
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 25, 2013

Obama for America
8:33 a.m. ET
[name], it's me


It's been a while since I've written, but it's a good time to check in.

For the first time in a long time, our side gained some real momentum over the summer -- on everything from immigration reform to climate change.

This is why we organize in between elections.

We all have a personal stake in what happens over the next few what is the number one issue you care about?


We have some big challenges ahead, and how you decide to be part of them will be as important as ever.

Barack is going to keep fighting for the things we believe in, and if he can count on you, too -- well, that's when we get things done.


P.S. -- Don't forget to share more about what makes you tick:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action.

4:34 p.m. ET
Stand with Karl Rove (kinda)


I never thought I'd say this, but: I'm with Karl Rove on this.

He wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, arguing that John Boehner and House Republicans shouldn't try to shut down the government over Obamacare.

He hits the nail on the head: Not only will they not actually defund Obamacare, but they could really inflict pain on our economy while they try.

Now that's probably the full extent of what we agree on. But you have to think, when prominent conservatives are joining the chorus of people yelling at him, Speaker Boehner is starting to feel the pressure.

This might feel odd, but today, add your name to stand with Karl Rove about this, and this only -- let's tell John Boehner to stand up to these House Republicans:


You've got to hand it to the people who are willing to call out people in their own party.

When politicians are playing risky games that won't do anything but hurt our economy and make life harder for people, that's what you have to do -- and that's what we're going to keep doing from now until John Boehner gets the message.

Thanks -- now I'm off to watch pigs fly.


Abby Witt Deputy National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.


If you had a big deadline coming up at work, what would happen if you just watched cat videos and refused to do your job?

Some House Republicans are treating the deadline for Congress to pass a budget like it's not all that serious. They've decided that they don't like Obamacare, so they're going to refuse to pass any budget that includes funding for it. And if they get their way, our government will shut down after September 30th.

So buckle up, folks, because we're in for a showdown -- and OFA is going to spend every damn day from now till the budget deadline reminding John Boehner what he needs to do.

We need your voice on this -- add your name, and join the hundreds of thousands of Americans who are saying "NO" to a shutdown:


Some of these guys are so far gone that as we head toward a government shutdown, Speaker Boehner had the gall to call a bill that defunded Obamacare "a victory for common sense."

But we're seeing signs of pressure mounting on them to do the right thing. Even Karl Rove came out publicly to say that John Boehner needs to stand up to this extreme plan that would shut down the government.

We can't afford to play nice here -- join this fight, and tell John Boehner to get the job done:



Abby Witt Deputy National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.