
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

This week, Barack and I need your help


2 email variations



Obama for America

The Republican National Convention is kicking off this week, where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lay out their plan.

They're going to call it bold, and they're going to call it gutsy.

But back where I come from, there's nothing gutsy about giving a millionaire another tax break. And there's nothing bold about gutting Medicare benefits and education for our kids.

Our guy has a backbone like a ramrod. He's willing to make tough calls and take the heat in order to do what's best for folks like you.

This week, we're facing the biggest fundraising deadline this campaign has seen, and one of the last.

_Barack needs your help. Make a donation of $X or more to re-elect the President today. _

Let me tell you a few things you won't hear the Republicans boasting about this week:

Ending the war in Iraq.

Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Reforming the health care system to give hard-working, middle-class families the security they deserve -- so they know if they get sick, they won't get dropped or blocked from getting health insurance.

Rescuing the American auto industry and breathing new life into it, to the tune of a quarter of a million jobs and counting.

Nope, you won't hear the Republicans talking about any of those things this week, because they've fought against that progress every step of the way.

If you're looking for bold and gutsy, you've got it right here, in a man named Barack Obama. But all that will come to an end if we don't take action right now.

Make a donation to this campaign today:

_[url] _


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible



Buckle up, friends. The Republican National Convention is starting.

This is Mitt Romney's moment in the spotlight, and you can bet he's going to take advantage of every second of free airtime to try and sell the American people an old clunker with a fresh coat of paint.

A lot of folks are going to be tuning in to this election for the first time, and we've got to make sure they don't buy it.

So if you can, donate $X or more today to show you're standing with our team.

If you thought we had this election in the bag, this week should be a wake-up call. I don't pay much attention to what the polls say week to week, but we can expect them to move in Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's favor this week.

They're going to get up on stage and spin a yarn about how they're fighting for the middle class. But behind the scenes, they're running a campaign that turns Medicare into a voucher program and devastates investments in education in order to give millionaires and billionaires a big tax break.

The next few days will be a stark reminder of just how much is at stake and how close this election is going to be.

It's on each and every one of us to make sure the Republicans don't have the opportunity to take us back, so pitch in $X or more today:


Thanks, and enjoy the show.


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Subject: This week, Barack and I need your help

From: [email protected]

Sent: Aug. 27, 2012, 8:39 a.m.

Obama for America

The Republican National Convention is kicking off this week, where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lay out their plan.

They're going to call it bold, and they're going to call it gutsy.

But back where I come from, there's nothing gutsy about giving a millionaire another tax break. And there's nothing bold about gutting Medicare benefits and education for our kids.

Our guy has a backbone like a ramrod. He's willing to make tough calls and take the heat in order to do what's best for folks like you.

This week, we're facing the biggest fundraising deadline this campaign has seen, and one of the last.

_Barack needs your help. Make a donation of $X or more to re-elect the President today. _

Let me tell you a few things you won't hear the Republicans boasting about this week:

Ending the war in Iraq.

Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Reforming the health care system to give hard-working, middle-class families the security they deserve -- so they know if they get sick, they won't get dropped or blocked from getting health insurance.

Rescuing the American auto industry and breathing new life into it, to the tune of a quarter of a million jobs and counting.

Nope, you won't hear the Republicans talking about any of those things this week, because they've fought against that progress every step of the way.

If you're looking for bold and gutsy, you've got it right here, in a man named Barack Obama. But all that will come to an end if we don't take action right now.

Make a donation to this campaign today:

_[url] _


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible


Compare variations

Subject: This week, Barack and I need your help

From: [email protected]

Sent: Aug. 27, 2012, 8:39 a.m.

Obama for America

The Republican National Convention is kicking off this week, where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lay out their plan.

They're going to call it bold, and they're going to call it gutsy.

But back where I come from, there's nothing gutsy about giving a millionaire another tax break. And there's nothing bold about gutting Medicare benefits and education for our kids.

Our guy has a backbone like a ramrod. He's willing to make tough calls and take the heat in order to do what's best for folks like you.

This week, we're facing the biggest fundraising deadline this campaign has seen, and one of the last.

_Barack needs your help. Make a donation of $X or more to re-elect the President today. _

Let me tell you a few things you won't hear the Republicans boasting about this week:

Ending the war in Iraq.

Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Reforming the health care system to give hard-working, middle-class families the security they deserve -- so they know if they get sick, they won't get dropped or blocked from getting health insurance.

Rescuing the American auto industry and breathing new life into it, to the tune of a quarter of a million jobs and counting.

Nope, you won't hear the Republicans talking about any of those things this week, because they've fought against that progress every step of the way.

If you're looking for bold and gutsy, you've got it right here, in a man named Barack Obama. But all that will come to an end if we don't take action right now.

Make a donation to this campaign today:

_[url] _


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Obama for America

The Republican National Convention is kicking off this week, where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lay out their plan.

They're going to call it bold, and they're going to call it gutsy.

But back where I come from, there's nothing gutsy about giving a millionaire another tax break. And there's nothing bold about gutting Medicare benefits and education for our kids.

Our guy has a backbone like a ramrod. He's willing to make tough calls and take the heat in order to do what's best for folks like you.

This week, we're facing the biggest fundraising deadline this campaign has seen, and one of the last.

_Barack needs your help. Make a donation of $X or more to re-elect the President today. _

Let me tell you a few things you won't hear the Republicans boasting about this week:

Ending the war in Iraq.

Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Reforming the health care system to give hard-working, middle-class families the security they deserve -- so they know if they get sick, they won't get dropped or blocked from getting health insurance.

Rescuing the American auto industry and breathing new life into it, to the tune of a quarter of a million jobs and counting.

Nope, you won't hear the Republicans talking about any of those things this week, because they've fought against that progress every step of the way.

If you're looking for bold and gutsy, you've got it right here, in a man named Barack Obama. But all that will come to an end if we don't take action right now.

Make a donation to this campaign today:

_[url] _


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Buckle up, friends. The Republican National Convention is starting.

This is Mitt Romney's moment in the spotlight, and you can bet he's going to take advantage of every second of free airtime to try and sell the American people an old clunker with a fresh coat of paint.

A lot of folks are going to be tuning in to this election for the first time, and we've got to make sure they don't buy it.

So if you can, donate $X or more today to show you're standing with our team.

If you thought we had this election in the bag, this week should be a wake-up call. I don't pay much attention to what the polls say week to week, but we can expect them to move in Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's favor this week.

They're going to get up on stage and spin a yarn about how they're fighting for the middle class. But behind the scenes, they're running a campaign that turns Medicare into a voucher program and devastates investments in education in order to give millionaires and billionaires a big tax break.

The next few days will be a stark reminder of just how much is at stake and how close this election is going to be.

It's on each and every one of us to make sure the Republicans don't have the opportunity to take us back, so pitch in $X or more today:


Thanks, and enjoy the show.


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible