
Journalism in the Public Interest

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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on June 13, 2012

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
6:32 a.m. ET

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Florida could make or break President Obama’s re-election. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Florida could make or break President Obama’s re-election.

That could be why the Florida GOP is in the process of purging up to 180,000 likely-Democrats from the voter rolls. The Department of Justice has demanded that the Florida GOP call off this illegal voter suppression, but they refuse to stop it.

Mark my words: This voter purge could tip the election in favor of Romney. And even worse, if we don’t stand up to these dirty tactics in Florida now, we will see the same devices played out in swing states like Virginia and Michigan. The stakes are way too high to sit this one out.

Click here to demand that the Florida GOP obey the Department of Justice and stop their illegal voter purge. Sign the petition.

This feels like déjà vu. In 2000, the GOP schemes in Florida won George W. Bush the election.

How furious will you be in November if this kind of manipulation costs us the White House again? We need to speak up now, before it’s too late.

Thanks for standing with us,

Guy Cecil DSCC Executive Director Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Obama for America
8:45 a.m. ET

Growing up, I adored my father. He worked at the city water plant in Chicago, and no matter how tired he was after work, he would come home every day and spend quality time with me and my brother, Craig.

He and my mother saved and sacrificed and poured everything they had into me and Craig, because they were determined to give us the kind of education they could only dream of.

Now that I'm a mother, that's something I think about all the time -- making sure that our kids have the best possible opportunities to fulfill their potential.

I think if my dad was with us today, he'd be so proud of Barack and how he's raising our two girls. And I think he'd be proud of the world my husband is working to leave behind for our girls, and for all our sons and daughters.

As we think with gratitude about the father figures in our own lives over the next few days, I hope you'll join me in wishing Barack a Happy Father's Day:




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4:59 a.m. ET
Will you wish Barack a happy Father's Day?

Our girls are growing up so fast, and Barack and I couldn't be more proud

of them.

Barack has a lot to do with that. No matter what this job throws at him, he

always makes time to help with homework, sit down with the family for

dinner, and even help coach Sasha's basketball team.

To him, fatherhood is something special and there's nothing more

important to Barack than being there for Sasha and Malia.

Father's Day is coming up this Sunday, and it would mean so much to him to

hear from supporters.

So I hope you'll take a moment to wish him a happy Father's Day:


To Barack, fatherhood isn't just about putting in the time. It's about

setting a good example and a high bar and never letting our girls forget

how proud he is of them. When he's with them, he's at his happiest.

I am so thankful for Barack, and for our girls.

Thanks for your help, and happy Father's Day.


Paid for by Obama for America

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From coaching basketball to knowing how many Jonas brothers there are, Barack is a pretty cool dad.

But more importantly, Barack is a wonderful father and partner. No matter what's on his plate, he puts the kids first, and they know how much he loves them.

This Father's Day, I want Barack to know how much we love and appreciate him back, so I hope you'll join me in wishing him a happy Father's Day:


Thanks for all your hard work, and happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there.

- Michelle

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Nothing makes me happier than watching Barack with our girls.

Going out for ice cream, watching a movie, or pacing up and down the court helping coach Sasha's basketball team, you can tell by the look on his face there is nowhere he'd rather be. He lights up.

He gives the girls the unconditional support they deserve, and he never misses a chance to tell them how much he loves them.

I love and admire him for that.

Father's Day is coming up this Sunday, and it would mean so much to him to hear from supporters like you.

So I hope you'll join me in wishing him a Happy Father's Day:




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From coaching basketball to knowing how many Jonas brothers there are,

Barack is a pretty cool dad.

But more importantly, Barack is a wonderful father and partner. No matter

what's on his plate, he puts the kids first, and they know how much he loves


This Father's Day, I want Barack to know how much we love and appreciate him

back, so I hope you'll join me in wishing him a happy Father's Day:


Thanks for all your hard work, and happy Father's Day to all the wonderful

dads out there.

- Michelle

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10:11 a.m. ET
Will we see you out there on Sunday?

There are GottaVote weekend of action events coming up in Aspen and in other cities -- are you in?

