
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on July 28, 2012

Democratic National Committee
6:05 a.m. ET
Just start doing

In every campaign, the time comes when we stop preparing, building, and planning -- and just start doing.

Folks, we're almost there.

All the work Democrats have put in for more than a year is about to be put to the test.

Our next big FEC fundraising deadline is this Tuesday, July 31st -- and that's why this one is so incredibly important.

Pitch in $X or more right now, while there's still time to build this thing.

President Obama and Democrats in close races nationwide are counting on us, and trust me -- they'll appreciate it.

In campaigns, August is usually the calm before the storm.

Democrats from California to Maine are using this next month to put the last touches on their campaigns: Finalizing which cities to visit, how much ad time to buy, and how big of a get-out-the-vote effort they can count on.

We have one more month to build, because once September hits, it's literally go go go right to Election Day.

Before it's too late, show President Obama and these Democrats in tough House districts and swing-state Senate races that you're right by their side in 2012.

Donate $X or more before Tuesday night's deadline and help Democrats win:





The first $X of a contribution to OVF 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America with the first $X designated for the primary election, and the next $X for the general election . The next $X of a contribution will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amounts from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: FL 17% ; OH 16% ; PA 13% ; CO 11% ; NC 11% ; VA 11% ; NV 6% ; WI 6% ; IA 5% ; and NH 4% . A contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions to OVF 2012 will be used in connection with a Federal election, and may be spent on any activities of the participant committees as each committee determines in its sole discretion and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003 Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

For the last two months, Governor Romney and the Republicans have outraised us -- and in the last month alone, they raised $X million more than we did.

They've caught up to us in the fundraising race for the first time this election, and we have to do everything we can to close the gap now -- before it's too late.

Donate $X or more today to help close the gap.

We keep reminding you about this fundraising gap because when Governor Romney and the Republicans outraise us by that much, it matters. This fundraising gap means that Republicans may not only outraise us, they could outspend us this election -- on TV, in the field, and online.

You better believe that when they're using their fundraising advantage to blanket the airwaves with misleading attack ads, Democrats across the board will feel the consequences.

Our next big fundraising deadline is just a few days away -- and we have the chance to reverse this trend and keep Governor Romney and the Republicans from outraising us for the third month in a row.

So help close the fundraising gap before the deadline on Tuesday. It's critically important. Donate $X or whatever you can today:





The first $X of a contribution to OVF 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America with the first $X designated for the primary election, and the next $X for the general election . The next $X of a contribution will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amounts from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: FL 17% ; OH 16% ; PA 13% ; CO 11% ; NC 11% ; VA 11% ; NV 6% ; WI 6% ; IA 5% ; and NH 4% . A contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions to OVF 2012 will be used in connection with a Federal election, and may be spent on any activities of the participant committees as each committee determines in its sole discretion and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003 Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
6:09 a.m. ET

Stand with President Obama.

With just 101 days until the election, this news is a warning sign:

1. This week, Romney and the GOP outspent us by $X.7 million National Journal, 7/27 2. In the past 30 days, polls show Romney has eliminated President Obama's lead Gallup , 7/25

We can't panic. Just because Mitt Romney has more billionaires doesn't mean we can't take him on. But if Democrats don't pick up the pace now—101 days we're paving the road for a Romney administration.

Undecided voters don't make up their minds on Election Day. They start making their picks now. If we wait to stand up for President Obama and progressives, it will be too late.

The FEC deadline is 72 hours away, and we're $X away from our goal. Can you contribute $X to help us stop a takeover from Romney and the Republicans?

Thanks for standing with us, John Hagner DSCC Field Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.


2:16 p.m. ET
Remember when

Remember when Mitt Romney outraised President Obama last month?

Now President Obama's six point lead is gone and Senate polls are tighter than ever.

Can you imagine Mitt Romney as our President, and the Senate and House are his? Republicans with everything?

You can stop them now. 72 hours left until the FEC deadline hits and $X left to raise. Can you pitch in $X?

