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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

FW: Nail, meet coffin


1 email variation



With Todd “legitimate rape” Akin closing in on the Missouri race, the Republicans could take over the Senate by one seat . Imagine Akin casting the deciding vote to repeal Obamacare, block access to contraception, and deny every one of President Obama's Supreme Court nominees.

You only have 6 days until the final, most critical FEC deadline of this election. Can you give $X immediately? Otherwise, the Republicans could take over the Senate.

Anna Chu DSCC, Policy Director

----------Original Message from James Carville---------- Deadline: 6 days. Contribute

Think Mitt's buried up to his neck in sand after all his blunders?

News flash people: he's only down by three points. And I don't want to make your ears bleed— but George W. Bush was down by three at this point in 2000.

So we can either do nothing today, and let these wing-nut Republicans take this election from us. Or, you can make a contribution right now and we can finish the job.

The FEC deadline is just 8 days away. Contribute $X to prevent Mitt Romney and the Republicans from taking over the White House and Senate.

Do you want to see President Obama lose on Election Night because we thought we had it in the bag with 44 days to go? Me neither.

Let's bury Romney's campaign today. Say it to yourself: “Nail, meet coffin.” And put his campaign to rest.


James Carville

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Subject: FW: Nail, meet coffin

From: [email protected]

Sent: Sept. 24, 2012, 6:45 a.m.

With Todd “legitimate rape” Akin closing in on the Missouri race, the Republicans could take over the Senate by one seat . Imagine Akin casting the deciding vote to repeal Obamacare, block access to contraception, and deny every one of President Obama's Supreme Court nominees.

You only have 6 days until the final, most critical FEC deadline of this election. Can you give $X immediately? Otherwise, the Republicans could take over the Senate.

Anna Chu DSCC, Policy Director

----------Original Message from James Carville---------- Deadline: 6 days. Contribute

Think Mitt's buried up to his neck in sand after all his blunders?

News flash people: he's only down by three points. And I don't want to make your ears bleed— but George W. Bush was down by three at this point in 2000.

So we can either do nothing today, and let these wing-nut Republicans take this election from us. Or, you can make a contribution right now and we can finish the job.

The FEC deadline is just 8 days away. Contribute $X to prevent Mitt Romney and the Republicans from taking over the White House and Senate.

Do you want to see President Obama lose on Election Night because we thought we had it in the bag with 44 days to go? Me neither.

Let's bury Romney's campaign today. Say it to yourself: “Nail, meet coffin.” And put his campaign to rest.


James Carville

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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