
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Nov. 1, 2012

Obama for America
9:49 p.m. ET
Get out the vote in a battleground state


We hope everyone is safe and dry after the last couple of days. Our hearts go out to the families affected by this week's storm. As things in your area get back on track, we're busy preparing for the final days of this important campaign -- because we've got just over 140 hours to get out the vote for President Obama. When the polls close on Tuesday night, we won't be able to make up for lost time. Can you join a local trip to a battleground state? [url] What: Get out the vote in a battleground state

Where: 1 Hanson Place Brooklyn, NY 11217

When: Saturday, November 3rd Meet at 9:30 am

RSVP here:


Or check out all of the events near you:


This is our last chance for folks from New York to go to a battleground state and get out the vote, so I really hope you can make it. A lot of other supporters are planning to go. We'll help you coordinate travel so it's easier to be a part of this last trip.

We've been working toward this final push for a while now. Every phone call we've made, every conversation we've had at someone's front door -- they've all been getting us to these last few days.

Join us now:


Let's win this thing,


Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

----- Please consider supporting the Red Cross /a /strong and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

12:00 a.m. ET
Can you take a trip to New Hampshire this weekend?


If turnout looks like 2008, when President Obama was elected on a wave of first-time and energized voters, we win. If it's 2010 all over again, and folks decide to stay home, we lose. It's as simple as that. That's why we have to work hard to get out the vote in New Hampshire over the next week. Folks from Massachusetts are traveling to New Hampshire for our final get-out-the-vote push. There's a team leaving from Cambridge -- we need you to join them. Say you'll be there:

[url] Here are the details: What: Trip to New Hampshire

Meet at: Cambridge, MA 02138

When: Shifts available through Election Day

RSVP here:

[url] Or join another event near you: [url]

Even if you've never made the trip to New Hampshire before, I hope you can join. We'll help you coordinate travel -- this is our last chance to make it over the border and meet voters face to face. I know we've asked for a lot. In these last critical days, we need folks like you to step up and own every day from now until November 6th. This is it, I hope you're fired up -- because we're ready to go. RSVP today: [url]

Marlon Marlon Marshall Deputy Field Director Obama for America

- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today to help build this campaign and our party's grassroots organization:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Obama - Biden --

If turnout looks like 2008, when President Obama was elected on a wave of first-time and energized voters, we win. If it's 2010 all over again, and folks decide to stay home, we lose.

It's as simple as that. That's why we have to work hard to get out the vote in Virginia over the next week.

Folks from Maryland are traveling to Virginia for our final get-out-the-vote push. There's a team leaving from Baltimore -- we need you to join them.

Say you'll be there.

Here are the details: What: Trip to Virginia

Meet at: 175 W. Ostend Street 21230

When: Shifts available through Election Day

RSVP now

Or join another event near you.

Even if you've never made the trip to Virginia before, I hope you can join. We'll help you coordinate travel -- this is our last chance to make it over the border and meet voters face to face.

I know we've asked for a lot. In these last critical days, we need folks like you to step up and own every day from now until November 6th.

This is it, I hope you're fired up -- because we're ready to go.

RSVP today:



Marlon Marshall Deputy Field Director Obama for America

----- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today to help build this campaign and our party's grassroots organization.


Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible. The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Obama - Biden --

If turnout looks like 2008, when President Obama was elected on a wave of first-time and energized voters, we win. If it's 2010 all over again, and folks decide to stay home, we lose.

It's as simple as that. That's why we have to work hard to get out the vote in battleground states over the next week.

Folks from Illinois are calling voters in battleground states for our final get-out-the-vote push. There's a team in Broadview -- we need you to join them.

Say you'll be there.

Here are the details:

What: Phone bank in Broadview

Where: 1406 W Roosevelt Rd Broadview, IL 60155

When: Shifts available through Election Day

RSVP now

Or join another event near you.

I know we've asked for a lot. In these last critical days, we need folks like you to step up and own every day from now until November 6th.

This is it, I hope you're fired up -- because we're ready to go.

RSVP today:



Marlon Marshall Deputy Field Director Obama for America

----- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today to help build this campaign and our party's grassroots organization.


Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Join us for a grassroots event in Concord with President Obama and President Bill Clinton. Here are the details: What: Grassroots event with President Obama and President Bill Clinton When: Sunday, November 4th Doors open at 7:00 a.m. Where: Entrance at corner of School and Main Street Concord, NH 03301 Just say you're in, and we'll send you a free e-ticket. Email confirmation is required for entry: [url]

Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today to help build this campaign and our party's grassroots organization:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

1:38 a.m. ET
You should forward this:

Every now and again, the other side likes to claim President Obama doesn't have a record to run on. They're wrong. Here's a taste of why:

Just a couple of the Obama Administration's accomplishments:

1. The first bill President Obama signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, to help women fight back when they don't get equal pay for equal work.

2. His Recovery Act supported millions of jobs and helped to stave off a second Great Depression.

3. He pushed for and won middle-class tax cuts that benefitted every American worker, and saved the typical family $X in taxes over the last four years.

4. President Obama rescued the auto industry, and now GM and Chrysler are healthier than they've ever been. The American auto industry has added nearly a quarter of a million jobs since June 2009 -- and they most likely wouldn't exist right now without President Obama's leadership.

5. He doubled funding for Pell Grants, helping to make college more affordable for nearly 10 million families.

6. His student loan reform ended billions in subsidies to banks serving as middlemen and reinvested those savings directly into students.

7. The President established the American Opportunity Tax Credit, worth up to $X over four years of college.

8. His Race to the Top Initiative helped spur nearly every state to raise academic standards.

9. His tax cuts, social-welfare programs, and economic policies lifted nearly 7 million Americans above the federal poverty line in 2010.

10. President Obama has signed 18 tax cuts for small businesses since taking office.

11. We've seen 5.2 million new private-sector jobs over the last 31 months.

12. The unemployment rate is at the lowest level since President Obama took office.

13. Health care reform -- passed after decades of failed attempts by every previous President -- provides affordable health coverage to every American and will lower premiums by an average of $X per family by 2019.

14. Obamacare expanded access to lifesaving preventive care such as cancer screenings and immunizations with no out-of -pocket costs for 54 million Americans.

15. Obamacare ends insurance discrimination against the 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.

16. Because of Obamacare, over 3 million more young adults have health insurance today than would if the new law hadn't passed.

17. The parents of over 17 million children with pre-existing conditions no longer have to worry that their children will be denied coverage.

18. President Obama has ordered the overhaul of federal government regulations to make them smarter, practical, and more efficient. Just a fraction of these commonsense initiatives will help save businesses $X billion in the next five years alone.

19. His historic investments in clean energy have helped more than double the amount of electricity we obtain from wind and solar sources and helped increase biofuel production to its highest level in history.

which will save drivers more than $X at the gas pump, not to mention lessen the impact of automobiles on our environment.

21. President Obama has taken unprecedented action to address climate change, reaching historic international agreements to curb carbon emissions, and taking action here at home to reduce carbon pollution from our vehicles and promote clean energy production.

signing one of the largest expansions of protected wilderness in a generation and putting in place standards to reduce toxic air pollution that will save thousands of lives.

23. President Obama fought for and won landmark Wall Street reform that reins in the abuses that led to the financial crisis and ends the era of taxpayer bailouts and "too big to fail."

24. Wall Street reform created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the nation's first federal agency focused solely on consumer financial protection -- and the Bureau is already protecting families from unfair and abusive financial practices from Wall Street banks and shadowy corners of the financial industry.

25. As part of President Obama's commitment to transparency, the White House has posted its visitor records online for the first time ever.

26. President Obama's all-of-the-above approach to energy has helped cut the United States' dependence on foreign oil to its lowest level in 20 years.

27. President Obama responsibly ended the war in Iraq.

28. He announced a plan to end the war in Afghanistan and transition security responsibility to the Afghan people.

29. President Obama sent the largest security assistance package to Israel in history and funded the Iron Dome system, which is protecting Israeli homes and schools from rocket attacks.

30. President Obama rallied the international community to implement the toughest sanctions on Iran in history.

31. Through the President's historic increases in Veterans Affairs funding, he has expanded and improved healthcare and job training access for our returning veterans.

