Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Charleston County, S.C., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of

Listing $59,227,006.78 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Charleston

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $6,616,774 National Center for Research Resources, Recovery Act Construction Support Funds are to support the renovation of the 2nd floor of the Basic Sciences Building (BSB) at the Medical University of South Carolina. The primary users are research faculty and trainees in the Microbiology & Immunology and Ph... Show more National Institutes of Health 1/18/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $2,548,679 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This administrative supplement to the Hollings Cancer Center's (HCC) recently awarded Cancer Center Support Grant (1 P30CA138313-01) will provide essential funding to support the start up package of a new physician scientist who will be critical to optimi National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $2,414,063 The objective of this project is to study fetal growth patterns in pregnant women of various race/ethnic backgrounds in a logitudinal study and to examine factors that affect health pregnancy, fetal growth and perinatal outcomes. The primary goals of the National Institutes of Health 9/24/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $2,372,197 ARRA Grants for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Training and Enhancement Grant Name: Clinical Care of the Underserved Purpose: Our project's purpose is to train students to provide primary care for vulnerable patient populations and support career interests in working with underserved... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 7/15/2010
CHARLESTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT (INC) $2,275,986 ARRA - Early Head Start The CCSD Early Headstart Expansion Grant was an aggressive effort in the Charleston County School District to significantly impact outcomes for low income and minority children and families in Charleston, South Carolina. This award provided for ARRA and Q Administration for Children and Families 12/04/2009
Charleston County Human Services Commission $2,068,356 ARRA - Community Services Block Grant ARRA Supplemental Fundig for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program: provide a wide range of innovative employment-related services and activities tailored to the specific needs of their community; use funds in a manner that meets the shor-tem
This spending item is part of a $15,363,401 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $1,630,281 ARRA Grants for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Training and Enhancement The purpose of Transitioning and Integrating Graduate Education in Rural Settings (TIGERS) is to strengthen the Physician Assistant (PA)Program at the Medical University of South Carolina by: Developing a didact... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 9/03/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $1,274,996 The objective of this project is to study fetal growth patterns in pregnant women of various race/ethnic backgrounds in a longitudinal study and to examine factors that affect healthy pregnancy, fetal growth and perinatal outcomes. The primary goals of t
This spending item is part of a $2,414,063 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/24/2010
FIRSTSTRING RESEARCH, INC $1,261,212 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The wound repair process in skin is initiated immediately after an injury and induces a cascade of events including inflammation, proliferation, and scar differentiation. The adverse changes in skin structure and function resulting from scar tissue affect National Institutes of Health 8/07/2009
FRANKLIN C FETTER FAMILY HEALTH CENTER INC $1,028,015 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Franklin C. Fetter has been a primary health care delivery system in the Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton and Dorchester Counties for more than 41 years. The CIP will enable the organization to continue to provide optimal quality health ... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $998,153 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This project addresses broad Challenge Area (09) Health Disparities and specific Challenge Topic, 09-MD-101: Creating Transformational Approaches to Address Rural Health Disparities. A quasi-experimental clinical trial will test the effectiveness of the National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $972,883 Recovery Act Comparative Effectiveness Research - AHRQ High quality epidemiologic and comparative effectiveness research is needed to inform the health system about how to best care for people with multiple chronic illnesses since approximately one quarter of Americans fit this designation. The inten... Show more Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 7/29/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $927,324 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Making HIV testing routine is one of the major HIV prevention strategies in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended that prevention counseling not be required as part of HIV screening programs in medical care
This spending item is part of a $12,292,823 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $927,220 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The ultimate goals of the stand-alone Center of Lipidomics and Pathobiology at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) are to elucidate unique mechanisms of lipid-mediated pathobiology (e.g., in cancers, diabetes, fungal infections, neurodegenerat National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $877,836 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): This application is in response to RFA-OD-09-005, title 'Recovery act limited competition: Supporting new faculty recruitment to enhance research resources through biomedical research core centers (P30). The Neurobiolo National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE HEAD START $823,636 ARRA - Head Start This award provides ARRA funds for Head Start and Early Head Start Quality Improvement and Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) in accordance with FY 2009 Funding guidance ACF-PI-HS-09-06. Head Start promotes the school readiness of low-income children thro Administration for Children and Families 7/10/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $811,250 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support To understand the function of organophosphates and interrelationship between environmental toxins and paraoxonase in oxidative stress and inflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease. The long-term goal of this project is to understand the role of en National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $800,778 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This application is submitted in response to the NIH Announcement (RFA-OD-09-003) and the proposal addresses the broad Challenge Area (08): Genomics, and the specific Challenge Topic, 08-AA-104: Regional Central Nervous System (CNS) Gene Expression. Alco
