New York State Subsidy Tracker - Orleans County


New York State Subsidy Tracker

Tracking the State’s Growing Portfolio of Business Subsidies

Orleans County

Businesses received $3.9M in subsidies.

Businesses in Orleans County received at least $3.9M in subsidies between 2011 and 2014 from state and local governments.

Note: For cases in which the time period is marked “total,” the subsidy value is the total lifetime amount the company will receive for the project. For all other subsidies, the amount listed is the total for that year.

For subsidies that require annual reports, companies promise to create a total number of jobs over the course of the subsidy, which may last many years. Each year, companies report how many jobs they've created cumulatively as of that year. Therefore, not all jobs figures can be combined.

All Subsidies

Currently Losing Jobs
Year Time Period Type Company Program Jobs Promised Initially Jobs Reported To Date Value
2014 Total Tax Credit INTERGROW GREENHOUSES INC Excelsior Jobs Program 15 0 $600.0K
2014 Total Power Discount BRUNNER INC New York Power Authority 160 $375.0K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 15 $260.2K
2013 Total Grant QUORUM GROUP LLC Economic Development Fund 33 $150.0K
2012 Total Grant QUORUM GROUP LLC Regional Economic Development Councils 33 $150.0K
2011 Total Grant BRUNNER INC Economic Development Fund 50 $150.0K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption LAKE RIDGE FRUIT COMPANY LLC Industrial Development Agencies 14 0 $128.1K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption ASSOCIATED BRANDS Industrial Development Agencies 175 293 $125.1K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption ASSOCIATED BRANDS Industrial Development Agencies 175 282 $116.5K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption ASSOCIATED BRANDS Industrial Development Agencies 175 282 $114.8K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption ASSOCIATED BRANDS Industrial Development Agencies 175 253 $113.7K
2014 Total Power Discount ASSOCIATED BRANDS New York Power Authority 326 $97.6K
2014 Total Power Discount SAINT-GOBAIN SA New York Power Authority 190 $80.0K
2014 Total Power Discount BRUNNER INC New York Power Authority $75.0K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 60 84 $68.8K
2011 Total Grant SAINT-GOBAIN SA Economic Development Fund 20 $65.0K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption CLAIMS RECOVERY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC Industrial Development Agencies 0 0 $64.0K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 60 96 $62.8K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption CLAIMS RECOVERY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC Industrial Development Agencies 150 -148 $61.5K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 60 105 $57.8K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 60 105 $49.8K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption 231 EAST AVENUE LLC Industrial Development Agencies 315 0 $49.7K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption HOWITT ENTERPRISES Industrial Development Agencies 0 4 $35.1K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption EMPIRE FRUIT LLC Industrial Development Agencies 68 10 $31.8K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption THE OLDE PICKLE FACTORY INC Industrial Development Agencies 5 3 $31.6K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption HINSPERGER POLY INDUSTRIES Industrial Development Agencies 34 53 $28.2K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption HINSPERGER POLY INDUSTRIES Industrial Development Agencies 34 55 $26.1K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption BRAHA ASSOCIATES Industrial Development Agencies 0 0 $25.1K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption HINSPERGER POLY INDUSTRIES Industrial Development Agencies 34 57 $23.8K
2014 Total Power Discount H H DOBBINS INC New York Power Authority 52 $22.4K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption HINSPERGER POLY INDUSTRIES Industrial Development Agencies 34 57 $21.4K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 0 $21.1K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption BRUNNER INC Industrial Development Agencies 94 135 $20.7K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption BRAHA ASSOCIATES Industrial Development Agencies 0 0 $20.5K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption HOLLEY COLD STORAGE Industrial Development Agencies 14 30 $20.0K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption BLACK NORTH ASSOCIATES INC Industrial Development Agencies 6 6 $20.0K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption BRUNNER INC Industrial Development Agencies 94 132 $19.6K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption BRAHA ASSOCIATES Industrial Development Agencies 0 0 $19.5K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 0 $19.2K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption CLAIMS RECOVERY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC Industrial Development Agencies 150 27 $17.9K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption BRAHA ASSOCIATES Industrial Development Agencies 0 0 $16.1K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption BMP AMERICA Industrial Development Agencies 25 38 $15.7K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption PRECISION PACKAGING PRODUCTS INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 0 $15.4K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption BMP AMERICA Industrial Development Agencies 25 40 $14.8K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption LAKE RIDGE FRUIT COMPANY LLC Industrial Development Agencies 19 5 $14.3K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption BRUNNER INC Industrial Development Agencies 94 132 $13.9K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption EMPIRE FRUIT LLC Industrial Development Agencies 68 -2 $13.8K
2012 Total Grant EAST CENTER STREET STOP N SHOP LLC Local Development Corporations $13.7K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption BMP AMERICA Industrial Development Agencies 25 36 $13.3K
2012 Total Grant REIGLE'S PRODUCE INC Local Development Corporations $13.0K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption LAKE RIDGE FRUIT COMPANY LLC Industrial Development Agencies 19 3 $12.8K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption HOLLEY COLD STORAGE Industrial Development Agencies 14 22 $11.9K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption LAKE RIDGE FRUIT COMPANY LLC Industrial Development Agencies 19 15 $11.5K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption BMP AMERICA Industrial Development Agencies 25 -5 $11.3K
