
Journalism in the Public Interest

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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

The ad Mitt Romney doesn't want you to see


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Mitt Romney has spent the last week asking our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record.

We're not apologizing.

In fact, I wanted to make sure you saw a new TV ad that, perhaps more than anything we've done so far on this campaign, challenges Romney's record in a hard-hitting and powerful way.

Watch it now -- then donate $X or more to help get our message out, funding efforts like this ad and more:


Our ad is based entirely on the record Romney is asking voters to take a look at before making a decision this fall. The fact that Romney isn't comfortable with that record says more about him than this or any other TV ad ever could.

Of course, Romney's not the first politician to try to hide his past.

In this case, that record includes asking his campaign surrogates to openly question the President's love for this country, suggesting he "learn how to be an American" -- all while making a fortune from private deals that moved U.S. jobs overseas. So when he turns around and sings "America the Beautiful" on the campaign trail, he really shouldn't be surprised that we're going to call him out.

If you want to see more hard-hitting ads like this that draw the contrast between these two men, please donate $X or more today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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The best ads in politics can take a big issue and, in 30 seconds, tell you everything you need to know.

Last weekend, we released a new ad about Mitt Romney's record on jobs, and as soon as it hit the air, we started to hear how much people liked it. The issue this ad lays out has the potential to change a lot of undecided voters' minds.

So today, I need your help to get in front of as many people as we can.

Watch our new ad, then make a donation of $X or more right now to help get our message out in the states and on the air:

Here's why I think it's working: It takes the central premise of Romney's candidacy -- that his record in the private sector at Bain shows that he knows how to create American jobs -- and turns it completely on its head.

And once people see the ad, they can see a story emerging about Romney's record that just doesn't sit right with them.

It shows the real Mitt Romney: While at Bain, he shipped American jobs overseas to places like China and India. Even more, he took the wealth he made from his tenure and put that overseas, too, in far-reaching places like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands -- even a Swiss bank account.

Pretty ironic for a guy whose campaign slogan is "Believe in America."

Last week, Mitt Romney called on our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record. We're not apologizing. And we're not backing down.

This is his record -- fair and square. When voters see it, they can decide for themselves whether they like what they see. We sure don't.

Sharing Romney's story will help us win. Donate to our campaign and help keep our message on the air today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: [email] Update address | Unsubscribe

Subject: The ad Mitt Romney doesn't want you to see

From: [email protected]

Sent: July 19, 2012, 11:02 p.m.


Mitt Romney has spent the last week asking our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record.

We're not apologizing.

In fact, I wanted to make sure you saw a new TV ad that, perhaps more than anything we've done so far on this campaign, challenges Romney's record in a hard-hitting and powerful way.

Watch it now -- then donate $X or more to help get our message out, funding efforts like this ad and more:


Our ad is based entirely on the record Romney is asking voters to take a look at before making a decision this fall. The fact that Romney isn't comfortable with that record says more about him than this or any other TV ad ever could.

Of course, Romney's not the first politician to try to hide his past.

In this case, that record includes asking his campaign surrogates to openly question the President's love for this country, suggesting he "learn how to be an American" -- all while making a fortune from private deals that moved U.S. jobs overseas. So when he turns around and sings "America the Beautiful" on the campaign trail, he really shouldn't be surprised that we're going to call him out.

If you want to see more hard-hitting ads like this that draw the contrast between these two men, please donate $X or more today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: [email] To update your address, go to: [url] To unsubscribe, go to: [url]


Compare variations

Subject: The ad Mitt Romney doesn't want you to see

From: [email protected]

Sent: July 19, 2012, 11:02 p.m.


Mitt Romney has spent the last week asking our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record.

We're not apologizing.

In fact, I wanted to make sure you saw a new TV ad that, perhaps more than anything we've done so far on this campaign, challenges Romney's record in a hard-hitting and powerful way.

Watch it now -- then donate $X or more to help get our message out, funding efforts like this ad and more:


Our ad is based entirely on the record Romney is asking voters to take a look at before making a decision this fall. The fact that Romney isn't comfortable with that record says more about him than this or any other TV ad ever could.

Of course, Romney's not the first politician to try to hide his past.

In this case, that record includes asking his campaign surrogates to openly question the President's love for this country, suggesting he "learn how to be an American" -- all while making a fortune from private deals that moved U.S. jobs overseas. So when he turns around and sings "America the Beautiful" on the campaign trail, he really shouldn't be surprised that we're going to call him out.

If you want to see more hard-hitting ads like this that draw the contrast between these two men, please donate $X or more today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: [email] To update your address, go to: [url] To unsubscribe, go to: [url]


Mitt Romney has spent the last week asking our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record.

We're not apologizing.

In fact, I wanted to make sure you saw a new TV ad that, perhaps more than anything we've done so far on this campaign, challenges Romney's record in a hard-hitting and powerful way.

Watch it now -- then donate $X or more to help get our message out, funding efforts like this ad and more:


Our ad is based entirely on the record Romney is asking voters to take a look at before making a decision this fall. The fact that Romney isn't comfortable with that record says more about him than this or any other TV ad ever could.

Of course, Romney's not the first politician to try to hide his past.

In this case, that record includes asking his campaign surrogates to openly question the President's love for this country, suggesting he "learn how to be an American" -- all while making a fortune from private deals that moved U.S. jobs overseas. So when he turns around and sings "America the Beautiful" on the campaign trail, he really shouldn't be surprised that we're going to call him out.

If you want to see more hard-hitting ads like this that draw the contrast between these two men, please donate $X or more today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: [email] To update your address, go to: [url] To unsubscribe, go to: [url]


The best ads in politics can take a big issue and, in 30 seconds, tell you everything you need to know.

Last weekend, we released a new ad about Mitt Romney's record on jobs, and as soon as it hit the air, we started to hear how much people liked it. The issue this ad lays out has the potential to change a lot of undecided voters' minds.

So today, I need your help to get in front of as many people as we can.

Watch our new ad, then make a donation of $X or more right now to help get our message out in the states and on the air:

Here's why I think it's working: It takes the central premise of Romney's candidacy -- that his record in the private sector at Bain shows that he knows how to create American jobs -- and turns it completely on its head.

And once people see the ad, they can see a story emerging about Romney's record that just doesn't sit right with them.

It shows the real Mitt Romney: While at Bain, he shipped American jobs overseas to places like China and India. Even more, he took the wealth he made from his tenure and put that overseas, too, in far-reaching places like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands -- even a Swiss bank account.

Pretty ironic for a guy whose campaign slogan is "Believe in America."

Last week, Mitt Romney called on our campaign to apologize for holding a spotlight to his record. We're not apologizing. And we're not backing down.

This is his record -- fair and square. When voters see it, they can decide for themselves whether they like what they see. We sure don't.

Sharing Romney's story will help us win. Donate to our campaign and help keep our message on the air today:




Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: [email] Update address | Unsubscribe