You'll play a big role in what will be one of our biggest nationwide weekends of action yet.

We'll go door to door, make calls, and talk with our neighbors about what's on the line, making sure as many people as possible are ready to vote on Election Day.

Be a part of the work this weekend. Take a look at all the info you'll need to pitch in:

What: GottaVote weekend of action in Aspen


Aspen, CO 81611

When: Saturday, June 16th

9:00 pm

There are some other events in your area, too -- be sure to check them all out.

We know that you talking to your neighbors person to person is one of the most effective ways to win this election. We're counting on our ground game, so it's more important than ever to get involved in one of the GottaVote events this Saturday or Sunday.

Please RSVP today, and we'll see you out there -- trust me, your help this weekend will go a long way:


Thanks for pitching National Field Director

Obama for America

If this is your first time registering voters, don't worry -- your local organizers will connect you with all the materials and trainings you'll need.

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Obama - Biden Ribert --

There's a GottaVote weekend of action event coming up in Portland and in other cities -- are you in?

You'll play a big role in what will be one of our biggest nationwide weekends of action yet.

We'll go door to door, make calls, and talk with our neighbors about what's on the line, making sure everyone in our community is ready to vote on Election Day.

Be a part of the work this weekend. Take a look at all the info you'll need to pitch in:

GottaVote weekend of action in Portland

700 SW 5th Avenue Portland, OR 97204

Sunday, June 17th 10:00 am

RSVP now

See all the events near you

We know that you talking to your neighbors person to person is one of the most effective ways to win this election. We're counting on our ground game, so it's more important than ever to get involved in one of the GottaVote events this Saturday or Sunday.

Please RSVP today, and we'll see you out there -- trust me, your help this weekend will go a long way:



Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

--- If this is your first time registering voters, don't worry -- your local organizers will connect you with all the materials and trainings you'll need.

Paid for by Obama for America

6:33 p.m. ET
Runway to Win: Vote for the finalists

Earlier this year, we asked artists and designers to use their creative

talents and submit a design inspired by President Obama.

Artists and designers responded to the Runway to Win challenge, and we got

and we need your help to pick the winners.

Take a look at the finalists -- then vote for your three favorite Runway

to Win designs.

image: You choose the winners. Vote


When I feel passionate about something, my first instinct is to sit down

and create a visual that helps me express myself.

That's exactly what our nine finalists did with their entries. They took

with their creativity.

Our finalists work in a lot of different mediums, and they have varying

levels of experience. But they're united by one thing: a passion to get

President Obama re-elected and continue the progress we've made together.

Take a look, and let us know what you think.

Voting is easy -- just pick your favorite designs and give them a click:


Thanks for your help,


Carly Pearlman

Associate Design Director

Obama for America

image: Paid for by Obama for America

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4:32 p.m. ET
Will you wish Barack a happy Father's Day?


From coaching basketball to knowing how many Jonas brothers there are,

Barack is a pretty cool dad.

But more importantly, Barack is a wonderful father and partner. No matter

what's on his plate, he puts the kids first, and they know how much he

loves them.

This Father's Day, I want Barack to know how much we love and appreciate

him, so I hope you'll join me in wishing him a happy Father's Day:


Thanks for all your hard work, and happy Father's Day to all the wonderful

dads out there.

- Michelle

image: Paid for by Obama for America

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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
1:44 p.m. ET
did you hear the great news?


It is my great pleasure to report that Democrat Ron Barber won a tremendous victory in yesterday's special election for Gabby Giffords' seat in Congress!

I am so grateful for all you did to help make this possible. Your donations helped the DCCC put ads on the air, and your phone calls helped get out the Democratic votes we needed to win.

I do have one more favor to ask: Will you sign our card thanking Gabby Giffords for her service and congratulating Congressman-elect Ron Barber on his victory? [url]

This election proved that when we stand up for Social Security, Medicare and the middle class, we can defeat the corporate special interests that are trying to buy our elections.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your unwavering support and determination.


P.S. You can sign our card to Gabby and Ron at [url]

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Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 202 863-1500 [url] Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.