
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 5, 2012

Obama for America
10:28 p.m. ET
About tonight

I just stepped off stage, so I'll keep this quick.

Thank you -- that was an honor.

We know what we're up against -- a mountain of outside spending and a campaign willing to do whatever it takes to beat President Obama and drag this country backward.

But no one on that convention floor is intimidated. We're ready.

If you're feeling the energy, too, pitch in $X or more to keep the momentum going:


Estamos unidos. Together, we can win this.


Julián Castro Mayor, San Antonio

Tonight, there's one phrase that keeps running through my head: Estamos unidos. We are united.

It's become a sort of rallying cry for Latinos for Obama groups across the country, and every time I hear it I think about how perfectly it defines this campaign and this president.

When Senator Obama was the keynote speaker back in 2004, he said this: "It is that fundamental belief -- I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper -- that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family: E pluribus unum, out of many, one."

In other words, estamos unidos.

If you're with me tonight, pitch in $X or more to keep us moving forward:


Can't thank you enough,


Julian Castro Mayor, San Antonio

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

I just stepped off the stage, so I'll keep this quick.

Thank you that was an honor.

But speeches aren't going to win this election.

You are.

It's up to you to grow this organization now. If you're ready, pitch in $X or more:


Estamos unidos. Together, we can win this.


Julián Castro Mayor, San Antonio Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Michelle Obama just stepped off stage -- and, just, wow.

I'll keep this quick:

We know what we're up against -- a mountain of outside spending and a campaign willing to do whatever it takes to beat President Obama and drag this country backward.

But no one on that convention floor is intimidated. We're ready.

If you're feeling the energy, too, pitch in $X to keep the momentum going.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount:


Thank you -- it was an honor to speak tonight.

Estamos unidos. Together, we can win this.


Julián Castro Mayor, San Antonio

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Michelle Obama just stepped off stage -- and, just, wow.

I'll keep this quick:

We know what we're up against -- a mountain of outside spending and a campaign willing to do whatever it takes to beat President Obama and drag this country backward.

But no one on that convention floor is intimidated. We're ready.

If you're feeling the energy, too, pitch in $X to keep the momentum going:


Thank you -- it was an honor to speak tonight.

Estamos unidos. Together, we can win this.


Julian Castro Mayor, San Antonio

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

8:07 a.m. ET
[name]ert, thank you.

I know your life is full -- with work, or school, or family -- and yet you still find the time to help out when you can.

You may have a tight budget, but you give what you can afford.

A woman recently told the campaign her family skipped a pizza dinner at their favorite place so that they could make a difference in this election.

That is the commitment that drives this campaign.

If you can support Barack with a donation today, please know it makes a huge difference. If we win, it will be because of what you did at moments like this:



P.S. -- It meant a lot to me to speak with you and everyone else last night. Thank you for everything you do.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Obama for America

It meant a lot to me to speak with you and everyone else last night.

This is personal for me.

And I hope it is for you, too.

Because it won't be what I do that wins this election -- it will be what you do.

Please do what you can. Give $X or more now:

_[url] _

Thank you.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

I know your life is full -- with work, or school, or family -- and yet you still find the time to help out when you can.

You may have a tight budget, but you give what you can afford.

A woman recently told the campaign her family skipped a pizza dinner at their favorite place so that they could make a difference in this election.

That is the commitment that drives this campaign.

If you can support Barack with a donation today, please know it makes a huge difference. If we win, it will be because of what you did at moments like this.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount:



P.S. -- It meant a lot to me to speak with you and everyone else last night. Thank you for everything you do.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

6:38 a.m. ET
The First [name]ady knocked it out of the park

There's an energy here in Charlotte, and it's not just because the First Lady knocked it out of the park last night.

It's momentum. And it's because of what you're doing.

All week long, thousands upon thousands of you have been chipping in what you can, from where you are, because you're ready to see this thing through.

It's an incredible thing to be a part of. Keep it going we must keep it going with a donation of $X or more.

So when you hear the pundits and everyone else talking about who has the momentum this week, remember one thing:

They're talking about you.

Let's make it big. Chip in what you can to build this campaign in the time we've got left and let's win:



P.S. I'm excited for my speech tomorrow and for the President's we'll make the case for why we deserve four more years to keep fighting for what's right. But this week is about you and all the work you've been doing to get us here. Thank you for that. Donate $X or more today.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

1:44 p.m. ET

Obama - Biden --

I'm here in Charlotte at the convention, running from caucus to meeting to speech, but I wanted to take a minute to report back to you what it's like in the arena.

The crowds are buzzing with energy and excitement. After an amazing first day -- and the First Lady's moving speech last night -- everyone feels like they're part of something incredible. There are crazy shirts, hats, pins, and signs, and folks are constantly breaking into spontaneous cheers and chants. Everywhere you turn, there's someone asking you if you're ready to vote.

That's my cue. From the convention floor to you: Commit to vote today and make sure that you're registered. Then spread the word.

