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Total Committed Value of Federal Contracts
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Rockville, MD

Recent Contract Actions

Contracts can have multiple “contract actions”: This is how agencies spend money for a specific purpose, adjust the amount committed or change the contract in a way that doesn’t affect the amount. That last scenario is usually indicated by a $0 action. If there is a contract action for a negative amount, it generally means the contract was adjusted or canceled.

Description Category Agency Signed Amount Committed
BIOQUAL INC:1106312 [21-009387] NICHD SERVICE: LABORATORY SERVICES Other Professional Services National Institutes of Health June 30, 2021 $60,832
THE PURPOSE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS TO (1) EXERCISE OPTION 1, FUNDING THIS OPTION IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $8,125,898 AND EXTENDING THE PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE FROM 9/28/2020 THROUGH 9/27/2021; (2) UPDATE THE DATE TO AUG 2020 OF FAR 52.244-6 IN PART II Other Medical R&D (Basic Research) National Institutes of Health September 24, 2020 $8,125,898
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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