
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

United States of America, Inc.


1 email variation



Obama - Biden --

This week, Mitt Romney was asked, "If you were to start a business today, what would it be?"

Without missing a beat, Romney touted the oil and gas industry.

Makes sense, since if he and Paul Ryan win this election their budget would send $X billion in tax subsidies to the oil and gas industry in the next 10 years alone. In that same budget? Clean energy investments slashed drastically.

It's like they're not even trying to hide whose side they're on, or why. We're not hiding whose side we're on either: yours.

Donate $X or more today to do your part to continue moving our country forward.

The United States of America is not a business.

The fact that Romney is willing to roll back the progress we've made in the clean energy sector and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk, while pandering to his Big Oil donors and advisors is sadly unsurprising. It's exactly how he behaved in the private sector: Do whatever it takes to maximize your profits in the short-term and then get out before you suffer the consequences.

That's not a viable path for our country, and anyone who believes in it is not the kind of person we want in the Oval Office. President Obama has a real plan for America's future -- one that doesn't sacrifice tomorrow for the sake of today.

Donate $X or more now so we can keep building a stronger future:



Stephanie Cutter Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Subject: United States of America, Inc.

From: Stephanie Cutter, <[email protected]>

Sent: Aug. 15, 2012, 1:34 p.m.

Obama - Biden --

This week, Mitt Romney was asked, "If you were to start a business today, what would it be?"

Without missing a beat, Romney touted the oil and gas industry.

Makes sense, since if he and Paul Ryan win this election their budget would send $X billion in tax subsidies to the oil and gas industry in the next 10 years alone. In that same budget? Clean energy investments slashed drastically.

It's like they're not even trying to hide whose side they're on, or why. We're not hiding whose side we're on either: yours.

Donate $X or more today to do your part to continue moving our country forward.

The United States of America is not a business.

The fact that Romney is willing to roll back the progress we've made in the clean energy sector and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk, while pandering to his Big Oil donors and advisors is sadly unsurprising. It's exactly how he behaved in the private sector: Do whatever it takes to maximize your profits in the short-term and then get out before you suffer the consequences.

That's not a viable path for our country, and anyone who believes in it is not the kind of person we want in the Oval Office. President Obama has a real plan for America's future -- one that doesn't sacrifice tomorrow for the sake of today.

Donate $X or more now so we can keep building a stronger future:



Stephanie Cutter Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.