This spending item is part of a $995,128 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $798,470 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This innovative translational research endeavor will employ an established cue reactivity/exposure methodology to assess the therapeutic potential of an untested and potentially promising adjunctive pharmacotherapy for one of the most prevalent and intrac National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $796,712 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This two-year proposal is designed to establish a research framework of excellence that can be used to develop new translational insights into the mechanism of heart valve disease with the aim of improving therapy. Our specific goal is to understand the i National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $765,713 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support To hire an indentified faculty candidate who will join an interactive and multidisciplinary group of researchers at MUSC who are currently investigating the plasticity of ascohol addiction and dependence. The proposed new faculty hire will augment and ex National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $763,720 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support AN OPEN SOURCE RESEARCH PERMISSIONS FRAMEWORK FOR SOUTH CAROLINA PROJECT NARRATIVE The current Grand Opportunity grant will allow the SC Center of Economic Excellence in Healthcare Quality (CHQ) to accelerate its planned clinical and translational researc
This spending item is part of a $4,828,009 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $737,500 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support After biosynthesis within the fibroblast, a procollagen molecule is secreted into the extracellular space where it must undergo a series of very ordered, time sensitive, and location sensitive sequential post-synthetic processing steps in order to become National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $737,500 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The broad objective of this project is to prevent degeneration of cone photoreceptors, which are essential for human color vision. In a disease such as Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), the levels of the native chromophore of visual pigments, the Vitamin National Institutes of Health 6/03/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $734,819 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Alcoholic liver disease affects more than 2.5 million people and costs in excess of $1.5 billion/year for treatment and lost productivity in the U.S.. Alcohol use remains the most common cause of liver-related mortality. Worldwide, alcoholic liver disease National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $721,626 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance among adolescents in the United States. Marijuana has profound effects on cognition, memory, and psychomotor skills. Optimal performance in these domains is critical for adolescents to achieve the ne National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $671,026 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Grant name: POINT. The purpose of the Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and minor ischemic stroke (POINT) Trial is to determine the safety and effectiveness of the combination of low-dose aspirin and a medication called clopidogrel (also known by th
This spending item is part of a $12,424,539 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $651,170 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this supplement is to establish new infrastructure in the Center for Oral Health Research (COHR) to address translational oral cancers needs at MUSC; and provide additional staff in the COHR to initiate oral cancer support-related activitie National Institutes of Health 8/25/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $587,298 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This supplement falls within the scope of the parent grant as we are proposing to provide new training opportunities to clinical researchers interested in oral health research. Our infrastructure and experience gained with the Gullah population have led u National Institutes of Health 9/08/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $567,200 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This Competitive Revision enhances medication development for treatment of cocaine dependence by expanding the scope of a study evaluating the efficacy of a pharmacotherapy (D-cycloserine) in facilitating extinction to cocaine-related cue reactivity. In t National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $518,590 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The ability to understand and harness the combined potential of early activated T cell generation and robust circulating DC induction could serve to synergistically augment in the generation of an effective anti-tumor response in vivo. The two year ARRA f National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $500,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This proposal deals with platelet disorder. Platelet disorder, directly or indirectly, affects all human inflammatory diseases. One of the major pathways for platelet activation is through the interaction between platelet glycoprotein Ib-IX-V complex and National Institutes of Health 8/30/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $499,800 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Cell membrane receptors utilize numerous intracellular second messengers to propagate their signal into and through the cell. Individual receptors can activate many intracellular signaling pathways. An instrument capab National Institutes of Health 3/04/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $493,255 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The currently funded parent grant (U01 AA014095) to this competitive revision application is a research component of the NIAAA supported INIA-Stress Consortium, which is focused on stress-ethanol interactions in relation to excessive drinking behavior. S National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $476,102 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most studied condition in child mental health, reflecting its high prevalence (3% to 6% of children) and association with significant lifelong impairment. The ability to quantitatively characterize in National Institutes of Health 12/06/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $449,138 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The goal of this project is to define the mechanisms by which crosstalk between the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor pushes oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells to metastatic progres National Institutes of Health 6/05/2009
FRANKLIN C FETTER FAMILY HEALTH CENTER INC $439,104 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Franklin C. Fetter will implement the IDS Project(s) to the identified community and target population by increasing our provider staffing and support staff. Staffing will include hiring one (1)Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner an... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 3/27/2009
ST JAMES SANTEE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER INC $436,375 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] The CIP will provide funds for the renovation of over 6,992 sq. ft. of space at one of our properties, a former elementary school building,into a medical facility. Once the renovated building is completed we will relocate the present s... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $420,231 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Apathy in Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a significant public health problem with serious adverse consequences for patients and caregivers. Apathy affects approximately 70% of AD patients, making it one of the most common neuropsychiatric symptoms (M. S. Me