2014 Total Power Discount CLAIMS RECOVERY FINANCIAL SERVICES New York Power Authority 258 $11.2K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption BRUNNER INC Industrial Development Agencies 94 125 $11.1K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption SHORELINE FRUIT Industrial Development Agencies 41 27 $10.9K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption MAPLE RIDGE LLC Industrial Development Agencies 12 -13 $10.4K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption MAPLE RIDGE LLC Industrial Development Agencies 12 3 $10.2K
2011 Total Grant XPRESS FITNESS LLC Local Development Corporations 1 1 $10.0K
2011 Total Grant BCA AG TECHNOLOGIES Local Development Corporations 1 1 $10.0K
2011 Total Grant CIVIL WARRIOR COLLECTABLES Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2011 Total Grant DIVERSIFIED FINISHING LLC Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2011 Total Grant ERIE WAY TREE FARM LLC Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2011 Total Grant FASTFITNESS FOR WOMEN INC Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2011 Total Grant JILL FOLLMAN/MARY KAY Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2011 Total Grant MOSIER PROPERTIES Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2012 Total Grant BINDINGS BOOKSTORE Local Development Corporations $10.0K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption LIBERTY FRESH FARMS INC Industrial Development Agencies 10 6 $10K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption LAKE RIDGE FRUIT COMPANY LLC Industrial Development Agencies 19 9 $9.7K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption LIBERTY FRESH FARMS INC Industrial Development Agencies 10 6 $6.8K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption ZOR INC Industrial Development Agencies 7 20 $6.6K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption ZOR INC Industrial Development Agencies 7 18 $6.5K
2013 Annual Tax Exemption EMPIRE FRUIT LLC Industrial Development Agencies 68 -18 $6.5K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption BOMET RECYCLING INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 0 $5.6K
2012 Total Grant ATTITUDES Local Development Corporations $4.5K
2011 Total Grant MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF ORLEANS COUNTY Local Development Corporations $4.5K
2012 Total Grant GRAMMA HAWLEY'S DREAM Local Development Corporations $4.5K
2011 Total Grant THE CANDLE NOOK LLC Local Development Corporations $4.5K
2014 Annual Tax Exemption EMPIRE FRUIT LLC Industrial Development Agencies 68 9 $3.7K
2011 Total Grant PAPERBOYS LLC Local Development Corporations $3.6K
2011 Total Grant SUNSHINE SALON & BOUTIQUE LLC Local Development Corporations $3.6K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption TILLMAN'S VILLAGE INN Industrial Development Agencies 3 3 $3.0K
2011 Total Grant A LILY AND A SPARROW Local Development Corporations $2.3K
2012 Annual Tax Exemption BELLS FOOD CENTER INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 28 $2.3K
2012 Total Grant COLLECTIVMEDIA Local Development Corporations $1.8K
2011 Total Grant DAN'S CANS REDEMPTION CENTER Local Development Corporations $1.4K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption RIDGE ROAD STATION Industrial Development Agencies 7 4 $1.4K
2011 Annual Tax Exemption SIGMA Industrial Development Agencies 450 440 $1.4K
2012 Total Grant SURVIVAL BRACELET KITS Local Development Corporations $1.3K
2012 Total Grant PAPERBOYS LLC Local Development Corporations $900.00
2013 Annual Tax Exemption MAPLE RIDGE LLC Industrial Development Agencies 12 -13 $891.00
2011 Annual Tax Exemption TILLMAN'S VILLAGE INN Industrial Development Agencies 4 -35 $704.00
2012 Annual Tax Exemption TILLMAN'S VILLAGE INN Industrial Development Agencies 4 -29 $396.00
2011 Total Grant DELLA'S CHOCOLATES Local Development Corporations $150.00
2013 Annual Tax Exemption TILLMAN'S VILLAGE INN Industrial Development Agencies 4 -29 $72.00
2013 Annual Tax Exemption MAGC Industrial Development Agencies 15 26 $0
2011 Annual Tax Exemption MAGC Industrial Development Agencies 15 15 $0
2012 Annual Tax Exemption HOWITT ENTERPRISES Industrial Development Agencies 0 49 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption THE OLDE PICKLE FACTORY INC Industrial Development Agencies 5 0 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption TILLMAN'S VILLAGE INN Industrial Development Agencies 3 3 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption QUORUM GROUP LLC Industrial Development Agencies 30 0 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption SAINT-GOBAIN SA Industrial Development Agencies 30 82 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption SAINT-GOBAIN SA Industrial Development Agencies 30 82 $0
2012 Annual Tax Exemption SAINT-GOBAIN SA Industrial Development Agencies 30 53 $0
2011 Annual Tax Exemption SAINT-GOBAIN SA Industrial Development Agencies 30 54 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption WESTERN NEW YORK ENERGY Industrial Development Agencies 50 50 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption WESTERN NEW YORK ENERGY Industrial Development Agencies 50 50 $0
2012 Annual Tax Exemption WESTERN NEW YORK ENERGY Industrial Development Agencies 50 52 $0
2011 Annual Tax Exemption WESTERN NEW YORK ENERGY Industrial Development Agencies 50 50 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption BELLS FOOD CENTER INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 11 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption CLAIMS RECOVERY FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC Industrial Development Agencies 150 150 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption BELLS FOOD CENTER INC Industrial Development Agencies 15 12 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption HOWITT ENTERPRISES Industrial Development Agencies 0 4 $0
2012 Annual Tax Exemption BLACK NORTH ASSOCIATES INC Industrial Development Agencies 6 6 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption LIBERTY FRESH FARMS INC Industrial Development Agencies 10 0 $0
2012 Annual Tax Exemption MAGC Industrial Development Agencies 15 30 $0
2014 Annual Tax Exemption MAGC Industrial Development Agencies 15 9 $0
2013 Annual Tax Exemption HOWITT ENTERPRISES Industrial Development Agencies 0 3 -$0.15

