Prescriber Checkup
The Doctors and Drugs in Medicare Part D
This database was last updated in February 2019. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. You can look up doctors and find more recent data using the federal government's Prescriber Look-up Tool.
At A Glance: This Prescriber in 2016
Self-Reported Primary Specialty
Rank: 86 out of 208 providers in this state and specialty
Rank: 65 out of 208 providers in this state and specialty
How Does This Prescriber Compare to Peers?
In the same specialty and state. Caveats »
this specialty
in Indiana lower than average
0% of this provider’s 356 patients who are 65 and older filled at least one prescription for an antipsychotic drug, compared to an average of 0%.
7% of this provider’s 377 patients filled at least one prescription for an antibiotic drug, compared to an average of 3%.
0% of this provider’s 377 patients filled at least one prescription for an opioid, compared to an average of 2%.
Brand Name Drugs
63% of this provider’s prescriptions were for brand-name drugs, compared to an average of 51%.
Prescription Price
$113 was the average price of a prescription from this provider, compared to $103 among peers.
Prescriptions per Patient
4 is the average number of prescriptions (including refills) per patient, compared to an average of 4.