
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on June 14, 2012

Obama for America
9:05 p.m. ET
A great way to spend your Saturday

Obama - Biden --

There are GottaVote weekend of action events coming up in Olympia and in other cities -- are you in?

You'll play a big role in what will be one of our biggest nationwide weekends of action yet.

We'll go door to door, make calls, and talk with our neighbors about what's on the line, making sure as many people as possible are ready to vote on Election Day.

Be a part of the work this weekend. Take a look at all the info you'll need to pitch in:

What: GottaVote weekend of action in Olympia

Where: 423 W 4th Ave Olympia, WA 98501

When: Sunday, June 17th 11:00 am

RSVP now

There are some other events in your area, too -- be sure to check them all out.

We know that you talking to your neighbors person to person is one of the most effective ways to win this election. We're counting on our ground game, so it's more important than ever to get involved in one of the GottaVote events this Saturday or Sunday.

Please RSVP today, and we'll see you out there -- trust me, your help this weekend will go a long way:


Thanks for pitching in,


Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

--- If this is your first time registering voters, don't worry -- your local organizers will connect you with all the materials and trainings you'll need.

Paid for by Obama for America

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6:24 p.m. ET
Did you hear the President today?

This is a make-or-break moment for middle-class Americans -- and anyone who cares needs to watch the speech President Obama made in Cleveland today.

In this election, we face a choice between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy. The path Mitt Romney and his Republican allies want to take us down is exactly the one that led us to the 2008 crisis. We have to reject those policies and embrace the President's vision of growing the economy, not from the top down, but from the middle class out.

Hear from President Obama in his own words, and sign on to the principles he laid out.

The choice couldn't be clearer on the issues most important to ordinary Americans:

- Better Education: We need to invest in good teachers and help more students go to college and get job training -- not pack kids into classrooms and slash scholarships.

- More, Cleaner Energy: We need to invest in promising new sources of energy to create a market for innovation and good jobs of the future -- not go back to relying on foreign oil.

- Leading Through Innovation: We need to invest in our best scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs so they innovate here -- not cede new ideas to countries like China and India.

- Job-Creating Infrastructure: We need roads, bridges, ports, and broadband technology that attract businesses that will create jobs here -- not more pet projects and bridges to nowhere.

- Fair, Simple Tax Reform: We need to reward businesses that create jobs here instead of rewarding outsourcing, and must ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share again -- not sacrifice investments critical to the middle class.

This economic crisis didn't start in 2008. For more than a decade before, we knew things weren't working the way they should. We saw costs for everything from health care to education rising faster than wages. Good-paying, middle-class jobs were becoming harder to find, as more and more companies moved production overseas.

The other side's solution was the same then as it is now -- massive tax cuts benefiting mainly the wealthy, rolling back regulations on risky behavior for Wall Street and banks, and slashes to services that the middle class depends on, like Medicare, education, and job training. A decade ago, Bill Clinton left a record surplus. But the last administration put two wars, two huge tax cuts, and the Medicare prescription program on a credit card, and handed President Obama a trillion dollar deficit and a raging economic crisis.

Incredibly, Romney and his allies want to go back to those same, disastrous policies: budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy and free rein for Wall Street to write its own rules. We tried Mitt Romney's failed formula for most of the last decade. It benefitted a few, but exploded the deficit, crashed our economy, and devastated the middle class. It didn't grow our economy, create good jobs, or pay down our debt -- it did the opposite. And it won't work this time around either: Independent economists confirm that Romney's plan wouldn't cut the deficit, or even create a single job now -- in fact, it could slow growth and push us back into recession.

Today the President laid out a very different vision, one where everyone -- no matter who you are, where you're from, or how big your bank account is -- pitches in together to rebuild the foundations of our country and economy. Instead of another $X tax cut for millionaires, Obama believes we should pay down our debt and invest in the things we know we need to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class. That means restoring and upgrading our crumbling infrastructure, investing in education, paying down our debt responsibly, and yes, asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more. This approach requires tough choices and shared sacrifice -- exactly how we built the American economy in the first place.

As supporters, it's on us to get this message out there.

Watch the President's speech, and share it with your friends, family -- heck, share it with everyone you know. There's even a helpful printout you can download and pass around:




More than 2 million people like you power this campaign. If you can, please donate today.

Paid for by Obama for America

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4:48 p.m. ET
Join the organizer training in Los Angeles on Saturday

Image removed by sender. Obama - Biden

In an election as close as this one, every call made and every door knocked on makes a difference.

That's why this weekend, we're holding trainings across California -- to make sure our organizing is as effective as possible. The training this Saturday in Riverside will help us maximize our scarcest resource: time.

Come out and learn how to bring your organizing to the next level. Here are the details:

What: Volunteer training in Riverside

Where: 16186 Pick Place

Riverside, CA 92504

When: Saturday, June 16th

10:00 am

Image removed by sender. RSVP now

Trainings like the one this Saturday help us act as better advocates for the President and the progress we seek. After just a few hours together, we'll transform from lone volunteers into organizers and leaders.

When it's all over, you'll have smarter conversations and better phone banks. You'll also meet some great people from your area who are just as dedicated to electing Democrats as you are.

Don't worry if you don't have much experience with organizing -- the training on Saturday is meant for volunteers new and old.

If you care about this election and want to find out how to truly make an impact -- this is your answer.

Come out and join the team in Riverside for a few hours on Saturday:




Stefan Schaffer

California Deputy Field Director, Training

Organizing for America

Can't make it to this event? Help grow the campaign now by making a donation.

