
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Hey: Your LAST CHANCE to help us win Ohio


1 email variation



When we wake up a week from today, this election will be over.

The race in Ohio is extremely close -- and those 18 electoral votes could mean the difference between victory and defeat. That's why it's up to New Yorkers to pitch in and get folks here in Ohio who support President Obama to the polls.

Watch this video, and then sign up for your VERY LAST CHANCE to join our get-out-the-vote effort in Ohio from November 2nd through Election Day:


Here's the good news: We could very well get to victory in the Buckeye State if we make this a full sprint through Election Day. We're getting out more early votes and mobilizing more folks than our opponents -- but we can't afford to slow down, not one bit.

At this point, we're either moving forward or we're falling behind -- there is no middle ground.

It has to be today. This is the very last chance to sign up -- and if you do, someone from our travel team will contact you to confirm your plans:


We can do this.


Greg Schultz Ohio State Director Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make the trip, you can still help out by getting out the vote in Pennsylvania and other battleground states. Join a GOTV event near you.


----- Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Subject: Hey: Your LAST CHANCE to help us win Ohio

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 1, 2012, 8:11 p.m.

When we wake up a week from today, this election will be over.

The race in Ohio is extremely close -- and those 18 electoral votes could mean the difference between victory and defeat. That's why it's up to New Yorkers to pitch in and get folks here in Ohio who support President Obama to the polls.

Watch this video, and then sign up for your VERY LAST CHANCE to join our get-out-the-vote effort in Ohio from November 2nd through Election Day:


Here's the good news: We could very well get to victory in the Buckeye State if we make this a full sprint through Election Day. We're getting out more early votes and mobilizing more folks than our opponents -- but we can't afford to slow down, not one bit.

At this point, we're either moving forward or we're falling behind -- there is no middle ground.

It has to be today. This is the very last chance to sign up -- and if you do, someone from our travel team will contact you to confirm your plans:


We can do this.


Greg Schultz Ohio State Director Obama for America

P.S. -- If you can't make the trip, you can still help out by getting out the vote in Pennsylvania and other battleground states. Join a GOTV event near you.


----- Please consider supporting the Red Cross and their efforts to provide critical assistance for those affected by the storm:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America