
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 23, 2013

Obama for America
3:16 p.m. ET
Heads up:


This week is huge.

Not only does John Boehner have seven days to find a way to stand up to the extreme plan to shut down the government over Obamacare, but we're facing the most important quarterly fundraising deadline in our organization's short history.

Those two things are related -- right now, there are too many people in Congress who think their jobs are just to stand in the way.

We are the largest grassroots movement organizing every day to knock down those roadblocks, one by one.

These fundraising deadlines matter because we truly can't do any of it without support from people like you. No matter which issue drives you to get involved, the work ahead of us is on the front lines in the fight for change.

Each of us has a part to play -- will you donate $X right now to help?


I won't mince words: We're here today because you helped prove that we are a truly grassroots organization.

Since we launched OFA, we haven't slowed down. You're the reason for that -- no matter how big or how small your role is, each of us can be part of driving change in Washington, and together we prove that it all adds up. Thank you.

And I couldn't be more proud of how we're paying for this work -- more than 98 percent of our donations are small-dollar contributions, and our average donation is $X. What we've built -- and what we keep on building -- depends on the commitment from folks like you.

We have an aggressive plan for the months ahead -- that's because building the kind of organization that can stand up to the powerful interests and the obstruction-focused members of Congress takes a lot of grassroots power.

That means we can't slow down, even for a second. I'm not asking you to carry all of that weight -- but I'm hoping that each of us can find a way to do our part.

Start off this week strong -- donate $X to support OFA today:


And I can never say it enough: Thank you.


Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action

- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.