
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Tomorrow: Make some calls to Pennsylvania


2 email variations



One of the most effective ways we can ramp up our organizing is by making calls to recruit volunteers and get out the vote.

That's why we're kicking off our New York Call Team -- a special group of volunteers dedicated to making the important calls we need to make from now until November. If you're ready to take the next step in this election, you should be a part of it.

Interested? Join the team today:


As part of the New York Call Team, you'll be making calls to help mobilize supporters in nearby states, talk to voters about the President's record, and get out the vote in the last days of the election.

The best part? You'll be using the call tool -- so you can make calls anytime during the day, without having to leave your home. Once you log in to the call tool, we'll give you a list of contacts and a script that will help you know what to say.

Making these calls is an incredibly important part of our

it's all hands on deck.

So head on over to Dashboard and start making calls today:



Jaime Peters New York Digital Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America



Obama - Biden

Last week we came together online and made calls to voters here in Pennsylvania -- one of our most important battleground states -- and the response was incredible. We completely shattered our goals in only two short hours.

That's amazing. And there are still thousands more Pennsylvanians we can reach out to -- so let's do it again!

Tomorrow, folks in New Jersey will be making calls to folks in Pennsylvania. We'll talk about what's at stake in this election, and the President's plan to move our country forward.

Can you join a short training on Thursday, September 20th -- and then make 10 or more calls to help win Pennsylvania?

Here are the details:

What: Call tool training and call time

When: Thursday, September 20th Training starts at 6:30 p.m.

RSVP now

With the campaign's call tool, connecting with voters has never been easier. Whether this is your first time or you've used the call tool before, a quick training session beforehand will get you all ready to start making those calls. And while you're dialing, you'll know that folks all over your state are doing the same, right then and there.

When we win in November, it will be because of one-on-one connections like the ones you make over the phone. If you can inspire just one person to go to the polls, you'll have made a big difference. And the conversations you have tomorrow could give us the edge in Pennsylvania to bring home a win for Barack Obama.

Can you help? RSVP for the training session, and then get ready to make some calls:


Hope you can join us!


Joshua Cook Pennsylvania Digital Director Obama for America

----- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Subject: Join the New York Call Team

From: [email protected]

Sent: Sept. 20, 2012, 12:19 a.m.

One of the most effective ways we can ramp up our organizing is by making calls to recruit volunteers and get out the vote.

That's why we're kicking off our New York Call Team -- a special group of volunteers dedicated to making the important calls we need to make from now until November. If you're ready to take the next step in this election, you should be a part of it.

Interested? Join the team today:


As part of the New York Call Team, you'll be making calls to help mobilize supporters in nearby states, talk to voters about the President's record, and get out the vote in the last days of the election.

The best part? You'll be using the call tool -- so you can make calls anytime during the day, without having to leave your home. Once you log in to the call tool, we'll give you a list of contacts and a script that will help you know what to say.

Making these calls is an incredibly important part of our

it's all hands on deck.

So head on over to Dashboard and start making calls today:



Jaime Peters New York Digital Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America


Compare variations

Subject: Join the New York Call Team

From: [email protected]

Sent: Sept. 20, 2012, 12:19 a.m.

One of the most effective ways we can ramp up our organizing is by making calls to recruit volunteers and get out the vote.

That's why we're kicking off our New York Call Team -- a special group of volunteers dedicated to making the important calls we need to make from now until November. If you're ready to take the next step in this election, you should be a part of it.

Interested? Join the team today:


As part of the New York Call Team, you'll be making calls to help mobilize supporters in nearby states, talk to voters about the President's record, and get out the vote in the last days of the election.

The best part? You'll be using the call tool -- so you can make calls anytime during the day, without having to leave your home. Once you log in to the call tool, we'll give you a list of contacts and a script that will help you know what to say.

Making these calls is an incredibly important part of our

it's all hands on deck.

So head on over to Dashboard and start making calls today:



Jaime Peters New York Digital Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

One of the most effective ways we can ramp up our organizing is by making calls to recruit volunteers and get out the vote.

That's why we're kicking off our New York Call Team -- a special group of volunteers dedicated to making the important calls we need to make from now until November. If you're ready to take the next step in this election, you should be a part of it.

Interested? Join the team today:


As part of the New York Call Team, you'll be making calls to help mobilize supporters in nearby states, talk to voters about the President's record, and get out the vote in the last days of the election.

The best part? You'll be using the call tool -- so you can make calls anytime during the day, without having to leave your home. Once you log in to the call tool, we'll give you a list of contacts and a script that will help you know what to say.

Making these calls is an incredibly important part of our

it's all hands on deck.

So head on over to Dashboard and start making calls today:



Jaime Peters New York Digital Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Obama - Biden

Last week we came together online and made calls to voters here in Pennsylvania -- one of our most important battleground states -- and the response was incredible. We completely shattered our goals in only two short hours.

That's amazing. And there are still thousands more Pennsylvanians we can reach out to -- so let's do it again!

Tomorrow, folks in New Jersey will be making calls to folks in Pennsylvania. We'll talk about what's at stake in this election, and the President's plan to move our country forward.

Can you join a short training on Thursday, September 20th -- and then make 10 or more calls to help win Pennsylvania?

Here are the details:

What: Call tool training and call time

When: Thursday, September 20th Training starts at 6:30 p.m.

RSVP now

With the campaign's call tool, connecting with voters has never been easier. Whether this is your first time or you've used the call tool before, a quick training session beforehand will get you all ready to start making those calls. And while you're dialing, you'll know that folks all over your state are doing the same, right then and there.

When we win in November, it will be because of one-on-one connections like the ones you make over the phone. If you can inspire just one person to go to the polls, you'll have made a big difference. And the conversations you have tomorrow could give us the edge in Pennsylvania to bring home a win for Barack Obama.

Can you help? RSVP for the training session, and then get ready to make some calls:


Hope you can join us!


Joshua Cook Pennsylvania Digital Director Obama for America

----- Can't make this event but still want to pitch in? Make a donation today.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible