Prescriber Checkup
The Doctors and Drugs in Medicare Part D
This database was last updated in February 2019. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. You can look up doctors and find more recent data using the federal government's Prescriber Look-up Tool.
At A Glance: This Prescriber in 2016
Self-Reported Primary Specialty
Rank: 1087 out of 1508 providers in this state and specialty
Rank: 981 out of 1508 providers in this state and specialty
How Does This Prescriber Compare to Peers?
In the same specialty and state. Caveats »
this specialty
in Missouri lower than average
This provider prescribed antipsychotics to at least one but fewer than 11 patients who are 65 and older, so Medicare redacted the exact figure. Comparisons are not shown.
24% of this provider’s 220 patients filled at least one prescription for an antibiotic drug, compared to an average of 29%.
25% of this provider’s 220 patients filled at least one prescription for an opioid, compared to an average of 23%.
Brand Name Drugs
16% of this provider’s prescriptions were for brand-name drugs, compared to an average of 17%.
Prescription Price
$70 was the average price of a prescription from this provider, compared to $55 among peers.
Prescriptions per Patient
14 is the average number of prescriptions (including refills) per patient, compared to an average of 19.