
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 24, 2012

Obama for America
10:43 p.m. ET
OFA newsletter for supporters

Thank you so much for your generous support of this campaign and for strengthening our grassroots organization.

I want to make sure you know how crucial your support has been in the fight to re-elect Barack Obama. So here's a special update on some of the most important things happening as we head into the final days of this election.

I think you'll be proud of what you are helping make happen around the country.

1. Thousands of people across all 50 states are canvassing, phone banking, and getting out the vote.

As you read this, voters are planning their day at the polls with our new online tools:

[url] They're committing to vote early in certain states -- and supporting our efforts further by canvassing, traveling to battleground states, phone banking at local offices, and

a qualified team of voter protection volunteers will be standing ready to ensure every vote is cast. Thanks to supporters like you, this is an unprecedented get-out-the-vote effort on the ground and online. We're getting ready.

2. While Ohioans celebrate their 100th office opening, local offices are sprouting up in battleground states across the country.

This is incredible: Passionate folks ready to drive this thing home for President Obama gathered to celebrate our 100th field office in the state of Ohio:


To put this in perspective -- there are 18 congressional districts in Ohio, and that means we're building a grassroots network in every single one of them. This is how you build an effective ground game -- and ours is unmatched. Check out our field blog for some great photos and stories; I think you'll find them as inspiring as I do.

3. The Truth Team stands ready at a moment's notice, and responds to Romney's "47 percent" video.

Mitt Romney, in a leaked video from a closed-door fundraiser, dismissed half of the American people as "dependent upon government" who believe "government has a responsibility to care for them." Our Truth Team-made site showed voters how Romney views 47 percent of America, and our video team captured some reactions to Romney's words. Definitely worth watching:


4. Not just for some of us, "For all" -- thousands are showing their support on the Obama for America photo blog.

Unlike our opponent, we have a candidate who's working for all Americans. We launched a For All photo project on Instagram to allow voters, particularly young voters, to creatively express which issues they care about the most. Whether it's education, equal rights, or affordable health care -- you can get out your black marker, write the issue on your hand, and share it online with the tag #ForAll. This project has inspired new supporters to get involved and get registered to vote. There are already thousands of submissions, so check out these great photos from supporters and a few celebrities and then add your own:


5. The Repeal of DADT: One year later.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" DADT is history, gone. On Thursday, one year after the repeal of DADT, the President said: "Gay and lesbian Americans now no longer need to hide who they love in order to serve the country they love. It is a testament to the professionalism of our men and women in uniform that this change was implemented in an orderly manner, preserving unit cohesion, recruitment, retention and military effectiveness." Check out these great, supportive e-cards that supporters have been sending to a servicemember or veteran that they care about:


This was a proud, defining moment for the LGBT community -- and that is worth celebrating and getting the message out.

6. Watch parties in every neighborhood: Folks are gearing up for the first debate.

These are a blast. When Barack Obama and Joe Biden proudly accepted our party's nomination, people gathered at over 5,000 watch parties across the country in solidarity for the President. Now, as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prepare to go head to head for the first time, folks are already planning their watch parties for the October 3rd presidential debate. Not only is this a fun way to watch, but local events like these can really spark folks into action:


It's an easy, low-barrier way to get involved. And I know I won't be watching alone!

7. Early voting in Iowa starts in 4 days.

Here's the reality, right here: Pay no attention to the countdown clocks to November 6th -- this election has started in early voting and absentee states across the country. And in Iowa, it begins Thursday. That's the way we need to look at this. Election Day isn't some far-off goal, it's now. That's why we're busy getting the word out -- online and out in the field -- so that people in early vote states know exactly when and where they can cast their ballots ahead of Election Day.

Thanks so much for your continued support and commitment to this campaign. I'm inspired by the great work of this team as we mobilize across the country in support of Barack Obama. Yes, this was quite a week -- but this election is far from over.

This race will stay close until the very end, and we have to stay focused.

I'll be in touch,


Jen O'Malley Dillon Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- If you'd rather not receive campaign strategy updates like this one, opt-out of future weekly newsletters:


And, as always, we appreciate your feedback:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

8:45 a.m. ET
A little bittersweet

My favorite campaign tradition started five years ago -- check out the email below.

It's just incredible how much we've grown -- from 100,000 individual donors at that time to more than 3 million in this campaign alone -- and how much we've accomplished together.