Yesterday's women's caucus meeting was inspiring. More than a thousand women gathered to hear from amazing speakers who reminded us: This election is about making sure that being a woman will no longer be a pre-existing condition. It's about creating jobs for all Americans, but also about making sure that women get paid fairly for those jobs.

This election is a choice between a ticket that stands up for women and one that wants to drag our rights backward.

It's about our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters.

We can decide this election -- but only if we vote. Take part in our weekly Women's Wednesday day of action, and commit to vote now. Then get others to join you:



Buffy Wicks National Operation Vote Director Obama for America

----- Election Day is closer than you think -- make a donation to fund this campaign in the time we have left.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

3:33 p.m. ET
Absolutely urgent

Tonight in Charlotte, I'm speaking to the nation about why President Obama needs to remain president.

He has not only proven himself to be a strong leader, and a man of integrity and vision. He also has the right plan for middle-class families.

Mitt Romney wants to deregulate Wall Street and cut taxes on upper-income people -- he's proposing policies that are even more extreme than what got us in trouble in the first place.

We need to keep moving forward, and President Obama is the only candidate with a plan to do that.

Donate $X or more today and make a difference in this election when there's still time to do so.

President Obama is rebuilding America from the ground up, investing in innovation, education, and job training, which is what happened when I was president.

Take it from me -- it only works if there's a strong middle class, and it only works if there's a leader in the White House who has the best interests of the middle class in mind.

The other side is being sincere: They actually think they have the better plan. The big problem with their ideas is that after the longest economic expansion in American history and a surplus from my time as president, they set into motion the plan they're proposing today, and it led to a financial crisis and massive deficits.

So it is absolutely urgent we win this election, and the only way he's going to win is because of what you do.

Don't take anything for granted. Don't think you can wait because your neighbor is stepping up, or someone else will pick up the slack. Don't think that you can wait until the debates, or until after these conventions.

This year, with the special interests going all in, none of us can afford to think that way. It has to be "What can I do, and what can I do right now?"

Here's one important thing you can do -- donate $X or more to support Barack Obama:


We can win this.

Thanks for doing your part.

Bill Clinton

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Don't take anything for granted.

Don't think you can wait because your neighbor is stepping up, or that someone else will pick up the slack. Don't think that you can wait until the debates, or until after these conventions.

When you look at what the other side is spending -- and where they want to take this country -- none of us can afford to think that way.

It is absolutely urgent we win this election, and the only way President Obama is going to win is because of what you do. Donate $X or more to support Barack Obama:


We can win this.

Thanks for doing your part.

Bill Clinton

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Don't take anything for granted.

Don't think you can wait because your neighbor is stepping up, or that someone else will pick up the slack. Don't think that you can wait until the debates, or until after these conventions.

When you look at what the other side is spending -- and where they want to take this country -- none of us can afford to think that way.

It is absolutely urgent we win this election, and the only way President Obama is going to win is because of what you do. Donate $X to support Barack Obama.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount:

[url] We can win this.

Thanks for doing your part.

Bill Clinton

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

2:29 p.m. ET
Absolutely urgent

Don't take anything for granted.

Don't think you can wait because your neighbor is stepping up, or that someone else will pick up the slack. Don't think that you can wait until the debates, or until after these conventions.

When you look at what the other side is spending -- and where they want to take this country -- none of us can afford to think that way.

It is absolutely urgent we win this election, and the only way President Obama is going to win is because of what you do. Donate $X to support Barack Obama.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount:

[url] We can win this.

Thanks for doing your part.

Bill Clinton

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Romney for President
6:42 a.m. ET
Make jobs, not excuses.

To view this email as a web page, go here.

Romney-Ryan Friend,

Mr. President, by your own measure, you've failed to deliver the jobs Americans need.

In fact, no president in modern history has ever asked to be re-elected with this many Americans out of work. Twenty-three million Americans are struggling for work, and more families wake up in poverty than ever before.

It's unacceptable. And now, America needs jobs not a litany of President Obama's excuses, scapegoats, and alibis.

To change direction, we need a president who will own up to the simple truth: Americans are not better off than they were four years ago.

I am running for president to help create a better future for America. A future where everyone who wants a job can find one. Where no senior fears for the security of their retirement. Where every parent knows that their child will get an education that leads to a good job and a bright horizon.

With your help, the Republican team, Paul Ryan, and I will deliver that brighter future. Our Plan for a Stronger Middle Class will create 12 million jobs, and ensure more take-home pay and better opportunities for all Americans.

Let's put America back to work by putting Barack Obama and his liberal allies out of work donate $X today.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney Victory_Disclaimer

10:10 a.m. ET
A dangerous precedent

To view this email as a web page, go here.

Romney-Ryan [url]

Why would President Obama destroy one of the most successful programs in American history?

When he waived the welfare work requirement in July, he effectively gutted bipartisan reform as we know it.

It's a dangerous policy precedent, and even one of the most respected newspapers in America called it "nuts."

Destroying a successful program only to adopt a policy of dependence is no way to get America back on track.

The Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class will put work back in welfare. That's why your support is critical. Watch this video and donate today.


Donate today to help Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican team win in November.

Gail Gitcho Communications Director Romney for President, Inc.

[url] Victory_Disclaimer

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
9:19 a.m. ET
last night


Last night was incredible.

I had the chance to introduce my twin brother, Julian, as the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention -- the first Latino-American ever to hold that honor. It was an inspiring reminder of how far we've come, and the work we have ahead of us.

When you contrast what my brother and President Obama are fighting for with what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan said last week, the choice in this election is clear.

If you know in your heart that re-electing President Obama with a Democratic Congress will help build the future we want, then give back by chipping in $X to build this campaign:

Donate $X or more to support President Obama with a Democratic majority

It's clear that the Republican agenda would take us backwards. Back to when there was no social safety net for seniors or upward mobility for students. Back to when access to health care was a privilege. Back to when being a woman was a preexisting condition. We can't let this happen.

Will you stand with us today?



Joaquin Castro Candidate for Congress

P.S. Agree with me that we need an Infrastructure of Opportunity for our future? Join my campaign by 'Liking' my Facebook Page.

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

6:16 p.m. ET
you too?

Jess --

Bill Clinton's got Obama's back. Elizabeth Warren's got Obama's back. Do you?

We're trying to reach 100,000 strong backing up the President before the convention ends tomorrow.

Will you add your name right now and tell Barack you've got his back?

The next two months will test us to our limit. Romney and Ryan will come after everything we believe in. It's going to take Americans like you and me standing up to Republicans' attacks and sticking up for President Obama to win in 2012.

So take a second, and just tell the President you're with him:


Remember, we're all in this together.


Greg Berlin Deputy Digital Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
10:35 a.m. ET
New Gallup poll

— The Democratic convention is a time to show America what we're about and what we believe in. Last night Michelle Obama lit up the stage, and tonight Bill Clinton and Elizabeth Warren will inspire.

But it's more than what you and I believe in—it's what we can make happen, and that depends on you.

Romney just had another $X million month and a new Gallup poll shows the Presidential race deadlocked. When we're down in fundraising numbers and tied in the polls, it means it's time to fight right now.

Please click here and give $X. Let's show Romney that we will do whatever it takes to give President Obama a Democratic Senate and four more years.

We can't wait any longer: [url]

Guy Cecil Executive Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

3:19 p.m. ET
Michelle reminded us

“When you've…walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.” –Michelle — For women, seniors, the poor, and anyone who has ever been left behind—Mitt Romney will slam that door shut.

Today's polls show Romney up three in Ohio and one in Florida. I know you want President Obama to win. But that's not enough. He will lose if you don't fight for him right now.

Click here, contribute $X and fight for Ohio, Florida, a Democratic Senate and four more years. This is the only way we win.

Last night, Michelle Obama reminded us why we're Democrats. When it seems overwhelming—or even impossible—we will always fight to hold the doorway open for those left behind.

It's September—you're running out of time to fight. Will you join us?


No regrets, Crystal King Political Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Democratic National Committee
11:35 a.m. ET
Try this - and get your free bumper sticker

Thousands of supporters are using new technology to give President Obama and Democrats across the country the resources they need to win on Election Day -- and you should join them.

It's called Quick Donate, and here's how it works: You donate just $X or more today, then save your payment information to your account. You'll be able to support Democrats with single-click donations from emails.

Will you give it a try? When you sign up, you'll also get a free bumper sticker.

We rolled this out for a reason.

Over the last few months, Mitt Romney and the Republican Party have raised nearly $X million more than us -- and it's critically important we do everything we can to close that fundraising gap.

Our ability to help Democrats in tough races will be driven by grassroots donations -- millions of Americans giving what they can, when they can.

And if we're going to compete with the groups on the other side that are pumping millions into negative ads, we need it to be as easy as possible for anyone to chip in and help decide the outcome of this election.

So join thousands of other Democrats and join our Quick Donate program.

Donate $X or more today to sign up, and get your free bumper sticker:




Hildy Kuryk National Finance Director Democratic National Committee


The first $X of a contribution to OVF 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America with the first $X designated for the primary election, and the next $X for the general election . The next $X of a contribution will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amounts from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: FL 17% ; OH 16% ; PA 13% ; CO 11% ; NC 11% ; VA 11% ; NV 6% ; WI 6% ; IA 5% ; and NH 4% . A contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions to OVF 2012 will be used in connection with a Federal election, and may be spent on any activities of the participant committees as each committee determines in its sole discretion and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003 Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

6:07 p.m. ET
Absolutely urgent

Don't take anything for granted.

Don't think you can wait because your neighbor is stepping up, or that someone else will pick up the slack. Don't think that you can wait until the debates, or until after these conventions.

When you look at what the other side is spending and where they want to take this country none of us can afford to think that way.

It is absolutely urgent we win this election, and the only way President Obama is going to win is because of what you do. Donate $X or more to support Barack Obama:


We can win this.

Thanks for doing your part.

Bill Clinton

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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