Patrick McHugh DSCC Research Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Romney for President
7:42 a.m. ET
The Built By Us Collection

To view this email as a web page, go here.


I'm glad but not surprised my father stood up for American businesses in light of President Obama's recent "you didn't build that" remark.

Dad understands success is not the result of government, it's the result of hardworking people who take risks, create dreams, and build lives for themselves and their families.

That's what the Built By Us collection of shirts, pins and other gear is all about. Built By Us is a rallying cry, and also a celebration of the people who truly make America work.

Check it out at: [url]


You deserve credit for your success and to be proud of it. And with every Built By Us Collection item you purchase, you'll be helping my dad and Republicans nationwide win in November. I think we can all agree we need a President who embraces success, instead of demonizing it.

Dad's the man for the job.

Tagg Romney Victory_Disclaimer

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
11:02 a.m. ET
FW: nightmare

I wish I had good news for you.

I want to tell you that President Obama has a second term in the bag. I want to tell you that the Koch Brothers are giving up their plot to buy the election.

But here's where things really stand: We're gonna have to go through hell and high-water to win this damn thing. It's gonna be hard. Every big-oil billionaire and Republican Super PAC is throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama.

If we don't fight back, it'll be over long before November.

Contribute $X or more to back up President Obama with a Democratic majority. Get your donation in today and it'll get matched

Every dollar we can muster will go straight to the front lines organizers on the ground and ads on the air hitting Republicans where it hurts.

If you're with us, then give what you can today:


C'mon now!


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | To unsubscribe, click here: [url] Change or update your email address and contact information by clicking here.

-- Did you read James Carville's e-mail today? President Obama and Democrats nationwide need us right now.

If you donate $X or more today, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar

----------------Original Message-----------------

From: James Carville Subject: nightmare

I wish I had good news for you.

I want to tell you that President Obama has second term in the bag. I want to tell you that the Koch Brothers are giving up their plot to buy the election.

But here's where things really stand: We're gonna have to go through hell and high-water to win this damn thing. It's gonna be hard. Every big-oil billionaire and Republican Super PAC is throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama.

If we don't fight back, it'll be over long before November.

Contribute $X or more to back up President Obama with Democratic majority. Get your donation in today and it'll get matched

Every dollar we can muster will go straight to the front lines -- organizers on the ground and ads on the air hitting Republicans where it hurts.

If you're with us, then give what you can today:


C'mon now!


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | To unsubscribe, click here: [url] . Change or update your email address and contact information by clicking here .

Wanted to make sure you saw this…
 -----------------Original Message-----------------
 From: James Carville
 Subject: nightmare

Obama for America
9:32 a.m. ET
I'm damn proud

You know what's kind of amazing?

That we're not getting blown away in the face of unprecedented, unlimited spending from super PACs, Mitt Romney, and all the other shadowy groups trashing Barack Obama nonstop.

In June, nearly 80 percent of the money Romney and the Republicans raised came from just 6 percent of the donations they received -- and that's before we count the super PACs. The other side relies on fewer people giving more, and with this year's new rules, it's a lot more.

Even with all that, we're still in a position of strength heading into the final three months of this race, thanks to grassroots supporters like you. When I talk to a reporter or go on TV, I'm damn proud to tell people that.

The story we're telling is simple: We are a force to be reckoned with, one small donation at a time.

We're facing our next big fundraising deadline this Tuesday.

Help close the fundraising gap between us and them. Keep building our grassroots movement with a donation of $X or more today:


When Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, our campaign changed the way people get involved in elections.

He fundamentally believes that asking everyone to chip in whatever they can, and asking people to get personally involved -- to go and talk with their neighbors and friends about why they're a part of it -- is the right way to do this.

Today, in the age of super PACs and outside groups that can spend millions in anonymous money on misleading attack ads, proving the viability of that kind of politics is even more important.

I love talking about the way we've built this campaign. Just take a look at last month: more than 700,000 donors in June -- nearly 200,000 of whom had never donated before -- giving an average of over $X each.

