
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on May 30, 2012

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
10:45 a.m. ET
new numbers

I just got a report with some frightening new numbers: Republican groups are outspending Democratic candidates 3-to-1 right now. With just hours before the FEC deadline we can't let candidates like Sherrod Brown shoulder this barrage alone. Spending Democratic Republican Sherrod Brown, Ohio $X $X Tim Kaine, Virginia $X $X

We have a choice. Either stand up in support of, and contribute to, candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Tim Kaine ; or let Republicans drown them out with attack ads. When up against a critical FEC deadline, Sherrod Brown isn't depending on billionaire bankers and special interest groups to have his back. He's calling on individuals like us.

We need 400 more supporters from Florida in the next 24 hours. Can you pledge $X to stand behind Democratic candidates like Sherrod Brown, Tim Kaine and Elizabeth Warren?

We can't let Democrats be forced into silence because they don't have the funds to fight back. We need to wake up, stand up, and show the GOP that there is power in numbers.

Let's win this, Jason Rosenbaum DSCC Online Communications Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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4:21 a.m. ET
Turning point

Murray asked me to reach out because we need your help before tomorrow’s

FEC deadline.

We can still re-elect President Obama and pass his agenda, but we’re at a

turning point. Rove and the Koch brothers are propping up the GOP on a mountain

of special interest cash and they only need four Senate seats and the White

House to control everything.

We absolutely can’t afford to miss our May 31 goal. Every second we wait brings

the GOP’s plan to trample women’s rights, restrict access to birth control, and

who knows what else closer to reality. We only have $X to go.

The FEC deadline is just 48 hours away. Please donate $X to protect President

Obama and the Democratic Senate.

It’s an exciting time to be an American, and it’s a pretty good time to be a

Democrat, too. President Obama’s courage to stand up for marriage equality made

me so proud. But I want to be able to tell my sons that we did everything

possible to take our country in the right direction.

Can I let Patty Murray know that you’ll join me to defend President Obama and

Senate Democrats?

None of us want to look back and wish we had done more.


Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

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and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Obama for America
4:58 p.m. ET
This is serious

There's some important news you need to know about. It's a lot of new information, so stay with me here. From an article published this morning in Politico:

"Republican super PACs and other outside groups shaped by a loose network of prominent conservatives -- including Karl Rove, the Koch brothers and Tom Donohue of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- plan to spend roughly $1 billion on November's elections for the White House and control of Congress, according to officials familiar with the groups' internal operations.

"That total includes previously undisclosed plans for newly aggressive spending by the Koch brothers, who are steering funding to build sophisticated, county-by-county operations in key states. POLITICO has learned that Koch-related organizations plan to spend about $400 million ahead of the 2012 elections -- twice what they had been expected to commit."

It's important to realize that none of this includes what the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee intend to raise and spend -- including potentially millions of Romney's own personal fortune that he can spend on his campaign:

"The $1 billion in outside money is in addition to the traditional party apparatus -- the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee -- which together intend to raise at least $800 million.

"The Republican financial plans are unlike anything seen before in American politics. If the GOP groups hit their targets, they likely could outspend their liberal adversaries by at least two-to-one...

"The consequences of the conservative resurgence in fundraising are profound. If it holds, Romney and his allies will likely outraise and outspend Obama this fall, a once-unthinkable proposition."

This isn't just some theory they have about how they might win in November. They have honed this playbook and they know it works:

"Republicans have taken one big lesson away from campaigns conducted to date in 2011 and 2012: outside money can be the difference-maker in elections.

"It was outside money from casino magnate Sheldon Adelson that single-handedly kept Newt Gingrich afloat against Romney. A super PAC spending surge fueled by Wyoming mutual fund guru Foster Friess was credited with powering Rick Santorum to an upset win in the Iowa caucuses. ...

"Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, spent twice as much on the air as the campaign did in the thick of the primaries: Through March, the campaign had put $16.7 million into TV, while ROF shelled out $33.2 million. ...

