Dollars for Profs

Dig Into University Researchers' Outside Income and Conflicts of Interest

Published Dec. 6, 2019

This database was last updated in December 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new or amended records not reflected here.

Financial doc
Filing Type

Financial Disclosure

The University of Florida Medical School provided all outside activity disclosure data for faculty from forms filed from 2016 through June 2019. Faculty are required to report outside activities that could give rise to an appearance of conflict of interest and get approval for them.

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.

Steven de Kosky

University of Florida, Department: Md Alzheimer's/dementia

Should you be removed from our database? Contact us at [email protected]. Read more below.


Listed Reason

This company has been started by two researchers who have worked in Alzheimer's disease (AD) for many years. The plan is to use combination therapy In subjects with early AD. One of the medications is an FDA-approved drug. The other is an antibody directed toward amyloid, one of the abnormal proteins that accumulate in AD. I will be advising the company on clinical study design and chairing their scientific advisory board. At some point they may ask members of the scientific advisory board to either help them with discussions with the FDA concerning a trial, or accompany them to a meeting at the FDA. The latter would be on vacation time. The attached letter/agreement represents what Recuerdo would like to do, and serves as their contract with me. However, so far they have not succeeded in getting Qualified Financing, so nothing is happening. While there are proposed meetings scheduled and consulting monies proposed, none of these things has come to pass, and it is not clear when they will be ready to move forward. When they do I will alter the report. I have listed an estimated amount of remuneration; they feel currently that they owe approximately $6,000 to me at this point. All of the work I have done has been on weekends or in the evenings; there have been no meetings or conference calls. They had scheduled a meeting of the 3 members of the SAB in early June but cancelled it. Therefore I am uncertain about how to further characterize the time commitment and expected remuneration.

Additional Comments

Recuerdo ("Memory" in Spanish) is a new company just forming. It is run by colleagues at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Sam Gandy and Tamas Bartfei. Most of my activities will take place in weekend teleconferences. There may be annual meetings in NYC; their first meeting had been scheduled in the spring but was canceled, as they had not secured their qualified finances. At this point, although they wish to have annual meetings, they have had none and my discussions with them have been limited and taking place on weekends.

Filed on May 10, 2018.

Tell us what you know about Steven de Kosky's disclosure

We're still reporting about conflicts of interest. Is there something you'd like to tell us about this disclosure?

Name Institution Type Company Disclosed Value
Steven de Kosky University of Florida Financial Disclosure Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC)
Steven de Kosky University of Florida Financial Disclosure Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study
Steven de Kosky University of Florida Financial Disclosure UpToDate
Steven de Kosky University of Florida Financial Disclosure University of North Carolina Department of Neurology
Steven de Kosky University of Florida Financial Disclosure Amgen, Inc.
If you see an error in the database or a reason we should not disclose a record, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.
Sources: National Institutes of Health, public records requests filed at multiple public state universities

Notes: When a more specific filing date is not available for an individual financial disclosure or conflict of interest form, we use the year the form was filed. If the year was not disclosed, we report the range of years covered by our public records requests. In a few cases, a start date was provided instead of a filing date. In those cases, we use the start date instead.

Fewer than 10% of records from the University of Florida and fewer than 1% of records from the University of Texas system were removed because they did not contain enough information.

ProPublica obtained additional financial disclosures and conflict of interest forms that we have not yet digitized and added to the database. You can download those disclosures in the ProPublica Data Store.

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