SOPA Opera

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Rep. John W. Olver

Democrat from Massachusetts – 1st District

Update (1/20/2012): SOPA and PIPA have been indefinitely postponed; see statements by Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Lamar Smith.


Stance on SOPA
Years served in House
% Votes with Party
Phone 202-225-5335
Fax 202-226-1224
Office 1111 Longworth House Office Building
Official homepage

Financial Contributions by Industry

This reported campaign contributions information comes from the OpenSecrets/Center for Responsive Politics API (read more about their campaign-contributions-per-industry API). You can also visit the OpenSecrets profile for Rep. Olver.

Industry Election Cycle Amount
Computers/Internet 2010 $2,500
2008 $3,500
TV/Movies/Music 2010 $1,550
2008 $750

Timeline: Rep. Olver and SOPA

A list of statements and legislative actions made by Rep. Olver relating to SOPA. Contact us at sopa[at] if you have additions or corrections.

Jan 18, 2012 States opposition to SOPA in its current form
"I am opposed to H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), in its current form. While we must crack down on foreign websites’ piracy of copyrighted material, we must be careful to do so in a way that neither curtails due process for Americans nor treads on free speech. In these areas, I feel that SOPA risks overreach. The bill should be re-written or amended to focus more narrowly on specific criminal activity without granting expansive new cyber-police powers that could threaten the freedom and dynamic character of the internet."

See a complete list of actions and statements by members of Congress