
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on June 7, 2012

Democratic National Committee
8:59 p.m. ET
The scoop on Romney's Massachusetts

Mitt Romney has said that if we want to know how he'd govern as president

of the United States, we should just look at his record as governor as


Well, we've got the scoop on Mitt Romney's record -- and we agree, it's

something every voter should see.

Romney made a lot of promises when running for governor a lot of the same

ones we're hearing today . Once in office, he failed to deliver.

Watch this short video about what happened in Massachusetts under Romney's

watch, then pass it along to folks you




Mitt Romney ran for governor promising to use his experience as a corporate

buyout specialist to create jobs. Instead, Massachusetts ranked 47th out of

50 states in job creation during his four year term.

He promised to bring down the state's debt. It ballooned by more than $2.6

billion. Romney left Massachusetts taxpayers with more debt per person than

any state in the nation.

And, despite promising not to raise taxes, he raised fees on the middle

class and small businesses more than 1,000 times. By the end of his term,

the tax burden in Massachusetts had increased $1,200 per person.

As Democrats, we need to get the truth about Romney's record out in front

of voters, well before November, so they can compare his claims and the

facts, side by side.

We need voters to understand that Romney Economics is the last thing our

country needs -- it didn't work for Massachusetts then, and it won't work

for America now.

We're counting on Democrats like you to get the word out.

So take a look at this short video introducing Romney's real history, read

up on the record he's running on, and then share it far and wide:




Brad Woodhouse

Communications Director

Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,

This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's


Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not

deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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Obama for America
10:03 a.m. ET
We got beat

We learned this morning that the Romney campaign and the Republican Party have outraised us for the first time in this campaign.

Let's be clear here -- we could have 10 times as many people giving to us. You can see our results at the bottom of this message.

But they've got a lot fewer people, each giving in many cases 10 times as much, and those big donors are lining up now that Romney is the presumptive nominee.

That means it's up to each of us who has given to Obama to dig a little deeper to make up the difference. Now's the time to do it, before we fall further behind.

Mitt Romney has a lot banking on the storyline that his campaign isn't raising that much money compared to ours. But it's clearly false.

When Obama supporters repeat that point, it gives me chills.

The truth is that Obama haters and, to a lesser extent, Romney allies have declared that they will spend more than a billion dollars to make Obama a one-term president. In key states, outside groups have already poured $75 million into ads attacking the President. We just saw in Wisconsin what unlimited money from corporate interests and right-wing ideologues can do for a candidate who's ready to do exactly what they want.

And that's on top of what the Romney campaign and the Republican Party raise -- we learned this morning that it was $76 million in May alone -- and whatever he might contribute from his personal fortune.

From the beginning we've built this campaign together, from the bottom up. We are bound and determined to fight back, on behalf of a country where everyone gets a fair shot and a fair shake.

We don't have the special-interest and high-dollar donor advantage that Romney has. Barack Obama has you.

What are you going to do?



Jim Messina

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

May FEC numbers:

--Total raised across committees: More than $60 million

--Total donors: More than 572,000

--Average donation: $54.94

--Donations less than $250: 98%

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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For the first time in this campaign, we got beat in fundraising.

The Romney campaign and the Republican Party raised more than $76 million

last month, compared to our $60 million.

We knew this moment would come when Romney secured the nomination.

What happens next is up to you.

Help close the gap right now make a donation of $25 or


I want to be clear: We'll always have more people pitching in.

We know that only 15 percent of Romney's May totals came from people giving

less than $250, compared to 98 percent in that category for us.

We don't have the special-interest and high-dollar donor advantage that

Romney has. Barack Obama has you, and we are bound and determined to fight

back on behalf of a country where everyone gets a fair shot and a fair


From the beginning we've built this campaign together, from the bottom up.

More people giving a little bit is the only way to compete with a few

people giving a lot.

So let's fight like hell and win this thing:


More coming soon,


Jim Messina

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

P.S. Together, our team raised more than $60 million in May even more

impressive when you hear that the average donation was about $55. Check

out the rest of our


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Description: Image removed by sender. Obama - Biden

For the first time in this campaign, we got beat in fundraising.

