Dollars for Profs

Dig Into University Researchers' Outside Income and Conflicts of Interest

Published Dec. 6, 2019

This database was last updated in December 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new or amended records not reflected here.

University of California, Merced


The records below are financial disclosure and conflict of interest records obtained by ProPublica from the National Institutes of Health and dozens of large public universities across the country. The NIH only has records for researchers who seek or receive its funding.

Total Disclosures: 121

Name Type Company Disclosed Value Year Filed
NameMarcelo Kallmann TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameNicola Lercari TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameJoshua Viers TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyTopcon Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameNicola Lercari TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyArchaeological Institute of America Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameHrant Patrick Hratchian TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyPetroleum Research Fund Disclosed Value Year Filed2014
NameYangquan Chen TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyNYSEARCH Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameAlexandra Main TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Merced County Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameJohn Elliott Campbell TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Lab Fees Research Program Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameRose Scott TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Merced County Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameCharles Nies TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameCharles Nies TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameEric A. Walle TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Merced County Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NamePaul M. Brown TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyLegacy Health Endowment Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NamePaul M. Brown TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyLegacy Health Endowment Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameJeffrey Scott Jenkins TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Invention Lab Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameNicola Lercari TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Mexus, University of California, Riverside Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameLilian P. Davila TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameAndrea L. Joyce TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCalifornia Pistachio Research Board Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameJeffrey Gilger TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Merced County Disclosed Value Year Filed2014
NameMatthew Jason Zawadzki TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Health Psychology Consortium Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameMartha Conklin TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyEnergize Colleges Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameLynn Sullivan TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyEnergize Colleges Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameStergios Roussos TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Merced County Disclosed Value Year Filed2014
NameJeffrey K. Yoshimi TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUniversity of California Humanities Research Institute Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameNoemi Petra TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanySociety for Industrial and Applied Mathmatics Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameAlberto Eduardo Cerpa TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameRamendra Nath Saha TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCancer Research Coordinating Committee, UC Disclosed Value Year Filed2018
NameFred W. Wolf TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCal-BRAIN Disclosed Value Year Filed2014
NameReza John Ehsani TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCalifornia Olive Committee Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameStephen Hart TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyU C Natural Reserve System Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameMayya Tokman TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyFirst 5 Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameEmily Victoria Moran TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanySequoia Parks Conservancy Disclosed Value Year Filed2018
NameMin Hwan Lee TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyKorea Institute of Industrial Technology Disclosed Value Year Filed2018
NameBenjamin John Stokes TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAmerican Chemical Society Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameMatthew Zawadzki TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUniversity of California, San Francisco Disclosed Value Year Filed2018
NameJoshua H. Viers TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyEarthwatch Institute Disclosed Value Year Filed2015
NamePo-Ya Abel Chuang TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyPhilippine-California Advanced Research Institutes Disclosed Value Year Filed2015
NameAsmeret Asefaw Berhe TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUCOP Catalyst program Disclosed Value Year Filed2015
NameTeamrat A. Ghezzehei TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Office of President Disclosed Value Year Filed2015
NameRudy Ortiz TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAlmond Board of California Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameJill Robbins TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAndrew W. Mellon Foundation Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameMarjorie Zatz TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAndrew W. Mellon Foundation Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameAla Qattawi TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Riverside Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameJeff W. Gilger TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyUC Office of the President Disclosed Value Year Filed2016
NameYangquan Chen TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyCITRIS Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameLaura Theresa Hamilton TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyWilliam T Grant Foundation Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameWei-Chun Chin TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAlpha Foundation Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameJosue Medellin-Azuara TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyPublic Policy Institute of Caliornia Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameAndrea L. Joyce TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAlmond Board of California Disclosed Value Year Filed2017
NameMashki Kitazawa TypeFinancial Disclosure CompanyAlzheimer's Association Disclosed Value Year Filed2014
If you see an error in the database or a reason we should not disclose a record, please contact us at and we'll evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.
Sources: National Institutes of Health, public records requests filed at multiple public state universities

Notes: When a more specific filing date is not available for an individual financial disclosure or conflict of interest form, we use the year the form was filed. If the year was not disclosed, we report the range of years covered by our public records requests. In a few cases, a start date was provided instead of a filing date. In those cases, we use the start date instead.

Fewer than 10% of records from the University of Florida and fewer than 1% of records from the University of Texas system were removed because they did not contain enough information.

ProPublica obtained additional financial disclosures and conflict of interest forms that we have not yet digitized and added to the database. You can download those disclosures in the ProPublica Data Store.

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