32. President Obama negotiated the New START Treaty with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in both countries. At the same time, he also secured commitments from dozens of other countries to lock down nuclear materials.

33. His administration naturalized 11,146 military service members as U.S. citizens in 2010; more than in any year since 1955.

34. President Obama set a bold new plan for the future of NASA space exploration, using the skill and ability of the private sector for short trips to the International Space Station, while building a new vehicle for exploration of distant space, and doing everything in his power to support the economy on Florida's Space Coast.

35. President Obama recognizes that tourism is one of America's largest economic engines; he's worked to encourage international visitors to come here, maintaining our

paying jobs.

directed the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in federal courts, and took the practical and compassionate step of extending hospital visitation rights to same-sex partners.

37. He fought for and won the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, allowing gay and lesbian members of the military to serve openly for the first time in history.

his administration did everything in its power to improve it, streamlining the legal immigration process and announcing a policy that lifts the shadow of deportation from hard working young immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

39. Oh, and he gave the order to send troops in after Osama Bin Laden -- and has decimated al-Qaeda's senior leadership.

------------------- What is this?

Every day from now until Election Day, we'll send you something that makes the case for voting for Barack Obama.

What can I do?

If you like it, we ask that you share it with any friends, family members, and neighbors you know who are still making up their mind about who to vote for and everyone knows some . All you have to do is pass it on -- forward it, share on Facebook, or on Twitter.

Done. What else?

If you spot something that's especially persuasive or inspiring, or if you want to share your own graphic, essay, or personal story, send it on to [email] and we'll pass the best ones along. Click here to check out all of our "Forward this" posts:


With less than a week to go in this election, and millions of voters still making up their minds, it's the job of everyone who supports President Obama to let everyone else know who they're voting for this year -- and why.

---- Time is running out. Chip in today, when your donation can make the biggest difference:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

10:30 a.m. ET
How this ends:

We got outraised pretty badly in the first half of this past month by Mitt Romney and the Republicans, giving them a $X million edge on us.

We don't know what kind of impact it will have in the final days of a tight race, but we still have time to fight back and make sure it will not be a decisive factor in this I need you to make a donation of $X or more to close the gap and finish strong:


I know I've asked a lot of you.

No matter how this ends, on Election Night I'll get up on stage and thank you for all the time and effort and hard-earned dollars you've put into this. But I also want to be able to tell our country that our hard work paid off, and that we will continue moving forward for four more years.

Please donate $X or more today:



--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

We got outraised pretty badly in the first half of this past month by Mitt Romney and the Republicans, giving them a $X million edge on us.

We don't know what kind of impact it will have in the final days of a tight race, but we still have time to fight back and make sure it will not be a decisive factor in this I need you to make a donation of $X to close the gap and finish strong.

You're one of the campaign's most committed supporters. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately. It matters more today than it will later:






Or donate another amount.

I know I've asked a lot of you.

No matter how this ends, on Election Night I'll get up on stage and thank you for all the time and effort and hard-earned dollars you've put into this. But I also want to be able to tell our country that our hard work paid off, and that we will continue moving forward for four more years.

Please donate $X today:



Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

We got outraised pretty badly in the first half of this past month by Mitt Romney and the Republicans, giving them a $X million edge on us.

We don't know what kind of impact it will have in the final days of a tight race, but we still have time to fight back and make sure it will not be a decisive factor in this election.

Please, don't wait any longer -- I need you to make a donation of $X or more to close the gap and finish strong.

I know I've asked a lot of you. Today will be one of the last chances we get to affect the outcome of this race, and I'm counting on your response.

No matter how this ends, on Election Night I'll get up on stage and thank everyone for all the time and effort and hard-earned dollars you've put into this. But I also want to be able to tell our country that our hard work paid off, and that we will continue moving forward for four more years.

That will only happen if you get on board and chip in what you can. Please donate $X or more today:



Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

2:39 p.m. ET
[name], thanks: Here's your total 2012 record of support

In about 48 hours, we're making our final budget decisions as a campaign.

We'll look at what we have in the bank and match it up with what we think we need to do to win in these last few days.

If we can't fully fund our operations at this stage, it could be the difference between winning and losing.