This spending item is part of a $1,449,988 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $410,125 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This award is a competitive supplement for a previously awarded grant. Our initial grant aims at measuring longitudinally (over more than a 20 year period) biomarkers of endothelial cell dysfunction, inflammation and clotting/fibrinolysis factors in the National Institutes of Health 9/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $405,625 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The primary purpose of this funding is to support the development and testing of a novel dysphagia treatment. Dysphagia is a commonly occurring and often chronic upper aerodigestive disorder that results from head and neck cancer treatments and neurologic National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $405,580 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The Rev-RRE interaction and the subsequent transport of intron-containing viral mRNA mediated by the cellular export receptor CRM1 are essential to the replication of the HIV-1 retrovirus. The current model for oligomeric Rev binding to its cognate RRE is National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $405,512 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The funding obtained under the ARRA is for conducting research within the broad area of Alzheimer?s disease (AD) pathogenesis. Although several AD-linked genetic mutations have been identified that directly cause the disease (due to an accumulation of amy National Institutes of Health 5/15/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $403,521 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Candida albicans is the most frequently isolated fungal pathogen of humans. This fungus can switch between three distinct morphological forms: yeast, hyphae, and pseudohyphae. The reversible transition between the unicellular (yeast) and filamentous (pseu National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $372,870 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This project will continue the development, validation, and commercialization efforts of Audiology Incorporated to develop hearing testing products that will increase access, efficiency, and accuracy of hearing tests. The methods are based on behavioral s
This spending item is part of a $1,970,866 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 4/08/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $371,002 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Examine brain activation patterns in individuals at risk for drug abuse who are processing anti-drug media messages National Institutes of Health 3/21/2011
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $369,050 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support We propose that the recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells and activation of anti-inflammatory signaling pathways are the mechanisms by which SDF-1a is beneficial in sepsis. 1. We will determine the effect of CTCE-0214 on the cecal ligation and punct National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $366,378 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The outcome from this supplemental application is to not only to enhance the existing specific aims through the training and hiring of a targeted faculty member, but to update and enhance this targeted faculty members??? research capabilities. Through pro National Institutes of Health 7/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $364,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The leukodystrophies are a group of disorders that affect myelin. Most of the leukodystrophies are hereditary and cause progressive degeneration of the white matter. Currently, there are no cures for any of the leukodystrophies. The focus of this project National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $356,950 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This proposal is to isolate T cell clones bearing high affinity T cells receptors (TCR) reactive with prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) and to characterize their efficacy after engineering them on normal perip National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $348,432 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The focus of this research program is age-related hearing loss (presbyacusis), a disorder that contributes to poor communication abilities and reduced quality of life for millions of Americans. Scientific projects examine age-related changes in speech un National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $335,906 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Walking is important to persons who have had a stroke and better rehabilitation methods are needed to restore or improve their walking. This project will find new and better ways to measure walking performance that are explicitly linked to specific underl
This spending item is part of a $363,805 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/07/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $319,843 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The focus of this project is to develop the formative structures and processes needed to test the efficacy of hand feeding versus tube feeding in persons with late-stage dementia through a larger randomized controlled R01 study. Feeding among persons with National Institutes of Health 5/20/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $299,901 ARRA ? Equipment to Enhance Training for Health Professionals Established in 1972, the South Carolina AHEC (SC AHEC) provides for a continuum of education extending from primary school to continuing education for practicing health professionals. We maintain strong programs designed to: increase the ... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 9/02/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $299,698 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Adoptive transfer of TCR gene modified T cells represents a novel new approach for treating patients with various malignanicies. The goal parent NIH R01 grant, CA104947-03 entitled ?TCR Affinity and Therapeutic Efficacy of T Cells? is to determine how TC National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $281,462 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Based on our studies we developed the following hypothesis: In the eye, adenosine forms an intrinsic regulatory system that is essential for maintaining lOP within normal limits. Disruption of this system leads to elevated lOP, increasing the risk for opt National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $281,230 ARRA ? Equipment to Enhance Training for Health Professionals Equipping MUSC's Center for Clinical Effectiveness and Teaching (CCET) with digital video capture equipment will dramatically improve the clinical teaching resources and capacity for interprofessional learning. The MUSC Simulation Center ... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 9/04/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $281,041 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support General purpose of the award was to create education and research experience opportunities in the general area of developmentally-based cardiovascular disease for: 1) undergraduate college students; and, 2) Secondary school science educators National Institutes of Health 7/13/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $273,992 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support About 2% of proteins in the human genome are predicted to be modified by prenylation. These include a broad range of substrates, but prominent among them are many key proteins involved in cell signaling, growth regulation, cell progression and differentia National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $260,747 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This application addresses the broad Challenge Area (05) Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) and the specific Challenge Topic (05-MH-102) Cost Effectiveness of Mental Health Interventions. This study will conduct comparative cost-effectiveness analy
