
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 24, 2013

Obama for America
12:06 p.m. ET
Answer this one-question poll:

Organizing for Action

From the start, we've built our strategy by listening to the people carrying it out -- you.

OFA doesn't just slap the word "grassroots" on what we do and call it a day -- we live by it.

Every once in a while, we want to take a chance to check in with where our supporters are, what's important to you, and what you want to focus on in your organizing in the months ahead.

Answer this quick, one-question poll and let us know what you're thinking.

We learn a lot from these surveys, and we've spent the first eight months adjusting our plans based on what we hear from people on the ground.

So whether your focus is on climate change, jobs, gun violence, immigration reform, Obamacare, women's rights, marriage equality, or something that's not on this list, I want to hear about it.

Take our brief one-question poll -- and let us know:



Sara El-Amine National Organizing Director Organizing for Action

---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $X or more to support OFA today.

Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

5:05 p.m. ET
The other side is spending a fortune on this:


If you turn on the TV right now, you're going to hear a lot about Obamacare.

Quite frankly, a lot of it is crap -- and that's because some groups are spending an insane amount of money trying to mislead people about what the law does.

Just how much money? $X million and counting since Obamacare passed.

Think about that -- hundreds of millions of dollars to try to convince people they shouldn't get insurance. It doesn't get much more cynical than that.

Look, we'll never have that kind of money, and that's OK. Our side is working overtime at the grassroots level to get the facts out on health care reform. We don't need to outspend the other side, but we can't let them completely drown us out.

Chip in $X or more today and support the good guys in the fight to protect Obamacare:


Karl Rove's American Crossroads GPS and the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity -- it seems almost every wealthy conservative group is putting their money behind trying to make Obamacare fail. I saw one ad that encourages young people to "opt out" of getting covered.

That's right -- they would prefer to have people go uninsured rather than see the law succeed.

Right now, there's a sense of desperation -- that this is their last chance to throw a wrench into the gears. That's because they know that millions of Americans are already seeing the benefits of Obamacare. And when marketplaces open up on October 1st, millions more will have access to coverage -- some for the first time in their lives.

The facts are on our side. And that makes their strategy sound pretty horrible: Spend as much as you can to mislead people into thinking the law is bad for them. It's all pretty disgusting.

OFA is dedicated to setting the record straight on this -- we'll be spreading the facts and making sure Americans have the information they need to get covered.

Yes, I'm asking you to chip in to help pay for that work. We are the only ones standing in the way of the campaign to make Obamacare fail.

Chip in $X or more today, and let's fight back:



Erin Hannigan Health Care Campaign Manager Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.