
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Jan. 1, 2014

Obama for America
2:06 p.m. ET
Watch: A reason to celebrate


Remember today.

Thanks to Obamacare and the people who fought for it, millions of Americans now have health insurance.

From here on, you can never again be denied health insurance for having a pre-existing condition, and you won't lose your coverage just because you get sick. Say goodbye to lifetime caps on care, too.

Reading the news, this issue tends to get reduced to a lot of numbers, of who's signing up and where. None of that is enough to tell the story of how important this day really is.

So we caught up with some of the people whose lives are being improved because of the Affordable Care Act to help put today in perspective.

Watch this short, powerful video -- and send it to anyone who asks you why you believe in health reform:


Share it on Facebook:


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When our kids and grandkids look back, I hope it's hard for them to believe we once lived in a country where affordable health care was out of reach for millions.

success stories remind us why we all fought for this law in the first place. Once you get past the political back and forth, you should know that -- because of this law -- things are getting better for a whole lot of people.

No matter how you're celebrating this new year, I hope you'll take a few minutes today to watch this video and hear from the people Obamacare is working for:


It's going to fall on us to keep fighting for health reform. There are still people and special interests who are dedicated to taking it all away.

More on all of that soon -- for now, thank you so much for being part of this movement.


Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action

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