
Contracts by State

The states where vendors receiving coronavirus-related contracts are headquartered.

StateVirginia Vendors739 Total Committed$6,287,723,894
StateMaryland Vendors498 Total Committed$3,978,376,917
StateCalifornia Vendors820 Total Committed$3,161,851,175
StateTexas Vendors555 Total Committed$2,321,464,832
StateIllinois Vendors242 Total Committed$2,125,292,495
StateNorth Carolina Vendors188 Total Committed$1,994,712,468
StateDistrict of Columbia Vendors128 Total Committed$1,634,278,336
StateFlorida Vendors434 Total Committed$1,629,581,373
StateMassachusetts Vendors231 Total Committed$1,577,522,155
StateNew Jersey Vendors199 Total Committed$1,488,704,838
StateNew York Vendors325 Total Committed$1,314,761,618
StateMichigan Vendors159 Total Committed$970,108,519
StateMinnesota Vendors121 Total Committed$917,262,282
StatePennsylvania Vendors269 Total Committed$862,535,877
StateDelaware Vendors24 Total Committed$765,302,002
StateColorado Vendors181 Total Committed$730,199,353
StateWashington Vendors222 Total Committed$728,566,592
StateIndiana Vendors97 Total Committed$657,395,896
StateNevada Vendors57 Total Committed$617,744,214
StateKansas Vendors58 Total Committed$603,507,717
StateWisconsin Vendors101 Total Committed$536,384,953
StateGeorgia Vendors214 Total Committed$511,011,064
StateTennessee Vendors107 Total Committed$488,494,378
StateOhio Vendors214 Total Committed$480,523,984
StateArizona Vendors189 Total Committed$358,696,353
StatePuerto Rico Vendors37 Total Committed$337,807,920
StateNew Mexico Vendors104 Total Committed$331,682,959
StateOklahoma Vendors84 Total Committed$306,398,999
StateAlabama Vendors102 Total Committed$263,920,274
StateMissouri Vendors105 Total Committed$247,659,346
StateOregon Vendors137 Total Committed$197,500,888
StateSouth Carolina Vendors88 Total Committed$145,392,548
StateKentucky Vendors68 Total Committed$141,278,316
StateAlaska Vendors114 Total Committed$122,578,891
StateLouisiana Vendors73 Total Committed$115,566,677
StateNew Hampshire Vendors33 Total Committed$104,497,424
StateConnecticut Vendors67 Total Committed$90,624,888
StateMississippi Vendors57 Total Committed$67,050,885
StateRhode Island Vendors25 Total Committed$66,532,565
StateUtah Vendors61 Total Committed$63,701,267
StateIowa Vendors36 Total Committed$53,070,222
StateMaine Vendors42 Total Committed$48,539,778
StateNebraska Vendors43 Total Committed$45,798,124
StateIdaho Vendors47 Total Committed$35,741,159
StateHawaii Vendors58 Total Committed$30,708,416
StateMontana Vendors54 Total Committed$18,733,816
StateArkansas Vendors44 Total Committed$17,984,631
StateSouth Dakota Vendors54 Total Committed$15,116,924
StateWest Virginia Vendors36 Total Committed$14,253,653
StateVermont Vendors14 Total Committed$13,496,357
StateNorth Dakota Vendors17 Total Committed$2,894,559
StateVirgin Islands Vendors11 Total Committed$2,118,502
StateAmerican Samoa Vendors1 Total Committed$1,128,000
StateGuam Vendors10 Total Committed$814,743
StateWyoming Vendors17 Total Committed$124,349
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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