This spending item is part of a $560,391 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $256,779 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This award is for a highly specialized instrumentation that provides reliable qualitative and quantitative analyses of natural sphingolipids and synthetic analogues supporting extensive cancer research. National Institutes of Health 5/06/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $221,250 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Cilia are microtubule-based organelles that have long been observed on most mammalian cells. While their presence has been known, their diverse functions in mammalian development and signaling are poorly understood. Cilia have recently been shown to be National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $215,216 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of the award funding is to retain the job of the highly qualified research specialist, Mr. Kent Smith, working on key experimentation of our R01 grant. The focus of our project is in the area of lipids, inflammation and accelerated cardiovascu National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
ST JAMES SANTEE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER INC $188,582 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] The Increased Demands for Services (IDS) grant purpose is to increase patients and uninsured patients served by adding new providers, expanding hours of operations, and/or expanding existing health care services. The $188,582 award ... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 3/27/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $184,280 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Cocaine addiction is a serious problem afflicting the United States, and treatment remains imperfect. Although the study of cocaine self-administration and reinstatement in rats has provided much knowledge of cocaine a National Institutes of Health 5/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $177,917 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States but with the emergence of resistant strains, only one class of antibiotic, third-generation cephalosporins, is now recommended for its treatment. To address this, we National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY $175,190 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) are an important national health problem affecting more than 10 million people in the United States. Although the exact cause of TMDs is unclear, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc pathophysiology (i.e., disc d
This spending item is part of a $222,656 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 4/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $174,545 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This supplement is the NORDIC (Neuro-Ophthalmology Research Disease Investigator Consortium) Headquarters portion of a joint effort for both Drs Mark Kupersmith and Karl Kieburtz on behalf of our respective institutions, St. Luke?s Roosevelt Hospital and
This spending item is part of a $799,913 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 8/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $174,339 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This study will support the original grant Mechanism of Termination of DNA Replication, speed up goals that were already approved, and provide continued employment to postdoctoral fellows and a student. The additional work proposed, we believe is innova National Institutes of Health 1/20/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $172,416 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this collaborative research supplement is to provide support for a new interdisciplinary collaboration between two laboratories in different departments at MUSC. Dr. Lisa Cunningham is a neuroscientist in the Department of Pathology and La National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $170,000 ARRA Grants for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Training and Enhancement From Sept 1, 2008 to August 31, 2011, this academic administrative unit had a HRSA Title VII grant focused on the overall goal to improve primary care training and education of medical students and pediatric resi... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 8/20/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $169,563 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support With continuous improvements in cancer treatment, there is a growing population of long-term cancer survivors who are at a significant risk for late effects induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and chemotherapy, such as residual bone marrow (BM) injury, gen
This spending item is part of a $185,637 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/17/2010
Coastal Carolina Research Center $159,200 The contractor shall furnish all necessary facilities, equipment, materials, and personnel, and shall perform all services necessary to conduct three clincial studies entitled FUF14 - H1N1 Adult/Ederly Clinical Study; FUF15 - H1N1 Pediatric Clinical Study
This spending item is part of a $29,360,000 allocation. See details
Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $157,928 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This project provides continued support of the Medical Scientist Training Program at the Medical University of South Carolina. The goal is to produce physician-scientists who choose a lifelong career in biomedical research spanning the interface between National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $155,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This is a proposal to validate the accuracy of a multi-gene Lung Cancer Risk Test (LCRT). An accurate LCRT may be used to design more efficient lung cancer screening and/or chemoprevention studies by enabling enrollment of the highest risk individuals, re
This spending item is part of a $1,649,791 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $154,160 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support MODELING SPATIAL AND FAMILY FACTORS IN THE TRANSMISSION OF WEALTH Specific Aims Our goal is to specify conditions under which men were able to accumulate wealth between 1850 and 1870 in a native born US population of related individuals. To do this, we wi
This spending item is part of a $402,394 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $150,899 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The central hypothesis of the parent project (R01 DK055524-11A2) is that heterotrimeric G proteins and arrestins function as independent G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signal transducers that mediate distinct facets of the cellular response to GPCR sti National Institutes of Health 1/20/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $148,676 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorobenzenes and dioxins remain an environmental health threat. New and innovative ways of detoxifying these compounds removing them from the environment are needed. This