Total Subsidy Value, by Program

Program Total Value (Minimum)
Industrial Development Agencies $1.9M
New York Power Authority $661.1K
Excelsior Jobs Program $600.0K
Economic Development Fund $365.0K
Regional Economic Development Councils $150.0K
Local Development Corporations $149.8K
Western New York Power Proceeds Allocation Board $0
JOBS Now $0
New York Film Tax Credit $0
Start-Up NY $0
Brownfield Cleanup Program $0

Source: Data on subsidies from the Excelsior Jobs Program, Industrial Development Agencies and Local Development Corporations are sourced from New York’s open data portal. IDA data accessed on July 21, 2016. LDC data accessed on Feb. 21, 2017. All other program data sourced from agency reports and Freedom of Information requests to Empire State Development, the state’s economic development arm, and other state agencies. Download the raw program data in the ProPublica Data Store.

Methodology: Read our methodology for collecting the data.


Except where otherwise noted, data is for subsidies granted or given out between 2011 and 2014 under the above-named programs. While these programs comprise a significant cross-section of the state’s growing portfolio of economic development programs, they don’t include every subsidy dollar.

Subsidies tracked include grants, tax breaks, low-cost leases and discounted power allocations given out under each program; loans and bond issues are excluded from the data because they have to be repaid.

The number of corporate subsidiaries reflects only the subsidiaries we were able to verify though our research. Companies may have more connections with other companies not listed in the data.

IDA and LDC subsidies are given out by local entities; all other programs are administered by New York State.