E. Serrano
D NY-16
Philip Riley Sharp
D IN-2
Karen Shepherd
D UT-2
David E. Skaggs
D CO-2
Joe Skeen
R NM-2
Louise M. Slaughter
D NY-28
Neal Edward Smith
D IA-4
Pete Stark
D CA-13
Louis Stokes
D OH-11
Ted Strickland
D OH-6
Gerry Eastman Studds
D MA-10
Bart Stupak
D MI-1
Allan Byron Swift
D WA-2
Michael Lynn Synar
D OK-2
Frank Tejeda
D TX-28
Bennie Thompson
D MS-2
Robert G. Torricelli
D NJ-9
Walter R. Tucker III
D CA-37
Jolene Unsoeld
D WA-3
Nydia M. VelƔzquez
D NY-12
Bruce F. Vento
D MN-4
Craig Anthony Washington
D TX-18
Maxine Waters
D CA-35
Melvin Watt
D NC-12
Alan Dupree Wheat
D MO-5
Jamie Lloyd Whitten
D MS-1
John Patrick Williams
D MT-1
Charles Wilson
D TX-2
Lynn Woolsey
D CA-6
Ron Wyden
D OR-3
Sidney R. Yates
D IL-9

Did Not Vote (16)

Member Party Dist.
Tom Bevill
D AL-4
Ronald D. Coleman
D TX-16
John Conyers Jr.
D MI-14
Thomas S. Foley
D WA-5
Richard Andrew Gephardt
D MO-3
Alcee L. Hastings
D FL-23
Paul B. Henry
R MI-3
Duncan L. Hunter
R CA-52
James T. Kolbe
R AZ-5
Richard H. Lehman
D CA-19
Cynthia McKinney
D GA-11
Jerrold Nadler
D NY-8
Ron Packard
R CA-48
William Sarpalius
D TX-13
Esteban Edward Torres
D CA-34
Edolphus Towns
D NY-10
Henry A. Waxman
D CA-29

* By tradition, the Speaker of the House votes at his or her discretion. In cases where the Speaker does not vote, that absence is not counted in the "Not Voting" totals displayed here, but Represent adds the Speaker's name to the list of people who did not vote.

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