This database was last updated in January 2013 and should only be used as a historical snapshot of data from the 2009-10 school year. For more recent data on public and charter schools, check out Miseducation.
ProPublica analyzed federal education data from the 2009-2010 school year to examine whether states provide high-poverty schools equal access to advanced courses and special programs that researchers say will help them later in life. This is the first nationwide picture of exactly which courses are being taken at which schools and districts across the country. More than three-quarters of all public school children are represented. Read our story and our methodology.
From © Copyright 2011 Pro Publica Inc.
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Hartford School District
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Students | Inexp. Teachers | Avg. AP Courses |
Schools offering Gifted/Talented Education |
This District |
11% | 3 | 1 |
State | 407K | 8% | 10 | 290 |
District Schools
- 2550 Main St. Elementary Academy
- America's Choice At Sand Elementary School
- Annie Fisher Elementary School
- Batchelder Elementary School
- Betances Elementary School
- Breakthrough II
- Bulkeley High School Lower School
- Bulkeley High School Upper School
- Burns Latino Studies Academy
- Burr Elementary School
- Clark Elementary School
- Culinary Arts Academy
- Dr. Joseph Belizzi Middle School
- Dwight Elementary School
- Global Communications Academy
- Hartford Public High School Engineering&Green Tech
- Hartford Public High School Freshman Academy
- Hartford Public High School Law & Government Acad
- Hartford Public High School Nursing Acadmy
- High School Inc. Hartford Insurance & Finance Acad
- Hooker Elementary School
- Journalism & Media Academy
- Kennelly Elementary School
- M. D. Fox Commpact School
- M. L. King Elementary School
- Mc Donough Elementary School
- Milner Core Knowledge Academy
- Moylan Elementary School
- Naylor Elementary School
- Opportunity High School
- Parkville Community School
- Quirk Middle School
- Rawson Elementary School
- Sanchez Elementary School
- Simpson Waverly Elementary School
- Weaver High School
- West Middle Elementary School
- Wish Elementary School