This spending item is part of a $287,050 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/06/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $147,500 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Medical research to determine whether low levels of caveolin-1 in their monocytes, fibrocytes, and fibroblasts play a critical role in the susceptibility of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and scleroderma patients to lung fibrosis. National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $147,500 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support SIGNIFICANCE: In the United States, it is estimated that one in seven women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Estrogens are an important risk factor for the disease. The timing of exposure also plays an important role in the determinatio National Institutes of Health 8/26/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $147,500 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This project investigates the role of beta-arrestin 1 and 2 as negative regulators of inflammatory response in collagen-induced arthritis. Understanding beta-arrestin 1 and 2 expression in correlation to the disease severity, its cellular specificity in t National Institutes of Health 8/11/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $146,093 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The overriding purpose of the project is to improve kidney transplant outcomes in terms of graft survival and improve the economic impact of kidney transplantation. Many kidney allografts are lost in the long term because the patients lose their Medicare National Institutes of Health 5/28/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $140,131 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support In higher vertebrates, nerve conduction is greatly facilitated by myelin, a lipid-rich membrane that wraps around the axon. Myelin is formed by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) and by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (PN National Institutes of Health 8/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $139,225 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support During the period of the parent grant we have reported that the ability of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells to avoid apoptosis and accumulate in the circulation of patients is the result of aberrant stabilization of bcl-2 mRNA by the protein nucle National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $137,625 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The focus of this research is cochlear hearing loss and its effects on the perception of simple and complex sounds and the ability to understand speech. Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions of aging and contributes to poor communicat National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $136,995 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Autoimmune diseases are estimated to afflict as many as 50,000,000 Americans. This proposal tests genetic and serologic biomarkers of autoimmunity, cytokine activity, and abnormal environmental responses as predictors of autoimmune disease onset. Biospeci
This spending item is part of a $999,740 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/28/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $130,005 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support It is estimated that 3.2 million African Americans aged 20 years or older have type 2 diabetes. This represents approximately 13% of the AA population and a significant proportion of the more than 20 million Americans believed to be living with diabetes,
This spending item is part of a $143,505 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 7/26/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $123,630 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Knowledge of protein function serves as a corner stone for biomedical research, which is fundamental for understanding biologic systems, the mechanism of disease and ultimately the human health. Decades of biomedical research has accumulated a great weal National Institutes of Health 9/03/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $122,881 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Plan and Timeline For The Research And Career Development Experiences Proposed for Dr. Wright: Dr. Wright will commit twelve calendar months of her total effort for a period of two years to the project outlined below. This project was designed with sever National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $118,360 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The long-term goal of this project is to define the role of the novel lipid pathway mediated by sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in inflammation and to establish components of this pathway as potential novel targets for anti-inflammatory therapy. The PI?s la National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $116,144 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The Acute Liver Failure Study Group (ALFSG) has been funded by NIDDK since 1997 to study a rare condition, acute liver failure. Only a network approach will capture these unusual but life threatening cases. ALFSG provides a registry including data and bio
This spending item is part of a $425,660 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 5/31/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $107,827 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The etiologies of aging, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases, have all (with varying degrees of certitude) been associated with increased exposure to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or reactive nitrogen species (RNS). We have developed a cell-ba National Institutes of Health 5/29/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $107,775 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This administrative supplement builds on the applicant's current K-24 award. Specifically, the third component of the program project outlined in the original K-24 award focused on utilizing clinical/radiologic findings from patients presenting with inde National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
Rural Mission Inc $107,155 ARRA - Head Start The award received from the Federal government is being used as follows: COLA ARRA 1.84% of $ 917,752 for salary increases and fringe benefits, along with Vehicle Operationals Costs and Vehicle Repair Costs. ARRA Quality Funds have been allocated to the D
This spending item is part of a $3,258,492 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $106,259 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this award is to establish a conditional GDNF knockout mouse colony at MUSC which will substantially expand and accelerate the current research associated with the aims of the parent grant PO1 AG023630. National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
TRIDENT AREA AGENCY ON AGING $101,148 Aging Congregate Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Congregate Nutrition Services. Established in 1972 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to older Americans in congregate facilities such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings.
