
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Join Jeb Bush Jr. on the Front Range!


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Did you see my mom's blog post about last week's debate? We couldn't have been more proud of my dad, and with the help of supporters like you, my dad will be the next president of the United States.

Read her post here: [url]

Thank you,

Tagg Romney

P.S. -- Donate today to help make the Mitt I know the next president of the United States.

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: Get to know my dad

From: "Tagg Romney" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Sent: Oct. 10, 2012, 3:13 p.m.

Did you see my mom's blog post about last week's debate? We couldn't have been more proud of my dad, and with the help of supporters like you, my dad will be the next president of the United States.

Read her post here: [url]

Thank you,

Tagg Romney

P.S. -- Donate today to help make the Mitt I know the next president of the United States.

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.