Every dollar that comes in is budgeted and put to use right away, down to the last penny.

According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Total you've donated for the 2012 campaign cycle: $X -- Your first donation to the 2012 campaign was on this date: July 22, 2011 -- Most recent donation: February 03, 2012 -- Suggested donation today: $X

You've helped get us where we are.

Now, can you dig deeper and donate $X or more for the final push?


We learned last week that Mitt Romney and the Republicans have $X million more to spend in the last leg of this campaign.

That's up to $X million more per day at their disposal than we have right now.

We are in a strong position with five days to go. But we cannot allow ourselves to be overwhelmed so close to the very end.

There is no putting it off. Please donate $X or more today:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

-------- If we got your donation history wrong, it may be because you gave offline, with a different email address, very recently, or somewhere other than Obama for America or the Obama Victory Fund -- thank you again, and our apologies if the above does not match up with your records.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

In about 48 hours, we're making our final budget decisions as a campaign.

We'll look at what we have in the bank and match it up with what we think we need to do to win in these last few days.

If we can't fully fund our operations at this stage, it could be the difference between winning and losing.

Every dollar that comes in is budgeted and put to use right away, down to the last penny.

According to our records associated with this exact email address, you haven't given to this campaign yet.

Don't let this election come and go without doing your part donate $X or more for the final push.

We learned last week that Mitt Romney and the Republicans have $X million more to spend in the last leg of this campaign.

That's up to $X million more per day at their disposal than we have right now.

We are in a strong position with five days to go. But we cannot allow ourselves to be overwhelmed so close to the very end.

There is no putting it off. I need you to get on board before it's too late. Please donate $X or more today:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

If we got your donation history wrong, it may be because you gave offline, with a different email address, very recently, or somewhere other than Obama for America or the Obama Victory Fund thank you again, and our apologies if the above does not match up with your records.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden Theo --

In about 48 hours, we're making our final budget decisions as a campaign.

We'll look at what we have in the bank and match it up with what we think we need to do to win in these last few days.

If we can't fully fund our operations at this stage, it could be the difference between winning and losing.

Every dollar that comes in is budgeted and put to use right away, down to the last penny.

According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Total you've donated for the 2012 campaign cycle: $X -- Date of your most recent donation: March 31, 2008 -- Suggested donation today: $X

You stepped up and made your mark in 2008 -- but it looks like you haven't made a donation yet to the 2012 campaign. With five days to go, what's holding you back, Theo?

Please donate $X or more for the final push.

We learned last week that Mitt Romney and the Republicans have $X million more to spend in the last leg of this campaign.

That's up to $X million more per day at their disposal than we have right now.

We are in a strong position with five days to go. But we cannot allow ourselves to be overwhelmed so close to the very end.

There is no putting it off. If you were planning on helping President Obama win, the time to chip in is now. Please donate $X or more today:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

-------- If we got your donation history wrong, it may be because you gave offline, with a different email address, very recently, or somewhere other than Obama for America or the Obama Victory Fund -- thank you again, and our apologies if the above does not match up with your records.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

6:23 p.m. ET
[name], in Charlotte, can I count on you?

This election is going to be won or lost by the number of conversations we have with voters in the next few days.

That's why I'm asking you to get out there before it's too late -- to help get out the vote in battleground states.

Sign up for a shift -- or a few, if you can:


What: Get out the vote phone bank

Meet at: 2278 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94114

When: Shifts available all day on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

RSVP here:


Or find other events near you:


This election is extremely close, and victory in critical battleground states could be decided by just a handful of votes.

I know if folks like you step up to get voters to the polls, we will win. If we fall short, we could easily lose.

This is the final push -- and there are a lot of folks who need to hear from you:


It's in your hands. I'm proud to have you on my side.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today to help build this campaign and our party's grassroots organization:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

This election is going to be won or lost by the number of conversations we have with voters in the next few days.

That's why I'm asking you to make calls before it's too late to get out the vote.

You don't have to wait -- start making calls now:


Or sign up for a shift when you can:


This election is extremely close, and victory could be decided by just a handful of votes in a few key states.

