
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Oct. 10, 2012

Obama for America
12:50 a.m. ET
I bet you're registered - but what about your friends?

Because you joined up with this campaign, I bet you're someone who cares a lot about whether we can keep our country moving forward, and keep President Obama in the White House for four more years.

So you should know: Time is running out to get registered to vote.

You've probably registered. But how about the people in your life?

Use our handy app to reach out to your friends and family -- especially those who live in battleground states -- and ask them to check their registration:


Every vote matters, and it's up to folks like you who care about this election to turn them out -- so let's get it done.

Remind your friends and family to register to vote now:



Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

P.S. -- The registration deadline in New York is on Friday, October 12th. If you're not registered, you can do it in a matter of minutes at

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today:


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

4:24 a.m. ET
Yes, this is URGENT.

Obama - Biden

If you want to wake up on November 7th to four more years of President Obama, and not the alternative, then chip in $X or more today that's just $X.25 for each week we have left.

The bottom line is that we're running out of time to get our organization where it needs to be for the final push and make-or-break budget decisions are coming up at the end of this week.

We have a rapidly shrinking window to hire those last few organizers, open those last few offices in states like Florida and Colorado, and recruit the volunteers who will determine how many voters we reach in those all-important final days before November 6th.

So ... yeah. This is URGENT.

Don't wait your donation is needed right now:


Thanks. You're great.


Rufus Gifford National Finance Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

You might hear us use the word grassroots a lot, but that's because I never get tired of talking about it.

Because it's grassroots efforts from supporters like you that are making the difference in this campaign every day.

It's how we're building our campaign -- and how our opponents aren't.

Being a grassroots supporter can mean a lot of things -- from dedicating a weekend to registering voters, to knocking on doors after work even when you're tired, or talking to a neighbor at the grocery store.

It also means stepping up to support this campaign by donating what you can, when you can. With only four weeks to go, every dollar matters when it comes to funding our ground game. So, yes, this is urgent.

That's why, today, I'm asking you to take another step in supporting this campaign by chipping in $X -- that's just $X.25 a week until November 6th. Can you help out?


Thanks for your support and all that you do.


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

[url] Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

If you want to wake up on November 7th to four more years of President Obama, and not the alternative, then chip in $X or more today -- that's just $X.25 for each week we have left:


The bottom line is that we're running out of time to get our organization where it needs to be for the final push -- and make-or-break budget decisions are coming up at the end of this week. And, according to our records associated with this email address, you haven't donated to this campaign yet, so, if you've been waiting for the right moment, that time is now.

We have a rapidly shrinking window to hire those last few organizers, open those last few offices in states like Florida and Colorado, and recruit the volunteers who will determine how many voters we reach in those all-important final days before November 6th.

So ... yeah. This is URGENT. It's time for you to step up.

You've waited until the last month to own a piece of this campaign. Don't wait any longer -- your donation is needed right now:


Thanks. You're great.


Rufus Gifford National Finance Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

8:38 p.m. ET
Make a difference in North Carolina

Obama - Biden

The presidential election is going to be decided by a small margin of victory in a few key states and one of them is right next door to you. That's why South Carolinians have an important role to play in making sure North Carolina comes out to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket on November 6th.


Sign up here to join one of the upcoming trips to North Carolina and help organize here before Election Day.

Here in North Carolina, we already have a great ground game of our own, but the challenge in front of us is pretty steep. In 2008, we won North Carolina by a mere 14,177 votes. Voting here starts on October 18th, so if you can pitch in and have conversations with people who haven't yet decided how they'll vote, it'll give us a big lift.

Plus, hitting the road with other volunteers these next few weeks will be one of the most fun and meaningful experiences you can have.

You'll get to know other volunteers from South Carolina who are deeply committed to President Obama's vision for the country and as you travel and organize together, you'll get to swap stories and make some new friends.

And it's super easy: We aren't asking for a specific weekend any time you can volunteer would be great. We'll deal with all the logistics and help you organize carpools.

All you need is some free time and a desire to get involved in a big way.

So sign up now to volunteer, and get ready to have some fun and help make sure North Carolina goes our way in November:



Mara Sirbu North Carolina Border State Director Organizing for America

- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today. Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

-- are you fired up? Let's go to Pennsylvania!

We're organizing trips from New York to the Keystone State. This election is coming down to the wire, and that's why passionate New Yorkers are heading over to talk with Pennsylvanians about the important choice they have in this election, and to ask them to support President Obama and other Democrats when they go to the polls on November 6th.

Watch this new video about organizing in Pennsylvania, then sign up to go for a day, a week, or even through Election Day:


Don't take it from me that these trips matter -- Vice President Biden told supporters that we need to "put together the single most consequential ground game in the history of American politics. We did it last time. It's got to be better this time."

That's exactly what we're doing here, and when you sign up you'll be contacted by one of our field organizers.

