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Total Committed Value of Federal Contracts
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Brentwood, TN

Recent Contract Actions

Contracts can have multiple “contract actions”: This is how agencies spend money for a specific purpose, adjust the amount committed or change the contract in a way that doesn’t affect the amount. That last scenario is usually indicated by a $0 action. If there is a contract action for a negative amount, it generally means the contract was adjusted or canceled.

Description Category Agency Signed Amount Committed
INMATE WASHABLE MASK Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons February 23, 2021 $40,972
SUPER SANI-CLOTH GERMICIDAL WIPES Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs August 19, 2020 -$40,870
EMERGENCY COVID-19 SUPPLIES Pest Control Agents and Disinfectants Department of Veterans Affairs July 20, 2020 -$10,120
NON-ISOLATION GOWNS LEVEL 3 COVID-19 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons June 05, 2020 -$3,890,000
NON-ISOLATION GOWNS LEVEL 3 COVID-19 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons May 28, 2020 $3,890,000
EMERGENCY COVID-19 SUPPLIES Pest Control Agents and Disinfectants Department of Veterans Affairs May 14, 2020 $19,354
8507326054!MINERAL OIL Drugs and Biologicals Defense Logistics Agency April 17, 2020 $63
FACE MASKS P/N 20-901 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 15, 2020 $226,064
PHARMACEUTICALS Drugs and Biologicals Department of Veterans Affairs April 15, 2020 $29,930
SUPER SANI-CLOTH GERMICIDAL WIPES Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 13, 2020 $40,870
MODIFICATION TO ADD 10,000 (50 PER BOX) BOXES OF SURGICAL 3-PLY MASKS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons April 13, 2020 $469,500
N95 MASKS FOR COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 10, 2020 -$425,000
N95 MASKS FOR COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 09, 2020 $425,000
SURGICAL 3 PLY FACE MASK 50 PER BOX Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons April 08, 2020 $749,979
EMERGENCY HAND SANITIZER FOR VISN2 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 07, 2020 -$177,406
EMERGENCY HAND SANITIZER FOR VISN2 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 06, 2020 $177,406
CORRECT ACCOUNTING DATA Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons April 03, 2020 $0
CONTINGENCY FACE MASK KIT BFE 95% Special Purpose Clothing Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons April 03, 2020 $0
SURGICAL 3-PLY FACE MASK 50 PER BOX Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons April 02, 2020 $0
SURGICAL MASKS IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 BATH VAMC 528A6 FY20Q3 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 01, 2020 $199,149
SURGICAL 3-PLY FACE MASK 50 PER BOX Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons March 31, 2020 $495,000
N95 AND SURGICAL MASKS FOR STAFF AT FCI LORETTO. Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons March 31, 2020 $29,571
DISPOSABLE PROTECTIVE COVERALL SAFETY SUIT (COVERALLS) Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons March 30, 2020 $706,500
CONTINGENCY FACE MASK KIT BFE 95% Special Purpose Clothing Federal Prison System / Bureau of Prisons March 25, 2020 $438,900
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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