What we have in the bank at midnight on Tuesday will tell us how big we can go in these critical, final three months. As of tomorrow, there are 100 days left to make it happen.

If we keep up the momentum, I know we can make history again.

You just keep on doing what you do:


Thank you for being part of this,


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

9:32 a.m. ET
Ever wondered where your money goes?

You're about to hear a whole lot about our FEC fundraising deadline on Tuesday.

Let me tell you why: Campaigns go into hyper speed after Labor Day in a two-month sprint to November 6th.

To prepare for that, we spend August hiring hundreds of organizers in key battleground states -- folks who take a pay cut and give up sleep and social lives to spend every waking moment knocking on doors, registering folks, making calls, and working with supporters like you to make sure we can effectively get out the vote.

The work being done on the ground in the last months is going to decide the outcome of this election. And it'll only happen because of you.

That's why this deadline on Tuesday matters. Our hiring decisions are based on what our budget looks like on August 1st.

Make a donation of $X or more today to support the campaign, and help fund the ground game we need to win.

This political climate is different from 2008 -- this race is stuffed to the brim with super PACs and special-interest groups trying to buy the election with a barrage of negative ads. It's up to us to prove that, even in these circumstances, a candidate can win a race the right way.

Your donation today could help hire that extra organizer in a state like Virginia or Florida -- the one who might make the 1,000 calls that ultimately swing this election.

Donate $X today to make it happen:



Jen O'Malley Dillon Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

6:51 p.m. ET
Special discount for 2008 supporters

You've been a supporter since the 2008 campaign. As a thank you, we'd like to offer you 20 percent off any purchase of $X or more in the Obama Store between now and Monday. Just use promo code "2008".

Don't wait -- check out the store today:


Obama Store 2012


Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X of a contribution to OVF 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America with the first $X designated for the primary election, and the next $X for the general election . The next $X of a contribution will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amounts from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: FL 17% ; OH 16% ; PA 13% ; CO 11% ; NC 11% ; VA 11% ; NV 6% ; WI 6% ; IA 5% ; and NH 4% . A contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions to OVF 2012 will be used in connection with a Federal election, and may be spent on any activities of the participant committees as each committee determines in its sole discretion and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

6:37 p.m. ET
[name] - you should apply

The next class of organizing fellows is about to be picked for the last few months of this election in key battleground states like Florida -- and I think you should apply. I did, and I just spent an amazing summer organizing in North Carolina.

We've all got a personal story of why we support the President, and now more than ever, you've got to put it into action. Whether you're retired, in school, or just want to pitch in for President Obama's campaign as much as you can, becoming an Obama organizing fellow is the way to do it.

Get started with your application now.

It's up to all of us to make sure that every family has a shot at the American dream -- because that's really what's on the line this fall.

I became an organizing fellow in North Carolina because President Obama is working to help families like mine make a life for ourselves. My parents immigrated to the United States from India to go to college. They started from scratch, and taught me that if you put your heart into something and work hard, you should be able to make it in this country. I couldn't be more proud of what my parents have accomplished.

What motivates me to get up in the morning and go to work for this election is the opportunity to hear the stories of people from all walks of life, see what issues matter to them, and find the ways in which we can relate to one another. Plus, the local feel of this organization -- going out in your own neighborhood to make a difference for people around the block, or around the country -- is really something special.

Fellows are going to do some of our most critical organizing across the country this fall -- and with just a little more than 100 days to go until every last vote is cast, you can bet that your role is going to be a big one. You'll do everything from organizing voter registration drives and team events, to training new volunteers, to managing your team's data, and even helping out at rallies with the President, Vice President, or First Lady.

And when voting starts, you'll be on the front lines helping get folks near you to the polls, and helping run one of the biggest get-out-the-vote operations this country has ever seen.

A fellowship this fall will be an unforgettable experience. It's an unpaid position, and it'll be a lot of work, but at the end of every long day you'll feel the change you've made.

So, are you ready to take this on?

Apply to be an organizing fellow in Florida this fall:



Sowmya Aditi Mangipudi North Carolina Organizing Fellow