"Now Republicans are applying this approach -- on steroids -- to the remainder of the campaign..."

One thing the article makes clear, and which, when I talk to and email with lots of you, I'm not sure everyone completely appreciates, is that this election will be fought under different rules than last time:

"It's important to step back for a moment to understand the currents racing through the money chase right now. Republicans, back in the era of soft money, dominated fundraising, thanks in large part to big business donors. But when soft money was outlawed in 2002, a lot of business donors got uneasy about feeding their money through outside groups. Many sat out. ...

"By the time 2008 rolled around, Obama and the Democrats were rolling over Republicans in the race for campaign cash raised in limited chunks, and Obama largely discouraged big-money outside efforts. Things have changed rapidly -- and, in some respects, radically -- since then.

"First, Citizens United made it easy and less risky for rich donors to get back in the game. Second, a subsequent lower court case paved the way for the creation of super PACs, giving mega-donors arguably the most effective vehicle for funding ads in the modern campaign finance era."

These people are trying to buy our democracy and the White House to serve their narrow, ideological -- and often secretive -- agenda, and use millions in anonymous donations to do it.

So if you're wondering why we keep sending you emails about tomorrow's fundraising deadline, I'm not sure how I can explain it any more clearly than that.

I just don't want you or any Obama supporter to wake up disappointed on the first Wednesday in November saying, "How did that happen?" -- because if we're going to lose, this is how it's going to happen.

This is serious. Please give now:


More soon.


Jim Messina

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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4:52 p.m. ET
BREAKING: A billion-dollar fund to beat President Obama

News broke this morning that shadowy conservative groups have raised their spending goals to an unprecedented $X billion to beat President Obama.

If you want a good idea of what we're up against, think about this: The billionaire Koch brothers' groups alone are planning to spend more than John McCain did in his entire 2008 campaign.

The people behind this are arrogant and deeply cynical about the political process. They want to buy our democracy and the White House to serve their narrow, ideological -- and often secretive -- agenda, and use millions in anonymous donations to do it. But they have proven that they know what they're doing.

They're not interested in building anything. They don't have millions of Americans ready to pitch in alongside them. They don't have real people actually organizing, talking to voters on the phone or on doorsteps. They just want to tear us -- and particularly President Obama -- down.

I hope you'll help us fight back right now, before tomorrow's fundraising deadline.

Donate $X or more:


More soon -- until then, thanks.


Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

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5:02 p.m. ET
Thank you, [name]

Here it is, straight up:

Tomorrow's a big fundraising deadline.

It's a simple equation, really: What we put into this campaign is what we'll get out of it.

Please chip in $3 or whatever you can afford before tomorrow's deadline:


I'm ready to work, and I hope you are, too.

Thank you -- and see you out there,


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Here it is, straight up:

Tomorrow's a big fundraising deadline.

It's a simple equation, really: What we put into this campaign is what

we'll get out of it.

Please chip in $56 or whatever you can afford before tomorrow's deadline.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go

through immediately:












Or donate another amount:


I'm ready to work, and I hope you are, too.

Thank you -- and see you out there,


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Update address|


Here it is, straight up:

Tomorrow's a big fundraising deadline.

It's a simple equation, really: What we put into this organization is what

we'll get out of it.

You've already given generously thank you. Now, you're just $1,500.00

away from reaching the maximum personal contribution to my husband's

campaign at this stage of the election.

Please go all in before tomorrow's deadline:


I'm ready to work, and I hope you are, too.

Thank you and see you out there,






Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $5,000 of a contribution to OVF 2012 will be allocated to Obama

for America with the first $2,500 designated for the primary election, and

the next $2,500 for the general election . The next $30,800 of a

contribution will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any

additional amounts from a contributor will be divided among the State

Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $10,000 per committee and

subject to the biennial aggregate limits: FL 17% ; OH 16% ; PA 13% ; CO

11% ; NC 11% ; VA 11% ; NV 6% ; WI 6% ; IA 5% ; and NH 4% . A

contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular

participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would

result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in

connection with a Federal election.

