
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Romney in a landslide?


3 email variations



"Some Romney advisers sound especially bullish, with one positing that a big win by their side is now more likely than a narrow Obama victory ..."

That's a quote from a Time Magazine article saying Republicans are getting confident this race is theirs.

Let's cut through it: This election isn't going to be a landslide in either direction, and nothing is even close to being over.

Donate $X or whatever you can today and show you're willing to fight.

We're facing a tough political climate and an opponent who will stoop as low as he needs to -- backed by a billion dollars pledged in outside-group spending.

Just a few days ago, one of Romney's allies, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, wrote a single check for $X million. For him, and for many of Romney's wealthy donors, that's equivalent to $X from an American family worth $X.

Here's what I know. Their candidate wants to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers. He wants to enshrine discrimination in the Constitution, repeal health reform, and gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Romney is out of touch -- he doesn't understand the problems middle-class Americans face, and you can't fix problems you don't understand.

Team Romney thinks this is already over.

What do you say about it? Pitch in $X or more today:


Let's go win this thing.


Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Here's what Sheldon Adelson -- the billionaire casino mogul who just donated $X million to Mitt Romney's super PAC -- said about spending millions of dollars to influence this election:

"As long as it's doable, I'm going to do it."

He's pledged to make "limitless" donations from his multi-billion-dollar fortune to trash President Obama.

If that doesn't get you fired up to go out and win this thing, I don't know what will.

Stop people like Adelson from trying to buy our democracy. Donate $X or more today and prove that a truly grassroots movement is still more powerful than a few billionaires' bank accounts.

These guys aren't trying to buy this election because of their passion to see Romney in the White House. Adelson originally pledged to spend $X million to back Newt Gingrich!

It's because they will do whatever it takes to defeat Barack Obama.

These donors are thinking about their own bottom line -- not what's best for the country.

The good news? It's up to folks like you to decide what happens on Election Day.

Every time a billionaire like Sheldon Adelson drops $X million into our opponent's lap like it's nothing, it becomes even clearer that we can only win by building the strongest grassroots organization in history -- and that's where you come in:


Thanks, and get ready.

- Julianna

Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.



You need to know this name: Sheldon Adelson.

He's on a personal crusade to defeat Barack Obama, and he's pledged "limitless" donations his associate's quote, not mine from his multi-billion-dollar foreign casino fortune to do it. This week he got it started with a $X million gift to Mitt Romney's super PAC. It would take more than 182,000 people like you giving our average of about $X just to match that amount.

I can guarantee this is a man who doesn't often get told "No, you can't have it your way."

So I hope you'll enjoy being one of the first.

Donate $X or more to beat Sheldon Adelson and his friends, and help build this grassroots campaign:




Julianna Smoot

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Subject: Republicans are getting confident

From: [email protected]

Sent: June 16, 2012, 1:33 p.m.

"Some Romney advisers sound especially bullish, with one positing that a big win by their side is now more likely than a narrow Obama victory ..."

That's a quote from a Time Magazine article saying Republicans are getting confident this race is theirs.

Let's cut through it: This election isn't going to be a landslide in either direction, and nothing is even close to being over.

Donate $X or whatever you can today and show you're willing to fight.

We're facing a tough political climate and an opponent who will stoop as low as he needs to -- backed by a billion dollars pledged in outside-group spending.

Just a few days ago, one of Romney's allies, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, wrote a single check for $X million. For him, and for many of Romney's wealthy donors, that's equivalent to $X from an American family worth $X.

Here's what I know. Their candidate wants to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers. He wants to enshrine discrimination in the Constitution, repeal health reform, and gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Romney is out of touch -- he doesn't understand the problems middle-class Americans face, and you can't fix problems you don't understand.

Team Romney thinks this is already over.

What do you say about it? Pitch in $X or more today:


Let's go win this thing.


Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Compare variations

Subject: Republicans are getting confident

From: [email protected]

Sent: June 16, 2012, 1:33 p.m.

"Some Romney advisers sound especially bullish, with one positing that a big win by their side is now more likely than a narrow Obama victory ..."

That's a quote from a Time Magazine article saying Republicans are getting confident this race is theirs.

Let's cut through it: This election isn't going to be a landslide in either direction, and nothing is even close to being over.

Donate $X or whatever you can today and show you're willing to fight.

We're facing a tough political climate and an opponent who will stoop as low as he needs to -- backed by a billion dollars pledged in outside-group spending.

Just a few days ago, one of Romney's allies, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, wrote a single check for $X million. For him, and for many of Romney's wealthy donors, that's equivalent to $X from an American family worth $X.

Here's what I know. Their candidate wants to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers. He wants to enshrine discrimination in the Constitution, repeal health reform, and gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Romney is out of touch -- he doesn't understand the problems middle-class Americans face, and you can't fix problems you don't understand.

Team Romney thinks this is already over.

What do you say about it? Pitch in $X or more today:


Let's go win this thing.


Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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"Some Romney advisers sound especially bullish, with one positing that a big win by their side is now more likely than a narrow Obama victory ..."

That's a quote from a Time Magazine article saying Republicans are getting confident this race is theirs.

Let's cut through it: This election isn't going to be a landslide in either direction, and nothing is even close to being over.

Donate $X or whatever you can today and show you're willing to fight.

We're facing a tough political climate and an opponent who will stoop as low as he needs to -- backed by a billion dollars pledged in outside-group spending.

Just a few days ago, one of Romney's allies, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, wrote a single check for $X million. For him, and for many of Romney's wealthy donors, that's equivalent to $X from an American family worth $X.

Here's what I know. Their candidate wants to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers. He wants to enshrine discrimination in the Constitution, repeal health reform, and gut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Romney is out of touch -- he doesn't understand the problems middle-class Americans face, and you can't fix problems you don't understand.

Team Romney thinks this is already over.

What do you say about it? Pitch in $X or more today:


Let's go win this thing.


Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Here's what Sheldon Adelson -- the billionaire casino mogul who just donated $X million to Mitt Romney's super PAC -- said about spending millions of dollars to influence this election:

"As long as it's doable, I'm going to do it."

He's pledged to make "limitless" donations from his multi-billion-dollar fortune to trash President Obama.

If that doesn't get you fired up to go out and win this thing, I don't know what will.

Stop people like Adelson from trying to buy our democracy. Donate $X or more today and prove that a truly grassroots movement is still more powerful than a few billionaires' bank accounts.

These guys aren't trying to buy this election because of their passion to see Romney in the White House. Adelson originally pledged to spend $X million to back Newt Gingrich!

It's because they will do whatever it takes to defeat Barack Obama.

These donors are thinking about their own bottom line -- not what's best for the country.

The good news? It's up to folks like you to decide what happens on Election Day.

Every time a billionaire like Sheldon Adelson drops $X million into our opponent's lap like it's nothing, it becomes even clearer that we can only win by building the strongest grassroots organization in history -- and that's where you come in:


Thanks, and get ready.

- Julianna

Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

You need to know this name: Sheldon Adelson.

He's on a personal crusade to defeat Barack Obama, and he's pledged "limitless" donations his associate's quote, not mine from his multi-billion-dollar foreign casino fortune to do it. This week he got it started with a $X million gift to Mitt Romney's super PAC. It would take more than 182,000 people like you giving our average of about $X just to match that amount.

I can guarantee this is a man who doesn't often get told "No, you can't have it your way."

So I hope you'll enjoy being one of the first.

Donate $X or more to beat Sheldon Adelson and his friends, and help build this grassroots campaign:




Julianna Smoot

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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