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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

"A campaign of hate"? I see the opposite


1 email variation



Obama - Biden Cherrine

While his campaign pours tens of millions of dollars into negative TV ads that independent fact-checkers continue to prove false, Mitt Romney's in Ohio complaining about ... negativity!

Last night, he railed against the campaign that you and I have built from the ground up, calling it a "campaign of division and anger and hate."

I'm working with volunteers and organizers on the ground and on the phone every day in the campaign, and I'm seeing and hearing the opposite.

While Mitt Romney diagnoses the President with everything from anger, to desperation, to being "intellectually exhausted," we're building the best damn grassroots program this country has ever seen. And we're having a great time doing it.

Can you lend a hand? Chip in $X or more today to help build our grassroots movement.

It's not division that brings young high school students together with the 70-year-old grandmothers on their local neighborhood team in Virginia.

It's not hatred that inspires volunteers to celebrate a field office opening in North Carolina with homemade cookies.

The diverse groups of supporters who come together in neighborhoods across the country are doing it for one reason: Because they believe in working together and leaving our country better than we found it.

I bet you have a reason for getting involved, too. If you can, please chip in to keep this campaign going in the critical last months:


Romney's ads are 90 percent negative, and many are debunked almost as soon as they're aired. While we can't underestimate the effect that tens of millions of dollars pouring into key states can have, the way we win is never going to change: We're focusing on the grassroots, every day.

Thanks for standing for what's really important,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Subject: Why Romney's complaining (now)

From: Jeremy Bird, <[email protected]>

Sent: Aug. 15, 2012, 4:32 p.m.

Obama - Biden Cherrine

While his campaign pours tens of millions of dollars into negative TV ads that independent fact-checkers continue to prove false, Mitt Romney's in Ohio complaining about ... negativity!

Last night, he railed against the campaign that you and I have built from the ground up, calling it a "campaign of division and anger and hate."

I'm working with volunteers and organizers on the ground and on the phone every day in the campaign, and I'm seeing and hearing the opposite.

While Mitt Romney diagnoses the President with everything from anger, to desperation, to being "intellectually exhausted," we're building the best damn grassroots program this country has ever seen. And we're having a great time doing it.

Can you lend a hand? Chip in $X or more today to help build our grassroots movement.

It's not division that brings young high school students together with the 70-year-old grandmothers on their local neighborhood team in Virginia.

It's not hatred that inspires volunteers to celebrate a field office opening in North Carolina with homemade cookies.

The diverse groups of supporters who come together in neighborhoods across the country are doing it for one reason: Because they believe in working together and leaving our country better than we found it.

I bet you have a reason for getting involved, too. If you can, please chip in to keep this campaign going in the critical last months:


Romney's ads are 90 percent negative, and many are debunked almost as soon as they're aired. While we can't underestimate the effect that tens of millions of dollars pouring into key states can have, the way we win is never going to change: We're focusing on the grassroots, every day.

Thanks for standing for what's really important,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.