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Obama for America

Halina --

Here it is, straight up:

Tomorrow's a big fundraising deadline.

It's a simple equation, really: What we put into this campaign is what we'll get out of it.

Please chip in $X or whatever you can afford before tomorrow's deadline:


I'm ready to work, I hope you are, too.

Thank you -- see you out there,


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
12:16 p.m. ET
the truth about Trump

We know -- it's hard to take a loudmouth like Donald Trump seriously.

But the truth is that the millions of dollars that Romney and Trump raised last night will be used to tear down President Obama and help elect more extremist Republicans to Congress.

If you want to stop them, now is the time to step up: May's Federal Election Commission fundraising deadline hits in just 24 hours.

We're just 5,279 supporters short of reaching an unprecedented 100,000 donors strong for a Democratic Majority in May alone.

Can you chip in $X or more today to help put us over the top?

We must show that Democrats nationwide are united and committed to defeating these Republicans.

Get your donation in today and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, doubling your impact:




Kelly Ward DCCC Political Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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11:57 a.m. ET
sick and tired

I'm sick and tired of these downright deceptive Republican attacks.

So here's the plan: we're going to call out their lies, hold Republicans nationwide accountable for their radical records, re-elect President Obama, and back him up with Democratic Majority.

Does that sound good? Well then we need you with us.

My friends at the DCCC are just 4,113 short of huge show of strength - an unprecedented 100,000 donations in May - but there are only 24 hours left until the Federal Election Commission fundraising deadline hits. Can you put them over the top?

Contribute $X or more today and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Whether or not you've already given, President Obama needs your help right now so Democrats can go toe-to-toe with the Republicans and their Super PAC allies.

So do your part right now. Pitch in $X or more today:




Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Democratic National Committee
9:44 a.m. ET
Tomorrow at midnight

Democrats --

Tomorrow at midnight is our big May fundraising deadline.

Here's what it means: The resources we raise before then will power Democrats through the fights that matter this summer.

Whatever it is that drives you -- whether it's the promise that everyone gets a fair shake in America, that our generation should leave this nation better than we found it, or that everyone deserves quality health care and education -- I can promise you that our fight is going strong.

But behind that fight are hundreds of thousands of folks like you, chipping in what they can. These grassroots donations make sure that Democrats will always be able to stand up when we need to. And right now, it's more important than ever for you to pitch in.

Show that you're in for what's ahead before the deadline tomorrow at midnight:




Patrick Gaspard Executive Director Democratic National Committee

P.S. -- These monthly deadlines are more than just necessary to budget our resources accurately. They're important demonstrations of our organization's strength, and how many people are with you and me in supporting Democrats and our values. Please donate what you can today.

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,

This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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In my calendar, there's a giant circle around November 6th. If you haven't marked yours yet, go do it now. But while you're there, here's another date for you to circle:

May 31st.

See, we're not just in this for one day in November. Democrats are fighting important battles across the country right now, from defending President Obama's record, to winning -- or winning back -- Democratic congressional seats. And those fights can't wait.

With the May fundraising deadline less than 48 hours away, we need to build strength for the fights we're facing right now, and in November. Can you pitch in $X or more today?

In June alone, there are two other dates I'd circle: On June 5th, Wisconsin will have its chance to replace Governor Scott Walker, whose extreme policies have made him a Tea Party darling. Just a week later on June 12th, we're facing a critical test in Arizona, where Democrat Ron Barber is running to complete Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' term. Despite his opponent's extreme views, this race is neck and neck -- and every dollar will make a difference.

That's on top of our work supporting President Obama and putting his plan to move America forward in front of the voters.

That's why the fundraising deadline on May 31st is so important -- we need the resources to keep the pressure on right now in every single one of these races.

Donate to support Democrats before the May 31st deadline:




Patrick Gaspard Executive Director Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, . This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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