This spending item is part of a $962,818 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $100,000 ARRA - Health Information Technology Extension Program CITIA-SC: Creating A Healthier South Carolina Through Health Information Technology The mission of the Center for Information Technology Implementation Assistance in South Carolina (CITIA-SC) is to, improve the health and quality of life of South... Show more
This spending item is part of a $6,874,318 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of 3/30/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $99,675 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Periodontal disease initiation and progression occurs as a consequence of the host immune inflammatory response to oral pathogens. The purpose of this award is to 1)determine the role of over-expressed MKP-1 on IL-6 and TNFalpha mRNA in vitro, 2)determin National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $99,675 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Periodontal disease initiation and progression occurs as a consequence of the host immune inflammatory response to oral pathogens. The purpose of this award is to 1)determine the role of over-expressed MKP-1 on IL-6 and TNFalpha mRNA in vitro, 2)determin National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $98,751 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Prolactin is essential for a number of bodily processes including reproduction and immune function. Despite the importance of this hormone, little information is available on the manner in which it is expressed in individual secreting cells. Recent eviden National Institutes of Health 3/12/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $96,518 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this project is the development of high-throughput fluorescent assay for measurement of reduced folate pools in biological samples. Such an assay is an important research tool for biomedical studies relevant to folate metabolism and certai National Institutes of Health 2/04/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $95,184 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Glucose toxicity accounts for insulin resistance in patients with uncontrolled type 1 diabetes and contributes to to it in type 2 diabetes. It contributes to vascular complications, the major causes of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. Susta National Institutes of Health 12/28/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $94,031 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this award is to provide funds to support research projects begun under the parent project (AA009986) and to develop new avenues of research on defining how ethanol inhibits glutamate receptor function. This work utilizes molecular biology National Institutes of Health 7/14/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $91,564 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This Administrative Supplement under award number R01 CA119079, Mecahnisms of Cell Death After Photodynamic Therapy is being used to purchase a Nikon Ti-E Inverted Microscope with Epi-Fluorescence and Phase Contrast. National Institutes of Health 8/31/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $83,014 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This award was provided to supplement an ongoing research project aimed at finding out why individuals with a personal history of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) have a heightened risk of developing subsequent cancers other than NMSC. The ARRA funding wil
This spending item is part of a $198,711 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $79,886 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major health problem affecting approximately 200 million throughout the world. Although new therapies have improved the rates of sustained response, a large proportion of patients (~50%) fail to respond to antiviral treatment
This spending item is part of a $903,136 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 8/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $76,987 ARRA - Immunization Although overall childhood immunization rates are high some parents defer or decline vaccinations for their children because of their concerns about vaccine safety. Research has shown that physician recommendations greatly influence parents in their vacc
This spending item is part of a $320,554 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9/21/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $75,638 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support These grant monies provide salaries for summer research employment for 5 students who are active in their undergraduate studies. The goal is to provide employment in a manner that will mentor college students towards a career in biomedical research. National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $74,664 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The detailed molecular events underpinning retinal injury in diabetic retinopathy (DR) are not fully understood and convenient biomarkers to predict disease progression are entirely lacking. We now introduce a new concept: that plasma lipoproteins mediat
This spending item is part of a $997,203 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/07/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $74,418 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The sequencing of the human genome has set the stage for the next major frontier in biology, the proteome, and has paved the way for the new 'omics' era in biomedical reseach. The exploding cascadeof data requires integration of bioinformatics tools for d National Institutes of Health 8/03/2009
COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON $71,042 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This application addresses Broad Challenge Area (12) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education and specific challenge area 12-OD-101, Efficacy of educational approaches toward promoting STEM competencies. The title of the proposal is Impr
This spending item is part of a $998,119 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $71,034 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This application is a request for an administrative supplement to grant 2R25GM072643-05 MUSC Minority Student Development Program (PI, Cynthia Wright). Funding is requested to support two initiatives that will increase our ability to recruit underrepresen National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $71,010 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This ARRA award provides supplemental funds for an NIH funded grant to purchase a multi-electrode electrophysiological system for in-vivo recording of brain neuronal activity. This state-of-the-art instrumentation will allow us to conduct new studies that National Institutes of Health 2/10/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $67,458 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This award is for the purchase of a Neuro-CCD-SMQ imaging system to be used in a project focused on defining how ethanol alters patterns of activity in neurons of the prefrontal cortex, a brain area critical for cognition, learning and control of behavior National Institutes of Health 8/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $66,473 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Delayed parenchymal (hepatocellular) killing occurs in liver grafts that begins after about 4 h and can lead to graft dysfunction and failure. The mechanisms of delayed parenchymal cell injury develops remain poorly understood. Our preliminary experiments National Institutes of Health 2/16/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $65,156 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This proposed study will address this increasing health concern by characterizing the bioactive potential of a marine bacterium, Genus Pseudovibrio, isolated from a Caribbean coral that is shown to produce a number of antimicrobials in preliminary screeni National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $65,010 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The Parent Grant, known as the Carolinas Conversations Collection, represents the development of a Web-based data archive of recordings and transcriptions of people over 65 years of age in North and South Carolina from racially, ethnically, and linguistic National Institutes of Health 9/17/2009
