This database was last updated in February 2019. It
should only be used as a historical snapshot. You can look up doctors and
find more recent data using the federal government's
Prescriber Look-up Tool.
35% of this provider’s prescriptions were for brand-name drugs, compared to an average of 51%.
Prescription Price
$74 was the average price of a prescription from this provider, compared to $96 among peers.
Prescriptions per Patient
5 is the average number of prescriptions (including refills) per patient, compared to an average of 4.
How This Provider’s Patients Compare
Doctors often say their patients are sicker or more complex than those of their peers. The measure displayed below, used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, takes into account patients’ characteristics to estimate whether they are expected to have above-average Medicare spending. It considers patients’ age, sex, diagnoses from the past year and other factors. This provider’s score below takes into account all patients.
Expected to have lower spending
Expected to have higher spending
This Provider's History
A comparison of this provider’s prescribing in Part D since 2014. All years may not be shown if there is insufficient data.
Cost of Claims
Number of Claims
This Prescriber's Drugs
The table below list this provider’s drugs, the number of prescriptions and how many went to seniors. Drugs are ranked by volume and compared with the rank for all providers in the same specialty and state.
The list below includes only those drugs for which this provider wrote 50 or more prescriptions.
An opioid drug. More »Prescription opioids (painkillers) can help alleviate certain kinds of pain in the short term but carry serious health risks.
An antibiotic drug. More »Used to treat bacterial infections but are often prescribed incorrectly to treat viral infections, such as chest colds or the flu.
An antipsychotic drug. More »Antipsychotics are frequently given to dementia patients, though it increases their risk of death.
This provider is among the top 10 prescribers of this drug in the country.
This provider’s prescriptions for this drug were for more days than those of peers. More » Because of this, his or her prescription count may be lower.
This provider’s prescriptions for this drug were for fewer days than those of peers. More »Because of this, his or her prescription count may be higher.
This provider received at least one payment from a pharmaceutical company related to this drug in 2016. More »This flag only appears for the top 50 most prescribed brand-name drugs in Medicare that year.
Prescribing data from Medicare’s prescription drug benefit, known as Part D, was compiled and released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that oversees the program. The data for 2016 includes more than 1.5 billion prescriptions written by 1.1 million doctors, nurses and other providers. This database lists over 460,000 of those providers who wrote 50 or more prescriptions for at least one drug that year. More than three-fourths of these prescriptions went to patients 65 and older; the rest were for disabled patients. Methodology »
Incorrect Info?
If you are a provider and you believe your address is incorrect, check the listing you created on the National Provider Identifier registry. If you change your listing, send a note to and we will update your information. If you have other questions about this data, send a note to
No comparisons are shown if there are fewer than 20 prescribers in the state share this specialty.
Comparisons do not take into account the medical conditions of patients. Medications for certain conditions do not have generic alternatives, so patients would receive more expensive brand name drugs.
This provider's address and specialty information was last updated on Feb. 15, 2012.
Comparisons are based on each provider’s current address, not necessarily where he or she worked during the time period covered in this database.
In rare circumstances, providers' prescription tallies may be inflated. Sometimes providers are credited with prescriptions written by colleagues (this happens in long-term care facilities) or are victims of fraud involving theft of their provider number.