Dollars for Docs

How Industry Dollars Reach Your Doctors

This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. Newer data is available at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments site.

Promotional Payments for Opioid Drugs Are Dropping

Promotional Payments for Opioid Drugs Are Dropping

Pharmaceutical companies spent less money marketing their products to doctors in 2016 than in the two prior years. The decline was primarily due to reduced spending on the drugs Hysingla ER and Subsys.

Drug 2014 2015 2016
ABSTRAL $434,632.28 $153,202.15 $37,669.94
AVINZA $2,272.00 $0.00 $0.00
BELBUCA $0.00 $121,900.36 $2,360,150.22
BUPRENORPHINE $489,894.20 $280,741.90 $42,315.08
BUPRENORPHINE/NALOXONE $376,648.70 $0.00 $0.00
BUTRANS $1,864,965.35 $1,953,984.24 $2,070,995.98
CONZIP $119,393.25 $105,421.79 $201,981.50
DILAUDID $0.00 $11.12 $0.00
EMBEDA $453,637.29 $2,007,458.43 $1,331,008.50
EXALGO $51,011.56 $107.96 $0.00
FENTANYL $153,358.90 $12,399.13 $11,776.82
FENTANYL CITRATE $127,596.80 $64,986.24 $65,312.91
FENTORA $1,251,345.67 $936,752.40 $21,822.32
HYDROCODONE $127,238.38 $16,774.23 $3,812.39
HYDROMORPH CONTIN $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
HYSINGLA ER $567,450.39 $6,283,787.48 $2,223,462.24
LAZANDA $429,041.66 $479,943.43 $363,601.95
LEVORPHANOL $0.00 $61,510.37 $68,836.11
METHADONE $310,657.11 $267,721.82 $223,687.84
NUCYNTA $1,358,386.23 $2,432,870.85 $2,395,422.20
NUCYNTA ER $0.00 $133,953.33 $168,578.27
OPANA ER $648,239.83 $121,164.41 $229,013.60
OXECTA $764,581.00 $8,621.95 $12,042.73
OXYCODONE $7,993.00 $0.00 $0.00
OXYCODONE IR $87,500.00 $0.00 $0.00
OXYCONTIN $805,503.83 $1,788,620.11 $968,053.29
PRIMLEV $72,190.83 $9,086.76 $0.00
ROXICODONE $225.74 $140.23 $0.00
SUBSYS $7,512,403.54 $6,051,043.52 $2,393,124.77
TROXYCA ER $0.00 $0.00 $4,170.00
VICOPROFEN $0.00 $0.00 $15.27
XARTEMIS XR $1,135,314.27 $86,677.91 $0.00
ZOHYDRO ER $788,448.58 $329,178.43 $624,764.38

Buprenorphine also includes payments related to buprenorphine HCL sublingual tablets 2 MG and 8 MG; fentanyl citrate includes payments related to fentanyl citrate oral; hydrocodone includes payments related to hydrocodone/APAP; methadone includes payments related to Methadose oral tablets

Note: We have made some effort to normalize the data and eliminate duplicates, but the data is primarily as it has been reported by the companies to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. To purchase the normalized data, please visit the ProPublica Data Store. If you spot an error, please let us know at [email protected].

This site includes data published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on June 28, 2019.