The Romney campaign and the Republican Party raised more than $76 million

last month, compared to our $60 million.

We knew this moment would come when Romney secured the nomination.

What happens next is up to you.

Help close the gap right now -- make a donation of $3 or more.

I want to be clear: We'll always have more people pitching in.

We know that only 15 percent of Romney's May totals came from people giving

less than $250, compared to 98 percent in that category for us.

We don't have the special-interest and high-dollar donor advantage that

Romney has. Barack Obama has you, and we are bound and determined to fight

back on behalf of a country where everyone gets a fair shot and a fair


From the beginning we've built this campaign together, from the bottom up.

More people giving a little bit is the only way to compete with a few people

giving a lot.

So let's fight like hell and win this thing:


More coming soon,


Jim Messina

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

P.S. -- Together, our team raised more than $60 million in May -- even more

impressive when you hear that the average donation was about $55. Check out

the rest of our numbers.

Description: Image removed by sender. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Description: Image removed by sender.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
6:49 a.m. ET
[name], this could be you

I think everyone remembers where they were when President Obama accepted the 2008 nomination. That speech will go down in history as nothing short of epic. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ------------------------------

I think everyone remembers where they were when President Obama accepted the 2008 nomination. That speech will go down in history as nothing short of epic.

Now, imagine being there. Picture yourself shoulder-to-shoulder in that full stadium, hearing the roar of the crowd as the President delivers his speech, and feeling the excitement surge through your fingertips.

In 2012, this could be you.

If you contribute $X now, you'll be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to see President Obama's speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. The winner will receive flight, accommodations and tickets to this historic speech. Any contribution will enter you into the contest – everyone gets a shot. Enter to win a trip to the Democratic National Convention.

This time, you could be the person standing and cheering alongside fellow Democrats. You could watch with your own eyes as President Obama delivers an exhilarating speech. It's your turn to have an opportunity to go to the Democratic Convention.

Unforgettable moments like these don't come often. This is your chance to be part of a moment that will go down in history.

If you contribute today, this could be you. Click here to donate: [url]

Sen. Patty Murray Contribute Now

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Void where prohibited. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents, who are legal residents of 50 United States or District of Columbia and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Entries must be received by 11:59 pm, June 30, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Sponsor through [url] Alternatively, click hereto enter without contributing. One winner will receive the following prize package: two round-trip tickets within the continental U.S. to Charlotte, NC; hotel accommodations for two; and two credentials to President Obama's nomination speech at the Democratic National Convention approximate retail value of prize package $X . Winner's guest must be 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law and meet other requirements described in the Official Rules. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Promotion subject to Official Rules . Sponsor: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Inc., 120 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002. Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
3:41 p.m. ET
For Gabby...


At this moment, we are facing an extremely critical deadline in the Arizona special election to fill my friend Gabby Giffords' seat.

Right now, my friends at House Majority PAC are airing a powerful new ad exposing the Republican in the race for who he is.

If we want to continue Gabby's great work in Congress, we must elect Democrat Ron Barber and other Democratic candidates. That means getting the truth out about Tea Party extremists like Jesse Kelly.

We have set a goal to raise $X more to help House Majority PAC bring home a victory on Tuesday and beyond. Will you join us?

Contribute $X or more today before tomorrow's deadline [url]

House Majority PAC provides support for Democrats in House races across the country, including running ads like the ones that just this week helped Julia Brownley win the open primary in California's 26th district. Their ads can make the difference for many of our proud Democratic candidates as they expose the truth about deceptive ads from outside groups funded and controlled by Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers. That's why your help today is so critical.

This special election is especially dear to my heart as we fight to make sure Gabby's proud legacy can live on. I hope that you will join us before tomorrow's deadline so we can win together. Please give today before the deadline tomorrow [url]

Thank you for all that you do.

Yours truly,

Nancy Pelosi

P.S. I am only asking for contributions up to $X from individuals or federal committees. I am not asking for contributions from corporations, labor unions or other federally prohibited sources.

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Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 202 863-1500 [url] Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.