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Total Committed Value of Federal Contracts
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Tempe, AZ

Recent Contract Actions

Contracts can have multiple “contract actions”: This is how agencies spend money for a specific purpose, adjust the amount committed or change the contract in a way that doesn’t affect the amount. That last scenario is usually indicated by a $0 action. If there is a contract action for a negative amount, it generally means the contract was adjusted or canceled.

Description Category Agency Signed Amount Committed
8507410036!ARM,ACTUATING,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency May 28, 2020 $2,802
8507410200!ARM,ACTUATING,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency May 28, 2020 $2,802
8507403500!PISTON AND SLEEVE A Non-aircraft Engine Fuel System Components Defense Logistics Agency May 22, 2020 $11,610
8507378837!COVER,LAMP Electric Lamps Defense Logistics Agency May 13, 2020 $1,000
8507376587!ARM,ACTUATING,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency May 12, 2020 $2,802
8507373400!SEAL RING,LABYRINTH Gas Turbines and Jet Engines Defense Logistics Agency May 11, 2020 $2,630
8507360923!SEAL,PLAIN ENCASED Packing and Gasket Materials Defense Logistics Agency May 07, 2020 $0
8507360923!SEAL,PLAIN ENCASED Packing and Gasket Materials Defense Logistics Agency May 05, 2020 $36,210
8507344665!BODY,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency April 29, 2020 $3,857
8507341162!BRACKET,ELECTRICAL Electrical Connectors Defense Logistics Agency April 24, 2020 $1,000
8507326733!TEE ASSY,OIL SCAVEN Gas Turbines And Jet Engines, Aircraft, Prime Moving and Components Defense Logistics Agency April 20, 2020 $70,969
8507323390!LIGHT,NAVIGATIONAL, Electric Vehicular Lights and Fixtures Defense Logistics Agency April 16, 2020 $10,626
8507323162!CAPACITOR,FIXED,PAP Capacitors Defense Logistics Agency April 16, 2020 $2,724
8507313637!GUIDE,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency April 14, 2020 $2,914
8507302853!ARM,ACTUATING,VALVE Aircraft Air Conditioning, Heating and Pressurizing Equipment Defense Logistics Agency April 08, 2020 $4,203
About this data
This data comes from the Federal Procurement Data System, which includes all contracts worth $10,000 or more. We look at all contracts that are tagged with the procurement code for COVID-19 or otherwise started in 2020 and contain “COVID-19” in the description. Department of Defense contracting data is subject to a 90-day delay before it appears in the data.
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