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Mansfield, MA

Recent Contract Actions

Contracts can have multiple “contract actions”: This is how agencies spend money for a specific purpose, adjust the amount committed or change the contract in a way that doesn’t affect the amount. That last scenario is usually indicated by a $0 action. If there is a contract action for a negative amount, it generally means the contract was adjusted or canceled.

Description Category Agency Signed Amount Committed
OTHER CRITICAL FUNCTION VENTILATOR AND COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Maintenance & Repair Department of Veterans Affairs January 28, 2021 $36,680
COVID-19 EMERGENCY PURCHASE: EQUIPMENT - ELECTROSURGICAL GENERATOR W/ ACCESSORIES FOR THE ICS TEAM AT THE NNMC. Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Indian Health Service January 13, 2021 $24,098
ADD FUNDS TO BULK-FUND PO Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Indian Health Service January 08, 2021 $50,000
DE-OBLIGATION OF FY20 FUNDS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs December 23, 2020 -$320
MEDTRONIC SUPERDIMENSION MAINTENANCE SERVICE PLAN Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Maintenance & Repair Department of Veterans Affairs October 28, 2020 $14,850
BRAVO PH RECORDER Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs September 28, 2020 $19,430
VENTILATORS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS September 22, 2020 -$17,504
PB980-VENTILATORS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs September 17, 2020 -$1,286,115
COVID-19 MR850 HUMIDIFIER Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs August 03, 2020 $70,931
EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF A MANOSCAN ESO Z CATHETER. Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs July 23, 2020 $19,949
FIRM FIXED PRICE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF 16 CAPNOSTREAM 35 MONTIOR KITS FOR THE CHEYENNE RIVER IHS SERVICE UNIT IN EAGLE BUTTE, SD FOR $60,000.00; POP 7/22/2020 TO 9/30/2020; Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Indian Health Service July 22, 2020 $60,000
VENTILATORS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS July 16, 2020 $0
ENDOFLIP TOPOGRAPHY SYSTEM Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs July 14, 2020 $75,820
CONTRACT AWARD FOR PB980 ADULT CONFIGURATION VENTILATORS MODIFICATION TO EXTEND DELIVERY DATE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs July 03, 2020 $0
VENTILATORS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS June 04, 2020 $0
COVID-19 PURITAN BENNETT 980 VENTILATOR Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of the Air Force May 21, 2020 $0
CONTRACT AWARD FOR PB980 ADULT CONFIGURATION VENTILATORS MODIFICATION TO REDUCE QUANTITY AND CHANGE DELIVERY DATE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs May 20, 2020 -$2,974,800
VENTILATORS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS May 14, 2020 $0
COVID19 EMERGENCY SMOKE EVACUATOR 110V Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs May 04, 2020 $23,375
PURCHASE OF COVIDIEN MCGRATH MAC HANDLE VIDEO LARYNGOSCOPE SETS (PROMOT QSBOGO)FOR PINE RIDGE&ROSEBUD IHS @ $5,810.72 EACH = $11,410.36; Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Indian Health Service April 28, 2020 $11,481
SONICISION CURVED JAW STARTER KIT Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 28, 2020 $11,000
CONTRACT AWARD FOR PB980 ADULT CONFIGURATION VENTILATORS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 21, 2020 $6,030,000
CONTRACT AWARD FOR PB980 ADULT CONFIGURATION VENTILATORS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs April 21, 2020 $0
CCHCF-FY2020-CH-RESPIRATORY THERAPY-PRIORITY E-POC SEAN WARD EXT 67246 Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Indian Health Service April 16, 2020 $12,353
VENTILATORS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - HHS April 01, 2020 $9,117,838
SEE PAGE 2 FOR COMPLETE ITEM DESCRIPTION. Toilet Soap, Shaving Preparations and Dentifrices Federal Acquisition Service March 26, 2020 $661,455
COVID 19 EMERGENCY VENTILATORS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs March 26, 2020 $2,098,424
SEE PAGE 2 FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. Toilet Soap, Shaving Preparations and Dentifrices Federal Acquisition Service March 26, 2020 $661,455
PB980-VENTILATORS Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies Department of Veterans Affairs March 25, 2020 $1,286,115
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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