Image removed by sender. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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In an election as close as this one, every call made and every door

knocked on makes a difference.

That's why this weekend, we're holding trainings across California

-- to make sure our organizing is as effective as possible. The

training this Saturday in Palm Springs will help us maximize our

scarcest resource: time.

Come out and learn how to bring your organizing to the next level.

Here are the details:

What: Volunteer training in Palm Springs

Where: 801 Mira Grande

Palm Springs, CA 92262

When: Saturday, June 16th

11:00 am

Trainings like the one this Saturday help us act as better advocates

for the President and the progress we seek. After just a few hours

together, we'll transform from lone volunteers into organizers and


When it's all over, you'll have smarter conversations and better

phone banks. You'll also meet some great people from your area who

are just as dedicated to electing Democrats as you are.

Don't worry if you don't have much experience with organizing -- the

training on Saturday is meant for volunteers new and old.

If you care about this election and want to find out how to truly

make an impact -- this is your answer.

Come out and join the team in Palm Springs for a few hours on





Stefan Schaffer

California Deputy Field Director, Training

Organizing for America

Can't make it to this event? Help grow the campaign now by making a


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Democratic National Committee
11:06 a.m. ET
Ready to volunteer?

This weekend, Democrats are participating in our biggest national weekend

of action so far this year.

We'll have conversations with our neighbors, door to door and face to face,

to get them registered and ready to vote for President Obama and other

Democrats this fall.

Events like these are at the heart of what Democrats stand for -- and, as a

veteran of many a voter registration drive, phone bank, canvass and house

party, I will personally guarantee you'll enjoy yourself. If you're an old

hand at this, you know just what I mean.

So please find an event at a time that works for you, and say you'll lend

a hand in your community this


Once you do, you'll be taking part in one of the biggest grassroots events

in the country, and doing critically important work. The campaign to

re-elect the President is counting on the ground game to win him another

four years -- not on corporate donors cutting big checks.

The Democratic National Committee works in tandem with the Obama campaign

to fund and open many of our field offices nationwide -- so if you haven't

already, this is a perfect opportunity to get out there and see firsthand

the work that you have helped make possible.

If you're canvassing, take my advice: Bring a water bottle, wear sunscreen,

and bring some friends along with you.

If you're phone banking: Charge your phone, smile when you talk -- and you

should still bring some water.

RSVP for an event near you, and help out this weekend:


Thanks for all you're doing to help President Obama and Democrats up and

down the ticket.


Patrick Gaspard

Executive Director

Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,

This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's


Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not

deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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6:04 p.m. ET
Did you hear the President today?

This is a make-or-break moment for middle-class Americans -- and anyone who cares needs to watch the speech President Obama made in Cleveland today.

In this election, we face a choice between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy. The path Mitt Romney and his Republican allies want to take us down is exactly the one that led us to the 2008 crisis. We have to reject those policies and embrace the President's vision of growing the economy, not from the top down, but from the middle class out.

Hear from President Obama in his own words, and sign on to the principles he laid out.

The choice couldn't be clearer on the issues most important to ordinary Americans:

- Better Education: We need to invest in good teachers and help more students go to college and get job training -- not pack kids into classrooms and slash scholarships.

- More, Cleaner Energy: We need to invest in promising new sources of energy to create a market for innovation and good jobs of the future -- not go back to relying on foreign oil.

- Leading Through Innovation: We need to invest in our best scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs so they innovate here -- not cede new ideas to countries like China and India.

- Job-Creating Infrastructure: We need roads, bridges, ports, and broadband technology that attract businesses that will create jobs here -- not more pet projects and bridges to nowhere.

- Fair, Simple Tax Reform: We need to reward businesses that create jobs here instead of rewarding outsourcing, and must ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share again -- not sacrifice investments critical to the middle class.

This economic crisis didn't start in 2008. For more than a decade before, we knew things weren't working the way they should. We saw costs for everything from health care to education rising faster than wages. Good-paying, middle-class jobs were becoming harder to find, as more and more companies moved production overseas.

The other side's solution was the same then as it is now -- massive tax cuts benefiting mainly the wealthy, rolling back regulations on risky behavior for Wall Street and banks, and slashes to services that the middle class depends on, like Medicare, education, and job training. A decade ago, Bill Clinton left a record surplus. But the last administration put two wars, two huge tax cuts, and the Medicare prescription program on a credit card, and handed President Obama a trillion dollar deficit and a raging economic crisis.

Incredibly, Romney and his allies want to go back to those same, disastrous policies: budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy and free rein for Wall Street to write its own rules. We tried Mitt Romney's failed formula for most of the last decade. It benefitted a few, but exploded the deficit, crashed our economy, and devastated the middle class. It didn't grow our economy, create good jobs, or pay down our debt -- it did the opposite. And it won't work this time around either: Independent economists confirm that Romney's plan wouldn't cut the deficit, or even create a single job now -- in fact, it could slow growth and push us back into recession.

Today the President laid out a very different vision, one where everyone -- no matter who you are, where you're from, or how big your bank account is -- pitches in together to rebuild the foundations of our country and economy. Instead of another $X tax cut for millionaires, Obama believes we should pay down our debt and invest in the things we know we need to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class. That means restoring and upgrading our crumbling infrastructure, investing in education, paying down our debt responsibly, and yes, asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more. This approach requires tough choices and shared sacrifice -- exactly how we built the American economy in the first place.

As supporters, it's on us to get this message out there.

Watch the President's speech, and share it with your friends, family -- heck, share it with everyone you know. There's even a helpful printout you can download and pass around:





Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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