I know if folks like you step up to get our voters to the polls, we will win. If we fall short, we could easily lose.

This is the final push -- and there are a lot of folks who need to hear from you:


And make sure to sign up for your get-out-the-vote call shift:


It's in your hands. I'm proud to have you on my side.


---- Time is running out. Chip in today, when your donation can make the biggest difference:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

7:22 p.m. ET
Join the President tomorrow morning


It's not every day you can hop on a call with the President.

Tomorrow morning, President Obama wants to thank some of his most committed supporters -- that's you -- and talk about the state of the race four days out from Election Day.

Please note that the call has been rescheduled from Tuesday -- so if you thought you missed it, you didn't.

RSVP now to join the call Friday morning at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time:


I'll be on the call as well, to fill you in on where we're at, what we're up against, and our roadmap to victory.

Hands down, one of the best parts of my job is the opportunity to speak with the President and supporters like you -- don't miss this chance.


David Simas Obama for America

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
4:00 a.m. ET
Bill Clinton's message

Roll Call Headline: “Late surges shake fight for Senate”

Karl Rove's largest ad campaign ever is creating a Republican surge in the polls: Polling Update Ohio Sherrod Brown D 50 Josh Mandel R 48 Virginia Tim Kaine D 46 George Allen R 48 Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin D 47 Tommy Thompson R 48

Today, our projections show chances of keeping the Senate have dropped below 50%. But the “Stop the Takeover” Fund will turn this around. Before tomorrow's final ad buy deadline, we must wire funds to deadlocked battlegrounds and match Rove's millions on the air. Can you give $X in the next 36 hours? This is your last chance. ------------------------------

----------Original message FROM: Bill Clinton, DATE: 10/31/2012, SUBJECT: You----------

Every choice you make determines your future.

But the choice I'm asking you to make in the next 16 hours will affect everyone's future: Do something ,or do nothing.

And I believe with all my heart that doing nothing would be a tremendous mistake.

If enough of us do nothing, Mitt Romney could become your President. Republicans could take over the Senate. And you'll watch everything we've fought for dismantled—all while you wish you had done more right now.

That's why you should choose to donate $X before the deadline in just 16 hours. Choose President Obama, choose a Democratic Senate, and choose to give $X because you are willing to fight for this. And for just 16 hours, Democratic Senators will match your gift 3-to-1, tripling the impact of your gift.

I'm counting on you so that we can win this together. Choosing not to fight this one last time could mean that Mitt Romney and the far-right become the leaders of our country.

So don't walk away from this challenge. Make the right choice today: [url]

Bill Clinton

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form .

This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Roll Call Headline: “Late surges shake fight for Senate”

Karl Rove’s largest ad campaign ever is creating a Republican surge in the polls: Polling Update


Sherrod Brown D


Josh Mandel R



Tim Kaine D


George Allen R



Tammy Baldwin D


Tommy Thompson R


Today, our projections show chances of keeping the Senate have dropped below 50%. But the “Stop the Takeover” Fund will turn this around. Before tomorrow’s final ad buy deadline, we must wire funds to deadlocked battlegrounds and match Rove’s millions on the air. Can you give $X in the next 36 hours? This is your last chance.


12:13 p.m. ET
Our odds

I want to tell you about our odds: Karl Rove's largest ever Senate ad buy has pulled 10 races into deadlocked ties —and Republicans need to gain just four Senate seats to take the majority.

But I know what's possible when we all work together: We can overcome the odds. The DSCC can and must match Rove's $X.5 million attack campaign dollar-for-dollar by urgently putting 9,500 donations into the "Stop the Takeover" Fund before midnight tomorrow. They will immediately rush that money to deadlocked Senate battlegrounds like Ohio and Wisconsin.

Please immediately contribute $X before tomorrow's midnight deadline. Hitting this goal means we can increase battleground spending, turn out more voters, and prevent a Republican takeover of the Senate. Missing it means that Rove's millions could cost us key races.

Deadlocked races in Ohio, Virginia and Nevada could come down to just hundreds of votes. And if we fall short, everything from choice to Obamacare could be gone.

We've been massively outspent in this election. But with the power of grassroots donors behind us, we've fought the billionaires every single step of the way. And I know we can do this right now.