Tomorrow night, we're selecting the guests for the last dinner of my last campaign. I'm looking forward to closing out this tradition the way it started: with supporters like you.

Will you be there?

Make a donation of $X or whatever you can, and you'll be automatically entered:


This is the last time we'll do this on this campaign -- let's make it a good one.


------------Original Message--------------- From: Barack Obama Date: Wednesday, June 6th, 2007 at 6:23 p.m. Subject: Re: Dinner with Barack?

When we launched this campaign, we decided not to take the easy money offered by Washington lobbyists and special interest political action committees.

Instead, we put our faith in you, and we couldn't have made a better choice.

I'll be meeting four of you for dinner sometime soon, but what's happening across this country is bigger than me, or my candidacy.

Together we're re-shaping the political process based on the idea that a movement of people who care about the common future of all Americans can be more powerful than any special interest.

I hope you'll take a minute to make a donation, and perhaps we'll be seeing each other soon.


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

10:10 a.m. ET
We'll fly you out for FREE

I can't believe this is the last time I'm emailing you ... about Dinner with Barack, that is.

Don't miss out on your last chance to have dinner with President Obama before Election Day.

I know he can't wait to meet you -- so donate $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win:




Rufus Gifford National Finance Director Obama for America

P.S. -- If that didn't sound good enough, the campaign will even fly you out -- with a friend! Enter now:


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

If you win this, you're going to have a lot more friends all of sudden.

Because winning this thing means not one but two of the seats at the table are yours:


Just remember, whoever you bring as your guest is going to owe you for a long, long time.

Donate $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win dinner for you and a guest with the President:


That's one lucky friend,


Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- Don't hesitate: Airfare and hotel are on us. ENTER TODAY:


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

We wanted to make sure you knew about an easy way to increase your chances of winning dinner with the President -- and get a free bumper sticker, while you're at it.

If you make a donation of any amount, and then sign up for Quick Donate by saving your payment information, your name will be automatically thrown in the hat twice. [url]

As a member of Quick Donate, you'll be able to support the campaign with single-click donations on the web, in emails, and via text message. It's easy, fast, and secure.

When you sign up, we'll send you a free Obama bumper sticker -- and here's the best part: you'll be automatically entered for Dinner with Barack. You've got nothing to lose.

The contest ends at midnight tomorrow, so enter right now:

[url] [url]

And seriously -- thanks for your support.

Obama for America

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here [url] , by signing up for Quick Donate here [url] , or click here [url] to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail v alue of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules [url] and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden --

If you win this, you're going to have a lot more friends all of a sudden.

Because winning this thing means not one but two of these seats below are yours.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount.

Dinner with Barack - Seating Chart Barack Whoever you bring Just remember, whoever you bring as your guest is going to owe you for a long, long time.

Donate $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win dinner for you and a guest with the President:


That's one lucky friend,


Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- Don't hesitate: Airfare and hotel are on us. ENTER TODAY.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America

by signing up for Quick Donate

or click hereto enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rulesand additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

If you win this, you're going to have a lot more friends all of a sudden.

Because winning this thing means not one but two of these seats below are yours.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount.

Karen Barack Whoever you bring

Just remember, whoever you bring as your guest is going to owe you for a long, long time.

You've already thrown your name in the hat -- thanks for your donation.

Chip in $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered one more time to win dinner for you and a guest with the President:


That's one lucky friend,


Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- Don't forget: Airfare and hotel are on us. ENTER AGAIN TODAY.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here, by signing up for Quick Donate here, or click here to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Description: Obama - Biden

If you win this, you're going to have a lot more friends all of a sudden.

Because winning this thing means not one but two of these seats below are yours.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately: QUICK DONATE: $X





Or donate another amount.

Description: Dinner with Barack - Seating Chart



Whoever you bring

Description: [url]

Description: [url]

Just remember, whoever you bring as your guest is going to owe you for a long, long time.

Donate $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win dinner for you and a guest with the President:


That's one lucky friend,


Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- Don't hesitate: Airfare and hotel are on us. ENTER TODAY.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here, by signing up for Quick Donate here, or click here to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Description: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Description: Obama - Biden

I can't believe this is the last time I'm emailing you ... about Dinner with Barack, that is.

