SOPA Opera

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Rep. Pete Stark

Democrat from California – 13th District

Update (1/20/2012): SOPA and PIPA have been indefinitely postponed; see statements by Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Lamar Smith.


Stance on SOPA
Years served in House
% Votes with Party
Official homepage
Phone 202-225-5065
Fax 202-226-3805
Office 239 Cannon House Office Building

Financial Contributions by Industry

This reported campaign contributions information comes from the OpenSecrets/Center for Responsive Politics API (read more about their campaign-contributions-per-industry API). You can also visit the OpenSecrets profile for Rep. Stark.

Industry Election Cycle Amount
Computers/Internet 2010 $1,000
2008 $2,300

Timeline: Rep. Stark and SOPA

A list of statements and legislative actions made by Rep. Stark relating to SOPA. Contact us at sopa[at] if you have additions or corrections.

Nov 17, 2011 Letter to constituent stating opposition to SOPA
"While I believe that those who violate copyright laws should be held accountable for their actions, I am concerned that this legislation also violates the free speech and due process rights of content producers and Internet consumers. As it is currently written, SOPA enables law enforcement to target all sites that contain some infringing content (no matter how small), and those who "facilitate" infringing content. This is comparable to taking down all of Facebook because someone posts a copyright-protected video to his or her profile. Furthermore, a copyright holder could issue an order to have a website seized without seeking court approval. Until actions are taken by SOPA's authors to ensure that this bill does not infringe upon basic civil liberties, I cannot support it. "
Source: Reddit

See a complete list of actions and statements by members of Congress