Please contribute $X immediately--before midnight tomorrow.

Thanks for standing with us, Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

2:30 p.m. ET
Don't stall!

The best political advice I ever heard came from legendary basketball coach Eddie Sutton:

“When there are two minutes to play: Press, don't stall!”

There are 110 hours until the election. Karl Rove's enormous ad push is boosting Republican Senate candidates across the country. And if we don't match him before tomorrow's final ad buy deadline, Republicans could take the Senate.

I know you recently gave—thank you. But it's your last chance to impact this election, and I really need you one last time.

So press, don't stall: Please rush $X to the “Stop the Takeover” Fund this instant. Tomorrow's final media deadline marks your last chance to fight Rove on the air, and we still need 7,534 more contributions to take him on ad-for-ad. We will urgently wire funds to battlegrounds.

Karl Rove is probably shaking already: Since we launched the “Stop the Takeover” Fund, we've already sent more than 40,000 contributions to deadlocked Senate battlegrounds.

And if we match Rove dollar-for-dollar in the final stretch, we can take him on and win. But remember: Tomorrow is the final deadline to buy ads.

Please $X into the Stop the Takeover Fund immediately.

Press, don't stall! Paul Begala

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to Email . To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

With 24 hours until the final ad buy deadline, I have four breaking news items: 1. Karl Rove has launched his largest ad buy in history: $X.5 million in 10 Senate battlegrounds 2. Four deadlocked Senate polls came out MA 47-47, OH 46-46, NV 44-44, WI 47-47 , and Republicans only need four seats to take the majority 3. Our forecast shows Democrats losing the Senate by a single seat with 100 hours until the election 4. And Karl Rove might actually have a meltdown when he sees this:  We've raised $X— and are 83% of the way to matching Rove dollar-for-dollar! kick in $Xhere!   Before tomorrow's media deadline — which is the FINAL opportunity to buy TV ads — we must raise $X.8 million to match Rove ad-for-ad. Can you give $X before tomorrow's media deadline? Funds will be immediately wired to battlegrounds like Ohio and Wisconsin.   Let's win this election! Lauren Dikis, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

  Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

1:24 p.m. ET
Breaking: Ohio

Washington Post Headline: Ohio moves back into the ‘toss up' category

The Post reports that with Mitt's lies and $X million cash-advantage, “a slew of polling suggests that the race for Ohio has tightened.” With 110 hours until the election, President Obama is tied 49-49 in Ohio, tied 48-48 in Virginia, and down 50-49 in Florida.

Before tomorrow's final ad buy of this election , we must turn these numbers around by putting 5,679 more donations in the “Stop the Takeover” fund.

It's your choice: If you give $X before the ad deadline in 36 hours ,your money will fight Romney on the air. If you don't, it will be too late.

Can you immediately rush $X to the Stop the Takeover Fund? We will urgently wire every penny you give to neck and neck White House and Senate battlegrounds like Ohio.

Mitt isn't going to like this: We've sent 50,268 contributions to battlegrounds in the past 48 hours — a record-number! But we still have 5,679 to go. And falling short could lose us the White House and Senate.

Please kick in this second—before the ad buy deadline in 36 hours.

Anna Chu, Democratic Headquarters


Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form .

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F — This will wipe the fake smile off of Mitt Romney's face: With just 24 hours until the final ad buy deadline we are 83% of the way to matching Republicans on the air! That's incredible.

But as Mitt's lies flood the airwaves, the Columbus Dispatch reports Mitt has pulled into a 45-45 “dead heat” in Ohio, which will decide the White House and Senate, with just 110 hours until Election Day.

Before tomorrow's media deadline — which is the FINAL opportunity to buy TV ads — we need 3,987 more contributions to match Mitt ad-for-ad and turn these numbers around. Can you give $X before tomorrow's media deadline? Funds will be immediately wired to White House and Senate battlegrounds like Ohio.

Let's win this election! Kyle Jarrett, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
6:42 a.m. ET
Your record:

We�re reviewing our Democratic supporter records in advance of tomorrow�s final budget deadline. Your record is copied and pasted below:

Name: Wallen Supporter record: [id] Suggested Support: $X.00

If you�re planning to contribute to our campaign to support President Obama with a Democratic majority, it�s critical that you make your donation immediately.