Don't miss out on your last chance to have dinner with President Obama before Election Day. Description: [url]

I know he can't wait to meet you -- so donate $X or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win:




Rufus Gifford National Finance Director Obama for America

P.S. -- If that didn't sound good enough, the campaign will even fly you out -- with a friend! Enter now.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by September 25, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here, by signing up for Quick Donate here, or click here to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Three winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; and dinner for winner and a guest with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601. Description: [url]

Description: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

5:51 p.m. ET
[name], can you take a trip to New Hampshire?


I can barely believe it: The first voter registration deadlines of this election are less than two weeks away.

If we want to make sure as many people as possible are registered and fired up to support President Obama and other Democrats, this weekend is huge.

That's why folks from Massachusetts are pitching in alongside organizers in New Hampshire this weekend. Some people are hopping in cars to go door to door to register voters and talk about the choice in this election. Others are going to make some calls from their hometowns into New Hampshire.

No matter where you live or where you're pitching in, this race is getting down to the wire, fast -- so we have to get to work now.

Can you make it out this Saturday?


Check out the event details and let us know: What: Day of Action in New Hampshire Where: 581 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139

When: Saturday, September 29th Shifts start at 9:00 am

RSVP here:


See all the events near you this weekend:


In New Hampshire this election could well be as close as they come, so lending a hand to organizers there is a great way to have a huge impact on this election.

Right place, right time -- if you've thought about getting more involved with helping out in New Hampshire, do it this Saturday.

Just let the local organizers know they'll see you out there:


Let's win this,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today:


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Obama - Biden --

I can barely believe it: The first voter registration deadlines of this election are less than two weeks away.

If we want to make sure as many people as possible are registered and fired up to support President Obama and other Democrats, this weekend is huge.

That's why folks from Illinois are pitching in alongside organizers in battleground states this weekend. Some people are hopping in cars to go door to door to register voters and talk about the choice in this election. Others are going to make some calls from their hometowns into battleground states.

No matter where you live or where you're pitching in, this race is getting down to the wire, fast -- so we have to get to work now.

Can you make it out this Saturday? Check out the event details and let us know:

What: Day of Action in battleground states

Where: 190 E. Butterfield Road Elmhurst, IL 60126

When: Saturday, September 29th 7:00 am

RSVP now

See all the events near you this weekend.

so lending a hand to organizers there is a great way to have a huge impact on this election.

Right place, right time -- if you've thought about getting more involved with helping out in battleground states, do it this Saturday.

Just let the local organizers know they'll see you out there:


Let's win this,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

----- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
6:21 a.m. ET

Remember Mitt Romney's solution to an auto industry teetering on the brink? "Let Detroit go bankrupt." Deadline: 6 days. Contribute

Remember Mitt Romney's solution to an auto industry teetering on the brink? “Let Detroit go bankrupt.”

I watched as he kicked autoworkers when they were down. You watched as he told us his “job isn't to worry about” 47% of Americans.

But we can't just watch any longer— with just 42 days left, polls are within the margin of error. If you want to elect President Obama and a Democratic I need your support immediately.

In six days, we face the final and most critical FEC deadline of this election. Can you donate $X right away?

Falling short of this goal means we may not be able to stop Mitt Romney and the Republicans from executing a government takeover.

We know we can protect President Obama and a Democratic Senate majority with grassroots contributions — but only if enough folks step up right now.

Can I count your $X contribution towards this goal?


Let's win this. Jennifer Granholm

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.


6:45 a.m. ET
FW: Nail, meet coffin

With Todd “legitimate rape” Akin closing in on the Missouri race, the Republicans could take over the Senate by one seat . Imagine Akin casting the deciding vote to repeal Obamacare, block access to contraception, and deny every one of President Obama's Supreme Court nominees.

You only have 6 days until the final, most critical FEC deadline of this election. Can you give $X immediately? Otherwise, the Republicans could take over the Senate.

Anna Chu DSCC, Policy Director

----------Original Message from James Carville---------- Deadline: 6 days. Contribute

Think Mitt's buried up to his neck in sand after all his blunders?

News flash people: he's only down by three points. And I don't want to make your ears bleed— but George W. Bush was down by three at this point in 2000.

So we can either do nothing today, and let these wing-nut Republicans take this election from us. Or, you can make a contribution right now and we can finish the job.

The FEC deadline is just 8 days away. Contribute $X to prevent Mitt Romney and the Republicans from taking over the White House and Senate.

Do you want to see President Obama lose on Election Night because we thought we had it in the bag with 44 days to go? Me neither.

