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Rep. Tammy Baldwin
Democrat from Wisconsin – 2nd District
Update (1/20/2012): SOPA and PIPA have been indefinitely postponed; see statements by Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Lamar Smith.

Stance on SOPA |
50 Age |
14 Years served in House |
91.43% % Votes with Party | | |
Official homepage | |
Phone | 202-225-2906 |
Fax | 202-225-6942 |
Office | 2446 Rayburn House Office Building | |
Financial Contributions by Industry
This reported campaign contributions information comes from the OpenSecrets/Center for Responsive Politics API (read more about their campaign-contributions-per-industry API). You can also visit the OpenSecrets profile for Rep. Baldwin.
Industry | Election Cycle | Amount |
Computers/Internet | 2010 | $11,600 |
2008 | $8,200 | |
TV/Movies/Music | 2010 | $25,400 |
2008 | $29,000 |
Timeline: Rep. Baldwin and SOPA
A list of statements and legislative actions made by Rep. Baldwin relating to SOPA. Contact us at sopa[at] if you have additions or corrections.
"I do not believe it is the responsibility of Internet service providers to become the police of the Internet. Nor should they be charged with the responsibility to shut down access to pirate websites. Consequently, I am opposed to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in its current form. I do not believe that it is the intent of supporters of this legislation to promote Internet censorship. However, the bill as written will have a chilling effect on Internet expression. We must maintain due process under the law and continue advancing policies that promote Internet commerce, innovation, and free expression."
"The theft of billions of dollars of intellectual property by foreign piracy websites is a very real threat that must be addressed. When intellectual property rights are infringed, or stolen outright, it hurts our ability to compete in world markets and threatens jobs here at home. We must address this very real concern, but do so without undermining the foundation of an open Internet."
"The Internet has played an important role in fueling remarkable innovation and the free flow of ideas and expression throughout the world. I remain hopeful that all sides are able to come together and craft a solution that balances the rights of copyright holders with our commitment to a free and open Internet."
See a complete list of actions and statements by members of Congress