Tomorrow�s budget deadline is our last chance to mount a fully coordinated response to Republican attacks in too-close-to-call races.

All donations in the next 24 hours will be triple-matched: You can click this personalized link to make your contribution of $X or more today.

Democrats 2012

-------- If you have given to our campaign in 2012 and we have the wrong donation history above, it may be because you gave offline, with a different email address, or gave very recently -- we apologize for the error and appreciate your support.

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

We're reviewing our Democratic supporter records in advance of tomorrow's final budget deadline. Your record is copied and pasted below:

Name: record: [id] Suggested Support: $X.00

If you're planning to contribute to our campaign to support President Obama with a Democratic majority, it's critical that you make your donation immediately.

Tomorrow's budget deadline is our last chance to mount a fully coordinated response to Republican attacks in too-close-to-call races.

All donations in the next 24 hours will be triple-matched: You can click this personalized link to make your contribution of $X or more today.

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

2:00 p.m. ET
Please help restore civility -- and sanity -- to our political system


When a politician says that an election is the most important ever, it�s almost always because he or she is a candidate. So the fact that for the first time in 40 years I won�t be on a ballot should give me extra credibility.

Winning a Democratic majority in the House, along with maintaining a Democratic Senate and re-electing President Obama, are absolutely essential to continuing the significant advances that we began in 2009 and which were later blocked by the arrival of the Tea Party.


Ousting the Tea Party and wresting control of the House away from the Republican Party is the single most important step we can take to restore civility � and sanity � to the American political system.

Please join me in doing as much as you can to support Democratic candidates during these critical final days of the election.

Thank you,

Barney Frank

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

11:29 a.m. ET
Just outstanding:


On the heels of Big Oil giant Chevron dumping $X.5 million into Boehner's Super PAC, Republican money is pouring into battleground districts nationwide.

There are dozens of Democrats running in neck and neck races that need our help. We are writing about three of them who are facing an urgent budget shortfall before tomorrow's final ad buy deadline.

Contribute $X or whatever you can to Sean, Elizabeth and Bill's campaigns -- they urgently need your support before tomorrow's final ad buy deadline.

Sean Patrick Maloney New York-18 - Sean served as a Senior White House Advisor to then President Clinton -- he knows how to solve problems and create jobs.

But, he is under attack from GOP outside groups who have deemed this district "must-win."

Elizabeth Esty Connecticut-5 - Elizabeth is a community leader, advocate and mother who earned her stripes fighting for the middle class.

Republicans have poured unprecedented money into attack ads against her. She has to be able to fight back for the final weekend.

Bill Enyart Illinois-12 - The former commander of the Illinois National Guard, Bill Enyart's mission is to build a stronger middle class.

Republican super PACs are trying to bury him in negative ads. He's ready to fight for the people of Illinois but he can't if he doesn't close this budget shortfall.

Will you help us bring it home for Sean, Elizabeth and Bill? Donate $X or whatever you can to these three outstanding Democrats.

5 days left. Let's go win this thing.

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

1:16 p.m. ET
NY Times Poll:

New York Times Poll: Democrats lead the race for Congress, 48%-46% --

In 5 days, we could re-elect President Obama AND back him up with a Democratic Congress! Now, we have to finish the job.

Republican Super PACs are throwing everything they have at saving Boehner and Cantor's Tea Party House. They're launching more attack ads over the next 5 days than we've seen at any point in this campaign.

We've come too far to let a last-minute ad blitz cost us the election.

Help us raise the $X we need to withstand the final Republican ad blitz: Donate $X or more to fight Republican attacks and get the facts out to voters

Tomorrow's final ad buy deadline is our last chance to fight back before Election Day. We don't want to look back next week and know we could've done more to fight back when we had the chance.

Please donate $X or whatever you can to close the spending gap before tomorrow's final ad buy deadline:


Let's go!

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!


Romney for President
9:37 a.m. ET
It's not over yet!

Romney-Ryan Friend,

My mom has been busier than ever lately I think you can guess why. It hasn't been easy finding the time to sit down to a meal with her.

