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Recent Contract Actions

Contracts can have multiple “contract actions”: This is how agencies spend money for a specific purpose, adjust the amount committed or change the contract in a way that doesn’t affect the amount. That last scenario is usually indicated by a $0 action. If there is a contract action for a negative amount, it generally means the contract was adjusted or canceled.

DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedApril 01, 2021 Amount Committed$114,950
DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedFebruary 17, 2021 Amount Committed$14,725
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. MOD TO CLOSE CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedDecember 30, 2020 Amount Committed-$610
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. MOD TO EXTEND POP FROM 10/08/2020 TO 11/14/2020 CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedOctober 08, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedOctober 08, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19.MOD TO EXTEND POP FROM 10/08/2020 TO 10/30/2020 DUE TO WILDFIRES. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedOctober 08, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedSeptember 24, 2020 Amount Committed$43,700
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$114,075
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$117,450
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$38,520
DescriptionCOVID-19 BPA CALL FOR RECREATION FACILITY CLEANING IN RESPONSE TO COVID 19. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedAugust 07, 2020 Amount Committed$22,230
DescriptionMOD 0006 - ADDITIONAL CLEANING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CDC GUIDELINES (COVID-19) CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedJuly 30, 2020 Amount Committed$1,440
DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedJuly 21, 2020 Amount Committed$57,950
DescriptionCOVID-19 FACILITY CLEANING WILLAMETTE BPA CALL #2 CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedJuly 09, 2020 Amount Committed$20,320
DescriptionCHRISTMAS&SHORES JANITORIAL SERVICES CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyBureau of Land Management SignedJuly 07, 2020 Amount Committed$4,550
DescriptionCOVID19 RECREATION SITE AND FACILITY CLEANING FOREST AND SITE LIST ATTACHED. MOD 1 TO UPDATE SITE LISTS, POP, AND ADD FUNDS. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedJune 23, 2020 Amount Committed$12,525
DescriptionCOVID19 RECREATION SITE AND FACILITY CLEANING FOREST AND SITE LIST ATTACHED. CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedJune 08, 2020 Amount Committed$121,315
Description06-RAC JANITORIAL FY2020 MOD 002 IS FOR COVID-19 CLEANINGS AT RAC- CACHE, RAG HANGER, RAG TANKER BASE, AND PARALOFT CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedJune 01, 2020 Amount Committed$7,884
DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedMay 29, 2020 Amount Committed$14,725
DescriptionCOVID-19 RESTROOM CLEANING BPAS FOR SIUSLAW, WILLAMETTE AND UMPQUA NATIONAL FORESTS CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyForest Service SignedMay 29, 2020 Amount Committed$0
DescriptionJANITORIAL CONTRACT AT HILLSBORO HIO TOWB CategoryCustodial Janitorial Services AgencyFederal Aviation Administration SignedApril 22, 2020 Amount Committed$14,250
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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