
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Ever wondered where your money goes?


1 email variation



You're about to hear a whole lot about our FEC fundraising deadline on Tuesday.

Let me tell you why: Campaigns go into hyper speed after Labor Day in a two-month sprint to November 6th.

To prepare for that, we spend August hiring hundreds of organizers in key battleground states -- folks who take a pay cut and give up sleep and social lives to spend every waking moment knocking on doors, registering folks, making calls, and working with supporters like you to make sure we can effectively get out the vote.

The work being done on the ground in the last months is going to decide the outcome of this election. And it'll only happen because of you.

That's why this deadline on Tuesday matters. Our hiring decisions are based on what our budget looks like on August 1st.

Make a donation of $X or more today to support the campaign, and help fund the ground game we need to win.

This political climate is different from 2008 -- this race is stuffed to the brim with super PACs and special-interest groups trying to buy the election with a barrage of negative ads. It's up to us to prove that, even in these circumstances, a candidate can win a race the right way.

Your donation today could help hire that extra organizer in a state like Virginia or Florida -- the one who might make the 1,000 calls that ultimately swing this election.

Donate $X today to make it happen:



Jen O'Malley Dillon Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Subject: Ever wondered where your money goes?

From: [email protected]

Sent: July 28, 2012, 9:32 a.m.

You're about to hear a whole lot about our FEC fundraising deadline on Tuesday.

Let me tell you why: Campaigns go into hyper speed after Labor Day in a two-month sprint to November 6th.

To prepare for that, we spend August hiring hundreds of organizers in key battleground states -- folks who take a pay cut and give up sleep and social lives to spend every waking moment knocking on doors, registering folks, making calls, and working with supporters like you to make sure we can effectively get out the vote.

The work being done on the ground in the last months is going to decide the outcome of this election. And it'll only happen because of you.

That's why this deadline on Tuesday matters. Our hiring decisions are based on what our budget looks like on August 1st.

Make a donation of $X or more today to support the campaign, and help fund the ground game we need to win.

This political climate is different from 2008 -- this race is stuffed to the brim with super PACs and special-interest groups trying to buy the election with a barrage of negative ads. It's up to us to prove that, even in these circumstances, a candidate can win a race the right way.

Your donation today could help hire that extra organizer in a state like Virginia or Florida -- the one who might make the 1,000 calls that ultimately swing this election.

Donate $X today to make it happen:



Jen O'Malley Dillon Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.