November 6th is less than four weeks away, so let's hit the road and deliver another four years to President Obama:



Kate Doehring New York State Field Director Organizing for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today:


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

4:11 a.m. ET
Listen up:

Obama - Biden --

This week, we need to make some of the last, tough choices about what the final push of this grassroots organization will look like -- where we can compete and how fiercely.

It's a close race, and you hold the power here. According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Your supporter ID is: -- Your most recent donation was: $X -- On this date: September 20, 2012

Thank you so much for that donation. You've helped strengthen this campaign on the ground.

This is one of our last opportunities to plan for the final weeks of this campaign.

Can you give $X today ahead of this Friday's big budget deadline? That's just 11 cents for each day we have left.

We noticed you haven't used Quick Donate yet. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount. Our opponents are planning to bury our message in an avalanche of negative ads in battleground states across the country.

We can't let those misrepresentations go uncontested, so we'll defend the President's record on the air as much as we can.

But this election will be won or lost on the ground, and that means we have to make some huge budget decisions in just a few days.

To win this the right way, as always, President Obama needs your support. Chip in $X now:


Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw Chief Operating Officer Obama for America

P.S. -- A little perspective. If we win this election, ordinary Americans will have sent a powerful message to outside groups and special interests: We've got this.

-------- If we got your most recent donation wrong, it may be because you gave offline or with a different email address.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden

This week, we need to make some of the last, tough choices about what the final push of this grassroots organization will look like -- where we can compete and how fiercely.

It's a close race, and you hold the power here. According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Your supporter ID is: -- Your most recent donation was: $X -- On this date: May 20, 2009

It looks like you gave in 2008, but haven't given yet in 2012. That may be because you gave using a different email address -- if we've got this wrong, I apologize.

But if you haven't yet donated to support President Obama in 2012, there's still time. Just not very much -- this Friday is one of our last opportunities to plan for the final weeks of this campaign.

_Can you give $X or more today ahead of this Friday's big budget deadline? That's just 56 cents for each day we have left. _

Our opponents are planning to bury our message in an avalanche of negative ads in battleground states across the country.

We can't let those misrepresentations go uncontested, so we'll defend the President's record on the air as much as we can.

But this election will be won or lost on the ground, and that means we have to make some huge budget decisions in just a few days. We're looking at what we have in the bank by Friday at midnight in order to determine how many more offices we can open, how many new field organizers we can hire, and how hard we can compete in critical battleground states.

As we face these difficult decisions, the President needs your support again if we're going to win. Chip in $X or more now, before the big budget deadline:

_[url] _

Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw Chief Operating Officer Obama for America

P.S. -- A little perspective. If we win this election, ordinary Americans will have sent a powerful message to outside groups and special interests: _We've got this. _

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This week, we need to make some of the last, tough choices about what the final push of this grassroots organization will look like -- where we can compete and how fiercely.

It's a close race, and you hold the power here. According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Your supporter ID is: -- Most recent donation: $X -- Total amount donated in 2012: $X

It looks like you haven't given yet. That may be because you gave using a different email address than you're using now -- if we've got this wrong, I apologize.

But if you indeed have not yet given, there's still time. Just not very much -- this Friday is one of our last opportunities to plan for the final weeks of this campaign.

Can you give $X or more today ahead of this Friday's big budget deadline? That's just 19 cents for each day we have left:


We're looking at what we have in the bank by Friday at midnight in order to determine how many more offices we can open, how many new field organizers we can hire, and how fiercely we can compete in critical battleground states.

As we face these difficult decisions, the President needs your support if we're going win.

Chip in $X or more now, before the big budget deadline:


Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw Chief Operating Officer Obama for America

ordinary Americans will have sent a powerful message to outside groups and special interests: We've got this:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

5:21 p.m. ET
You can still join Dashboard Live tonight

Just wanted to remind you to join us tonight for the Dashboard Live Message and Strategy Briefing.

We're going to talk about what our organizing will look like from now until Election Day, and make sure you have the information you need to be a part of it.

Log on to Dashboard at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time tonight:


Once you do, you'll see a link to the livestream on the home page of Dashboard -- click that link to tune in.


Marlon Marshall Deputy National Field Director Obama for America

P.S. -- We'll also have a Q&A session, so make sure to submit any questions you have before the event:


- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today:


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
10:12 a.m. ET
game plan

If you haven't heard the latest polls, President Obama is down 4, and Democrats are projected to lose the Senate by one single seat.

Here is how we're going to change that:

Right now, we're on the air in twelve battleground states fighting Rove's millions. But we must increase our spending immediately.

It's going to take $X million in emergency funding before tomorrow's Vice Presidential debate to make this happen.

Could you contribute $X to this Emergency Media Fund immediately? If we implement this plan before tomorrow night, we can flip these polling numbers by the weekend. If we don't, the race for the White House and Senate could slip through our fingers.