Let's bury Romney's campaign today. Say it to yourself: “Nail, meet coffin.” And put his campaign to rest.


James Carville

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

5:50 p.m. ET
FW: your supporter record

Hey – NOTICE: Starting today, a group of Democratic Senators will match your gift 3-to-1. If we don't hit our fundraising goal before the final FEC quarterly deadline in just six days, Republicans could take over the Senate by a single seat.

Fight for that seat right now, and your gift will be triple matched. Click here immediately to give $X and renew your support.

Jason Rosenbaum Online Communications Director

-------------------Begin Original Message-------------------

We're nearing the final end-of-quarter FEC deadline of this election and our team is reviewing supporter records. I noticed that you haven't made an online contribution since the 2010 election. You clearly saw what was at stake then, and made a commitment to protect President Obama and give him a Democratic Senate I pasted your supporter record below . But this is the final stretch of this election and the risk is even greater.

Name: record: Last online contribution: $X October 31, 2010 2012 online support: pending Suggested support: $X

If the election were held today, Republicans would likely win the Senate by a single seat.

On October 1, the question will be: Do Democrats have enough money to protect progressives like Elizabeth Warren and defeat extremists like Todd Akin?

If we don't raise $X.5 million in the next 7 days, the answer will be no. Todd Akin and the Republicans will capture the Senate and destroy everything President Obama has accomplished.

But if every supporter from the last election will join the 2012 campaign, we can get there. If not, we'll lose the Senate at the last second.

This is critical—we have just seven days left. Please click here and kick in $X immediately:


Thanks so much, Jason Rosenbaum DSCC Online Communications Director

P.S.: If our records are incorrect, and you have made a recent online donation, please click here to let us know.

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Romney for President
1:26 p.m. ET
Grab a bite with me

Romney-Ryan Friend,

Chatting with supporters like you over a good meal is one of my favorite parts of being on the campaign trail.

But with the warp speed we're at in the homestretch of this race it doesn't happen as often as I'd like.

That's why I hope you'll enter this contest for a chance to grab a bite with me.

Paul Ryan Pic

As we get closer to Election Day, every bit of support will help us win this thing. We can't do it without you.

Donate $X to be automatically entered: [url]

Thanks and good luck,

Paul Ryan

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click here. To enter without making a contribution, click here. Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Monday, September 24, 2012 at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . Winners will be selected at two points in the Promotion. Entries must be received by September 28, 2012 and October 5, 2012 to be eligible for each successive drawing. Three 3 winners will receive the following Prize: two 2 round-trip coach class plane tickets within the continental United States, for use by the winner and a guest, on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; two 2 one-night hotel stays at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner and guest at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box 149757, Boston, MA 02114. Victory_Disclaimer

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

Time is running out on this contest -- have you entered it yet?

Every entry gets us closer to winning on November 6 -- so I hope you'll throw in a few dollars for a chance to get on board with my dad.

We're in the final stretch of this important race, and we're counting on your support.

[url] Donate $X before midnight tomorrow to be automatically entered.

Craig Romney NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, [url] click here . To enter without making a contribution, [url] click here . Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . All entries must be received by 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time on Tuesday, September 25, 2012. Two 2 winners will receive the following Prize: one 1 round-trip coach class plane ticket within the continental United States on a date and to and from Destinations to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; one 1 one-night hotel stay at one of the Destinations, with an approximate retail value of $X; one 1 flight segment on the Romney for President campaign plane, with a retail value that shall vary depending on the flight segments flown but shall be approximately $X; and ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the [url] Official Rules . The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box 149757, Boston, MA 02114.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
1:44 p.m. ET

BREAKING: Boehner and the Republicans just launched a 26 district ad blitz against Democratic candidates in an effort to save their teetering House majority

Our candidates are being outspent in too many too-close-to-call districts.

If we want to replace the Tea Party majority with a Democratic House for President Obama's second term, we have to respond to these ads immediately.

Donate $X or more to fight these Republican attacks and elect a Democratic majority for President Obama

A new POLITICO Battleground poll shows us up by one point in the race for Congress -- 46% to 45% -- but that lead won't hold unless we can fight this wave of Republican attacks.

When the polls close on November 6th, I don't want to have that sinking feeling that we didn't do everything we could when it mattered most.

Please chip in what you can to help us fight back: [url]

No regrets,


Kelly Ward DCCC Political Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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