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SOUTH CAROLINA $63,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Determination of mode of action of PFOS on decreased antibody production to better assess human health risk from environmental exposure to this compound. National Institutes of Health 5/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $57,990 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support With continuous improvements in cancer treatment, there is a growing population of long-term cancer survivors who are at a significant risk for late effects induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and chemotherapy, such as residual bone marrow (BM) injury, gen National Institutes of Health 9/01/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $57,290 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support In response to RFA Notice # NOT-OD-09-056, an administrative supplement is being requested to accelerate research studies proposed in NIH/NIGMS funded R01 GM081054 titled Norepinephrine Transport Regulation By Phosphorylation. The major goal of the parent National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $55,901 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This is an administrative supplement request for R01 DK052446-11, being submitted in response to NOT-OD-09-056, in compliance with specific guidelines from NIDDK. The title of the parent grant is ?Mechanisms of Regulation of NHE-1? with a current budget National Institutes of Health 8/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $54,290 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Acute liver failure is a rare but devastating disease that has been studied for 11 years by our established consortium of 23 academic centers. We now propose an administrative supplement to support more intensive management of all aspects of the data and
This spending item is part of a $235,366 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $54,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The parent K01 award of this supplement aimed to study role of ADAMs ( a disintegrin and metalloenzymes) in cross-talk between G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that are present in physiological condition in renal me National Institutes of Health 12/16/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $53,888 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Specific Aim 1: To test the hypothesis that angiotensin-(2-10) is a bioactive peptide that modulates the in vivo actions of angiotensin-II on renal hemodynamics and tubular handling of sodium under physiological and pathological conditions. Research Desig National Institutes of Health 4/01/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $52,947 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This project investigates the role of beta-arrestin 1 and 2 as negative regulators of inflammatory response in collagen-induced arthritis. Understanding beta-arrestin 1 and 2 expression in correlation to the disease severity, its cellular specificity in t National Institutes of Health 8/02/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $52,719 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The research projects focus on the interrelationships between age-related changes in auditory and cognitive function and their contributions to changes in communication abilities of older adults. Knowledge of the auditory and cognitive factors contributin National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $51,955 ARRA Grants for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Training and Enhancement Grant Name: Clinical Care of the Underserved Purpose: Our project's purpose is to train students to provide primary care for vulnerable patient populations and support career interests in working with underserved... Show more
This spending item is part of a $261,485 allocation. See details
Health Resources and Services Administration 7/15/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $51,373 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this request for administrative supplements is to allow for Summer Research Experiences for Science Educators, which will accelerate our research project in determining the role and mechanisms of issue kallikrein in cardiac protection after National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
TRIDENT AREA AGENCY ON AGING $51,083 Aging Home-Delivered Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Home-Delivered Nutrition Services. Established in 1978 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to seniors who are homebound.
This spending item is part of a $474,003 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $49,628 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a multicellular, angiogenic tumor arising in the setting of immunosuppression, including AIDS and solid organ transplantation. Despite advances in AIDS therapy and prevention, KS remains the most common AIDS-associated malignancy National Institutes of Health 9/15/2009
THE COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON $46,116 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support SC IDEA NETWORK OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH EXCELLENCE The primary purpose of the SC INBRE program is to provide hands-on research experiences to undergraduate students and to serve as a pipeline to health research careers. The supplement will also allow expa
This spending item is part of a $242,246 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 7/13/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $42,869 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support MUSC has been measuruing ethanol concentrations in relatively small tissue samples using a gas chromoatograph (GC). The GC we are currently using is over 25 years old and we have been informed by the company (Schmadzu) that it can no longer be reparied ( National Institutes of Health 7/15/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $42,130 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support SC IDEA NETWORK OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH EXCELLENCE The primary purpose of the SC INBRE program is to provide hands-on research experiences to undergraduate students and to serve as a pipeline to health research careers. The supplement will also allow expa
This spending item is part of a $242,246 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 7/13/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $42,000 To implement the Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health (SEARCH) program by offering opportunities for health professions students and residents to serve on multidisciplinary health care teams in underserved communities in South Ca
This spending item is part of a $599,064 allocation. See details
Health Resources and Services Administration 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $42,000 To provide services for the Student/Resident Experiences and Rotations in Community Health (SEARCH) program by offering opportunities for health professions students and residents to serve on multidisciplinary health care teams in underserved communities
This spending item is part of a $599,064 allocation. See details