But now you can. This contest gives one lucky winner a chance to bring a guest and grab a bite with Mom somewhere along the campaign trail. She'll be even busier after a Republican victory on November 6th so enter now, because the contest ends tomorrow!

Contribute $X or more before 11:59 PM Friday to be automatically entered for a chance to win.

Good luck!

Josh Romney

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click here. To enter without making a contribution, click here. Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Friday, November 2, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . One 1 winner will receive the following Prize: two 2 round-trip coach class plane tickets within the continental United States, for use by the winner and a guest, on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; two 2 one-night hotel stays at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner and guest at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box [id], Boston, MA 02114. Victory_Disclaimer

Romney-Ryan mom amazes me. She's busier than ever during this final stretch, but she never loses her enthusiasm! She's energized by the people she meets -- people who are ready for real change.

You could be one of them. This contest gives one winner a chance to bring a guest and grab a bite with Mom somewhere along the campaign trail. She'll be even busier after a Republican victory on November 6th -- don't miss out!

Contribute $X or more before 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time Friday night to be automatically entered for a chance to win.

Good luck!

Matt Romney

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click here. To enter without making a contribution, click here. Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Friday, November 2, 2012 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . One 1 winner will receive the following Prize: two 2 round-trip coach class plane tickets within the continental United States, for use by the winner and a guest, on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; two 2 one-night hotel stays at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner and guest at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box [id], Boston, MA 02114.


11:15 a.m. ET
Math vs. Myth

Romney-Ryan Friend,

Our momentum is undeniable, if you just look at the numbers.

In Florida specifically, the Obama campaign has seen a 70% drop in the early vote compared with this time in 2008. Meanwhile, GOP numbers are up 10 points from 2008.

And nationally, Romney-Ryan has an 11-point advantage with independents.

And with 3 times more phone calls and 12 times more door knocks across the country than at this time in 2008, our message is reaching more voters than ever, and it's resonating.

So even though the billion-dollar Obama juggernaut wants to crow that Romney-Ryan momentum is a myth, they have nowhere near the numbers they need to position themselves for victory on Election Day. The math just doesn't add up.

Contribute now to help give the Obama campaign a math lesson and secure a Romney-Ryan win on November 6th.

Neil Newhouse National Pollster Romney for President, Inc. Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

2:16 p.m. ET
Five days to go

Romney-Ryan are only five days to go, and with your help, we will win this election and deliver the real recovery America deserves.

If you believe it's time for real change, or that America cannot afford four more years like the last four years -- I ask you to stand with me now.

Stand with me -- please contribute $X now.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Democratic National Committee
1:57 p.m. ET

The Democratic Party -----------------------

I've been fighting for women's rights my whole career -- in the United Nations and as Secretary of State -- and in all those years, let me tell you, I've never seen a Republican Party and Republican presidential ticket as extreme as this one.

Governor Romney is the standard-bearer of a party that doesn't think women should have a voice in decisions affecting their bodies, their wages, or their rights.

And I am not willing to stand by and let the Republican leadership take the presidency -- or Congress -- and bring those beliefs with them. Today there are five days left until the election. We need to reach more voters with our message, and time's running out for you to make a difference.

Please offer a donation of $X or more to Democrats today:


Perhaps the Republican Party thinks that it's better for women to have their decisions made for them.

I happen to think that women want to take care of themselves -- and control their own bodies and personal health. Women deserve the ability to fight for a fair wage, and to speak out in support of legislation like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This shouldn't be a lot to ask -- aren't we in the 21st century?

This year's Republican Party doesn't get that. If you listen to the Republicans, you might think our country's most dangerous foe is Planned Parenthood.

I honestly can't understand why any woman or, for that matter, any thoughtful man, would want to vote for Mitt Romney. Wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters would see their lives change for the worse if he's elected president.

But the reality is that many women and men will vote for the Romney-Ryan ticket and Republicans.

So we need to get our message out there. We have five days to make sure President Obama and Democrats across the country can continue to make progress for all of us -- and right now, they need our help more than ever.

Please -- make a donation of $X or more to help Democrats before time runs out:


Thank you,

Madeleine Albright


Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

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