Contribute $X right away [url]

Let's fight, Crystal King

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

You may have seen projections showing President Obama behind and Democrats losing the Senate by one single seat.

We have a plan to turn the tide: We're currently on the air in 12 swing states, but we've identified three key battlegrounds where our numbers are slipping: POLLING UPDATE Presidential Senate OHIO Romney +1 TIE WISCONSIN Obama +2 Baldwin D +3 NEVADA TIE Heller R +3 Therefore, an immediate increase in spending is required. We must put $X million into the Emergency Media Fund before tomorrow's Vice Presidential Debate to implement this plan. Knowing these polling numbers, can you rush $X to the Emergency Media Fund?

President Obama needs these three battlegrounds. And if you don't step up before tomorrow night, we could fall just short and lose the White House and Senate.

Don't let that happen. Contribute $X immediately [url]

Let's win, Anna Chu Policy Director

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

BREAKING NEWS: A just-released poll shows we're leading the Senate race in Arizona 47-43! If we win this race, we can fend off a Republican takeover of the Senate. This is huge!

We're already on the air in Arizona, but today, Karl Rove's biggest ad campaign of this election is running attack after attack. We need to put $X.1 million more in the Emergency Media Fund before tomorrow's debate if we want to hold him off. Can you give $X right away? -Guy

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
10:32 a.m. ET
He just hit the panic button!

Republican Super PACs Launch $X.5 Million Ad Blitz

Boehner just hit the panic button. Yesterday, his Super PAC allies announced that they're dropping $X.5 million to defeat our Democratic candidates in too-close-to-call races.

There's no doubt now: if we want to win the House, we have to raise $X more before midnight to rebut the coming flood of Super PAC attacks.

Help us respond right now: Donate $X or more before tonight's ad buy deadline

We've come too far to let these dishonest ads cost us the election.

Chip in $X or more now, when our response matters most:



Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

New Poll: Democrats lead by five points 46-41 in the race for Congress

D, we are within range of replacing the Tea Party Congress with a Democratic House for President Obama.

But we need to close this spending gap.

Yesterday, we received word that Speaker Boehner's Super PAC allies are "dumping an avalanche of cash into congressional races in an attempt to protect the House GOP majority."

We cannot allow our chances for a Democratic majority to slip away simply because our candidates are drowned out by a wave of corporate special interest cash.

Will you donate $X or more to fight Republican attacks before tonight's ad buy deadline?

When the polls close on November 6th, we need to know that we did everything we could when it mattered most.

Right now, we are just $X short of what we need to fight these Republican attacks. Please chip in what you can before tonight's ad buy deadline:


Thank you,


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here . Thanks for your support of Democrats!

This is so inspiring:

Yesterday, Boehner's Super PAC allies announced they are unloading millions to save their majority.

But then, you stepped up -- BIG TIME. Today, we're less than 400 donations away from hitting 10,000 for the day. Will you help us get there?

Help hit 10,000 donations: Chip in $X before the tonight's ad buy deadline.



Lindsey Schulte DCCC National Finance Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!


Romney for President
12:04 p.m. ET
Dinner and debate

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

Paul Ryan takes the stage tomorrow night for the only vice presidential debate of this race -- and he's ready for it.

Until 8:00 pm EDT, you can enter for a chance to grab a pre-debate dinner with me -- and to cheer Paul on with the campaign team afterwards. I'm looking forward to it -- I always enjoy meeting our contest winners!

[url] Don't delay -- donate $X or more before 8:00 pm EDT to be automatically entered for a chance to dine with me and watch the debate with the campaign team tomorrow night.

Mitt Romney

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click [url] here . To enter without making a contribution, click [url] here . Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . All entries must be received by 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. One 1 winner will receive the following Prize: one 1 round-trip coach class plane ticket within the continental United States on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; one 1 one-night hotel stay at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner at a Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the [url] Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box 149757, Boston, MA 02114.


Romney-Ryan really looking forward to watching Paul Ryan take the stage for the VP debate. I know he'll do a great job representing the Republican team!

I wanted to make sure you entered for a chance to grab pizza with Mitt and then watch the VP debate with the Romney-Ryan Team -- because the contest ends in just a few hours.

Don't miss out!

Donate $X now to be automatically entered for a chance to win.


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click here. To enter without making a contribution, click here. Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . All entries must be received by 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. One 1 winner will receive the following Prize: one 1 round-trip coach class plane ticket within the continental United States on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; one 1 one-night hotel stay at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; and one 1 meal for winner at a Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the Official Rules. The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box , Boston, MA 02114.


3:13 p.m. ET
Join Jeb Bush Jr. on the Front Range!

Did you see my mom's blog post about last week's debate? We couldn't have been more proud of my dad, and with the help of supporters like you, my dad will be the next president of the United States.

Read her post here: [url]

Thank you,

Tagg Romney

P.S. -- Donate today to help make the Mitt I know the next president of the United States.

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.