Health Resources and Services Administration 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $39,530 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This award sought to allow for the expansion of the established aim of the parent R03 grants, to compare the patient judgment of laryngeal sensation to the actual state of the larynx by adding an instrumental measure of laryngeal sensation. This addition National Institutes of Health 1/27/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $39,294 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The project aims to provide summer research training for undergraduate students. Bioinformatics is a new interdisciplinary science that plays critical role in future high throughput biomedical research. Through providing hands on research experience, th National Institutes of Health 6/02/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $37,600 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The parent grant was awarded to study the molecular mechanisms of activation of NHE-1, which is an electroneutral sodium-proton exchanger expressed in nearly every mammalian cell, and which is responsible for regulation of cell growth, intracellular pH, a
This spending item is part of a $44,100 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/28/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $35,971 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The supplementation of vitamin D (vitD) during lactation has been poorly investigated: An expert panel convened by the CDC released a report stating that there are insufficient data to evaluate vitD supplementation requirements during lactation. A CDC stu
This spending item is part of a $72,682 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY $34,413 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Project Narrative Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are potentially fatal conditions afflicting major blood vessels, which are characterized by a loss of blood vessel wall flexibility, and their ultimate structural weakening and rupture. This occurs due t National Institutes of Health 7/16/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $34,345 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support SC IDEA NETWORK OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH EXCELLENCE Consistent with the original SC INBRE design, the proposed biomedical research activities will be conducted by collaborative teams. The aims of this supplement are to obtain preliminary data to strengthen
This spending item is part of a $245,003 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $31,775 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This Recovery Act Administrative Supplement to R01 DK70844, Transplantation of Reduced-Size Fatty Livers is for purchasing a real-time PCR detection system. The overall objective of this research is to expend the usable donor pool and improve the outcome National Institutes of Health 2/16/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $31,431 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF SPATIAL SURVIVAL MODELS General Aims The general aim of this project is to develop new and flexible statistical methods to estimate survival probabilities within spatial cancer survival data. We are interested in developing s
This spending item is part of a $150,466 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 6/19/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $31,242 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adolescents exposed to disasters is prevalent and increases health morbidity and mortality. Although PTSD is common among youth exposed to traumatic stressors, is not present among all exposed youth. Disaster-exp
This spending item is part of a $213,824 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/28/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $29,412 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) are an important national health problem affecting more than 10 million people in the United States. Although the exact cause of TMDs is unclear, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc pathophysiology (i.e., disc d
This spending item is part of a $222,656 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 4/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $28,254 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Micro- and macrovascular disease are major causes of morbidity and premature mortality in diabetes mellitus. Our underlying hypothesis is that vascular damage is promoted by the inter-related proceses of dyslipoproteinemia, inflammation, and oxidative str
This spending item is part of a $1,378,367 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $25,812 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Abstract this project aims to establish a Lung Cancer Mutation Consortium (LCMC) consisting of 13 institutions with a major interest in lung cancer and genomic testing of lung cancer as documented by having major NCI grants in lung cancer. The LCMC member
This spending item is part of a $4,894,665 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $25,812 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Abstract this project aims to establish a Lung Cancer Mutation Consortium (LCMC) consisting of 13 institutions with a major interest in lung cancer and genomic testing of lung cancer as documented by having major NCI grants in lung cancer. The LCMC member
This spending item is part of a $4,894,665 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $18,054 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) are an important national health problem affecting more than 10 million people in the United States. Although the exact cause of TMDs is unclear, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc pathophysiology (i.e., disc d
This spending item is part of a $222,656 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 4/29/2009
TRIDENT AREA AGENCY ON AGING $16,000 ARRA - Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Chronic Disease Self-Manage In collaboration with the Recovery Act-funded Communities putting prevention to work (CPPW) program.
This spending item is part of a $750,000 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/31/2010
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $15,128 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This proposal asked for an administrative supplement for a period of 03/01/2009-12/31/2013) to support a short-term research training experience for an undergraduate student, with an emphasis on minorities, in Summer 2009 and 2010. The purpose of the supp National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $10,950 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The award supported summer research of undergraduate student. It was a great educational opportunity for students, which allowed hands-on laboratory research experience and active contribution to laboratory work. In addition the student was able to partic National Institutes of Health 6/01/2009
MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA $6,071 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The purpose of this award is to provide a short-term summer employment and a unique biomedical research opportunity for college students in 2009 and 2010 who are interested in pursuing a career in science and intend to go to a graduate or medical school. National Institutes of Health 6/04/2009
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SOUTH CAROLINA $0 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Award rescinded by NIH due to investigator transfer. Principal investigator, Gary Wright, transferred from the Medical University of South Carolina to East Tennessee State University. Award revised to reflect a 1 day project period with $0.00 funding. National Institutes of Health 7/20/2009